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Main article: Tetracyclic Towers

Amberl Tower (琥珀の塔) is one of the four mysterious towers in Liberl referred to as the Tetracyclic Towers (四輪(よんりん)(とう)), situated in Bose.

Trails in the Sky FC[]


Estelle, Joshua and Scherazard can meet Professor Alba again (after bailing him out of trouble) inside the tower, after which he quickly makes his way back on his own to avoid paying for escort services.

Later, during their stakeout at Valleria Lakeshore, the bracers witness a meeting between the sky bandits and men in black. The bracers follow the bandits to Amberl Tower, which they have used as landing pad, and sneak into the Bobcat as stowaways to infiltrate their hideout.

Olivert Reise Arnor - SD (Ao)
Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails in the Sky FC may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

At the bottom of the Sealed Area, Alan Richard uses the black orbment to seemingly release the Aureole. However, the result was the activation of the Device Towers and Reverie being released onto the party.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!










Enemy Outside 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F Roof
Amber Turtle
Green Insectos W/ Violet Pom
Violet Pom
Robber Trapper Chest 5/6

Treasure Chests[]

Floor Key Contents Chest Quote
2F 1 Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm It's empty, but you notice something carved on the bottom.
It says, 'The secret password is...ChairmanMeow.'[note 1]
4F 2 Food To Go (Sora Item) Fried Eyes & Eggs Limit: One per adventurer. -Dev Team
3 Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm Don't touch it! It's EMPTY!
4 Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm It's...empty... Curses!
5F 5 Armour (Sora Item) Chain Mail Monsters: Robber Trapper ×3
The chest is empty because someone came and took
the stuff out. You wouldn't know who did that now,
would you?
6 Accessory (Sora Item) Emerald Talisman Monsters: Robber Trapper
The chest is empty... How depressing...
  1. "Chairman Meow" is the name of the Senior Editor's cat.


Trails in the Sky SC[]


Since the Queen's Anniversary, reports of phenomena atop the four towers started detailing strange lights. Kevin Graham had been investigating the towers by the time he meets Estelle in Bose, and he shares his findings with her and her group, in particular his theory about Ouroboros' actions in Liberl and their relation with the towers and the Aureole.










Enemy Outside 1F 2F 3F 4F 5F Roof
Amber Turtle
Green Insectos W/ Violet Pom
Shining Pom W/ Violet Pom W/ Amber Turtle ×6 W/ Amber Turtle ×6
Violet Pom W/ Green Insectos Chest 16 Chest 24
Octobone Story
Robber Trapper Chest 16 Chest 24
Dimension Bug - 1/2 Chapter 8 (One only)
Weatherseed W/ Dimension Bug

Treasure Chests[]

Floor Key Contents Chest Quote
Out 1 Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm You took a gamble on something being in this
chest, and I'm afraid you lost.
2 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge II Wow! Look at all this air!
1F 3 Earth (Sora Quartz) Poison The truth is, there's only one treasure chest in
this entire world. It just follows you around, filling
itself with new goods for you to plunder.
4 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge Did you hear about the girl who paid for
everything with black sepith crystals? She said it
was only costing her time!
2F 5 Water (Sora Sepith)Earth (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith) Water, Earth, Fire and Wind sepith ×50 This chest is empty.
...No, seriously. It's really empty.
3F 6 Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm I'm alive...and I'm hungry... Feeeeed meee...
7 Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm Inside is a single piece of paper. It's a teaser for
a brand new game called 'Trails in the Chest.'
It looks boring. You put the paper down and leave.
8 Potion (Sora Item) Topaz Talisman You obtain...NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
9 Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Do you remember the last time you opened
this chest? The chest remembers...
10 Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet You don't understand how hard it is to come up
with five hundred unique treasure chest phrases
that are brimming with sarcasm.
11 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge You open the chest and wait for an item to
levitate from the chest and into your hands.
Nothing happens.
12 Food Attack (Sora Item) Surprise Cookie Why did you have to come back? You could've
just walked away with the goods, but now the
treasure chest has you right where it wants you!
13 Water (Sora Quartz) HP 4 You find a skeleton wearing a nametag
reading 'M.T. Chester.' Sorry, that was a lie.
You don't find anything.
14 Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm You sit down in the empty chest. You feel safe
here. Conscious that you're being stared at, you
crawl out, sheepishly.
4F 15 Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm How many years does it take for a story of heroes
to become a legend of heroes, anyway?
16 Orbal Gun (Sora Weapon) Phantom II Monsters: Robber Trapper ×3, Amber Turtle ×2, Violet Pom ×2
It's empty, obviously. Probably should have
thought this one through...
17 Food To Go (Sora Item) Refresh Jelly Sure, that chest LOOKS nice enough, but you
wouldn't want to get on its bad side. Especially
with your hand inside of it.
18 Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm Inside the chest is a tear in the fabric of reality.
DON'T poke at it.
19 Accessory (Sora Item) Gladiator Headband Remember the stuff you took from here last time?
Yeah, the chest was TRYING to afford chest college.
Guess it has to start over again...
20 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge You open the empty chest open again and again,
cackling manically to yourself. You KNOW it
contains some secret. It just has to!
21 Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm As you open this already-empty chest,
its hinges pinch you in revenge.
5F 22 Accessory (Sora Item) Proxy Puppet Let's take all the typos we accidentally left in
this game at launch and shove them all in here.
Pretend they never happened.
23 Boots (Sora Item) Star Rabbits You sneakily crack the lid of the chest and take
a peek inside. Sadly, no treasure chest fairies
flying around in there. No items, either.
24 Boots (Sora Item) Ebony Shoes Monsters: Robber Trapper ×3, Amber Turtle ×2, Violet Pom ×2
You kick the chest open, but all you get for your
talented footwork is a stubbed toe. Ow.
25 Accessory (Sora Item) Long Barrel II This chest may not have anything in the way of
riches or possessions, but it's filled to the brim
with hope for the future and love for the world.


Olivert Reise Arnor - SD (Ao)
Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails in the Sky SC may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

Altered Space


After Estelle escapes the Glorious with Joshua's help, Georg Weissmann and Ouroboros' Enforcers head to the four towers to use the Gospel on them, while their ground forces cause chaos across Liberl. Thanks to the Arseille, Estelle is able to travel quickly between the towers to stop the Enforcers. Amberl Tower is the last one to be visited.

As with the others, the top of the tower was surrounded by a Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon aura making an aerial approach impossible. They entered the tower from the ground and were transported to an alternate dimension, where they would find more encoded data terminals detailing the Aureole's seal and the towers' function. At the top of Amberl Tower awaited Renne, who Estelle had wanted to meet since the events at Grancel.

After a first fight, Estelle tried to convince Renne to leave Ouroboros, angering her and causing her to call Pater-Mater for another fight. However, before Pater-Mater unleashed its full output, the device suddenly activated and the aura dissipated. Renne revealed that this was part of Weissmann's plans before leaving, and with all towers deactivated the Aureole was able to return to the present dimension.


Map 1

Map 2

Map 3

Map 4

Map 5


Enemy Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4 Map 5 Roof
Broken Piece A W/ Gundoll A
D-A Series Doom
Guard Minion A W/ Gundoll A
Gundoll A Chest 24
M-A Series Doom
Photon Judge A Chest 24
S-A Series Doom
Shining Pom W/ Gundoll A W/ Guard Minion A ×6 W/ Guard Minion A ×6 W/ Guard Minion A ×6 W/ Guard Minion A ×6
Renne (Enforcer XV) - 1 Story
Vogel 911 EX Story
Pater-Mater - 1 Story

Treasure Chests

Map Key Contents Chest Quote
1 1 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III No matter where you go or what events you
witness, you can rest easy knowing that this
chest will always be here for you.
2 Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm When you think about it, aren't we all a little
empty inside?
2 3 Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm You open the chest, eyes wild with avarice.
Your face falls as you realize you've already
taken everything.
4 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge II Well, I see you're not above asking for seconds.
5 Earth (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) Earth sepith ×300, Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×100 Now that you've taken my contents,
this means we're dating, right?
6 Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule This empty chest is a monument to your
reckless greed.
7 Armour (Sora Item) Taiji Garb You ever wonder if the items in these chests
were meant for someone specific? And you have
the nerve to take them anyway. How rude.
8 Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet Someone's robbed this chest blind. Not to
worry. You're on the case.
9 Accessory (Sora Item) Mirage Ring As you look into the woodgrain of the empty
chest, you wonder how many chests could be
made out of a single tree.
10 Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm This chest is empty...or is that just what it wants
you to think?
11 Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm The chest is empty, but you briefly consider
taking it along with you and selling it to
12 Boots (Sora Item) Blue Falcons Wow! Look at all this air!
3 13 Accessory (Sora Item) Skull Pendant Any chance you could put that back where
you found it?
14 Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm Mind doing me a favor and not opening me up
15 Mirage (Sora Quartz) Cloak No matter where you go in this life, there's
always someone looking to take you for all you've
got. It happened to me, and it WILL happen to you.
16 Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm You open the chest so quickly that it catches
fire, scorching its contents to ashes. Maybe
this'll teach you to contain your excitement!
17 Earth (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) Earth sepith ×300, Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×100 Think you can just take my stuff and run off?
You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
18 Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm Even though there wasn't anything in the chest,
opening it showed you in confetti! Yay!
4 19 Orbal Cannon (Sora Weapon) Tempest Cannon As you close the lid on yet another empty
treasure chest, you wonder if the locks are only
20 Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm It's empty now, but don't worry. Whoever put
that item in here probably wanted you to have
it anyway.
21 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge II I wish I could Schera little love with you.
22 Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm You flip the chest upside down and open it, hoping
to open a secret subsection yet to be looted.
You find nothing, and now your arms are tired.
23 Accessory (Sora Item) Topaz Talisman This chest is empty. With its lid wide open,
it almost looks like it's screaming at you.
24 Accessory (Sora Item) Lebensborn Monsters: Gundoll A ×2, Photon Judge A ×2
Hoping against hope the chest will be full of
goodies again, you slowly raise the lid. Nope.
5 25 Wind (Sora Quartz) Emerald Gem The chest is empty. And if it could eat you, it
26 Earth (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) Earth sepith ×300, Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×100 Looking for more treasure? Just what kind of
budget do you think this game had?
27 Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm You've looted this chest already.
It's almost feels heavier now.
28 Bo Staff (Sora Weapon) Arhat's Staff Despite your repeated searches, this chest
does not contain any invisible items. In fact,
it doesn't contain anything, visible or otherwise.
29 Potion (Sora Item) Insulating Tape You've already looted this chest. You briefly
pause to wonder if that's legal.
30 Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm TO BE CONTINUED.

Data Crystals

Number Location Title
#12 Map 5 About the Device Towers 1/4
#13 Map 5 About the Device Towers 2/4
#14 Map 5 About the Device Towers 3/4
#15 Map 5 About the Device Towers 4/4


There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!

