“One: Never accept less than 1,000 mira an hour.
Two: Complicated matters only.
Three: Only eat sweets once per day.
Four: Sleep whenever you can.
Five: A hot morning shower and a dip in the sauna are blessings to oneself.”
— The Five Laws of a Spriggan
The Arkride Solutions Office (アークライド解決事務所) is a private jack-of-all trades spriggan office in Edith City dedicated to combat, search-and-find, or investigation requests, referred to as 4SPGs (4spg). Sometimes, it accepts odd jobs based on the owner's preferences such as sweets. The requests accepted by the office are finalized by the owner.
“Complicated matters only.”
— Slogan

Arkride Solutions Office, 2F
It is located at this address: Edith City 8th Borough 5-21-3-201. Based on the Trails through Daybreak Prologue, its hidden password online for the office location information is "4SPG/for SPRIGGAN" in the orbal net search engine.
Second floor of the Montmart Bistro in Edith, Calvard, one can see a metal sign on the door labeling the Office. Throughout the storyline of Trails through Daybreak and Daybreak II, the Arkride Solutions Office gradually increases its spriggan rank (M.T.S.O. Branch) per chapter from E to AAA and adds new members.
Layout Description[]
Main Office[]
From the entrance, the main door has a metal office sign, a left side potted plant, right side coat hanger and the office floor is made of bluish tiles. The main office has two internal doors, one bedroom next to the small kitchen at the left of the entrance. The bedroom's two windows overlook the entrance of Montmart Bistro and has a closet door, a two-person bed, a wide azure carpet, a tall potted plant and a dresser. The other internal door is a closet across from Arkride's office desk. There are, excluding the map, four paintings hanged on the walls: three on the wall across from the entrance and one on the wall at the right of the entrance. The office desk is perpendicular to both internal doors, positioned at the intersection.
Near the office desk are a back bookcase, a general map of Calvard on the left and a tall potted plant on the right. From across the entrance, these is a tall cabinet, a potted plant is placed on several lined waist-level bookcases, and file cabinet. The kitchen-dining area is separated by a movable-foldable wooden screen and several file cabinets. The main office has only two windows between the office desk and closet. For clients, the main office has a central rectangular coffee table setup with parallel sofas on top of a square carpet. Notably, the sofas each are placed parallel to the kitchen and the office windows.
The kitchen contains standard kitchen utensils' storage furniture-cabinets and a green bulletin board for pinning important reminders. It has an old gas stove set with sink and a cheap wooden round table with two chairs. A red chest-level mini-fridge and several dry ingredient shelves are placed, next to the screen and behind the round table, parallel to the incline wall-ceiling formed by the building's main staircase outside the office.
Members' Rooms[]
Excluding Van Arkride's room and Agnès Claudel who lives elsewhere in Edith City, all other members' rooms are located on floors higher than the office. The highest bedroom, near the roof top, belongs to Bergard Zeman. The floor in-between has Risette Twinings' room is sandwiched by Judith Lanster's and Quatre Salision's. Across from Quatre's is Ferida Al-Fayed's and across from Judith's is Aaron Wei's.
The office's building has a shared single bathroom for all occupants to use. The main bathing method is a shower. Such was animated on S.1209.07.08, night.
A garage used for parking his pickup or other intermediate vehicles is located close to the office from an alley beside Montmart.
The Arkride Solutions Office was founded in S.1207 by Van Arkride while began working as a Spriggan around between S.1203 and S.1205 several years after he left high school and then learned from Gunther Barkhorn a half year of Kunlun martial arts.
When customers directly meet him at his office, they must provided the codeword "4SPG" to certify their acknowledgement of his work as a Spriggan.
Van usually sits down at his sofa parallel to the windows to talk with his clients.
Around March S.1206, during Walter Kron's commission during the Great War, the Enforcer's violence ("weaponized" object) caused Van to lose his first Ingert Night Breaker Pickup Truck. As compensation, Walter personally paid for a new, but same, truck. Van still holds a grudge till the present.
On S.1208.08.27 after 10:05 A.M., Agnès Claudel visited the Arkride Solutions Office at the suggestion of her senior Renne Bright the night before to help her search for the blue Oct-Geneses sold on an auction.
On S.1208.10.05, the Arkride group in Tharbad. Risette Twinings joined as a part-time assistant and liaison.
On S.1208.12.24 when Agnès finished her second semester and began her Winter Break, the part-timers separated to return to their stations for the holidays. Arkride Solutions Office was temperately disbanded. Van personally drove Agnès back to her home and had a guest chat with her father Roy Gramheart. Van was tackled down by the family dog Alphonse. Van spent the winter alone, visited by his adult friends and close neighbors.
On S.1209.02.20 after 9:45 A.M., Elaine Auclair visited the Arkride Solutions Office to acquire aid from Van to investigate the murderous Grendel Zolga that appeared around 2:24 A.M. in the morning.
On S.1209.02.27,
Until S.1209.02.28,
On S.1209.03.05 around 14:20, the Arkride Solutions Office members Feri and Aaron conducted a performance. Van and the members were brought to solve a problem for Heiyue.
As of S.1209.03.22,
On S.1209.04.12,
On a day between the twelfth and fifteenth, Shizuna stole Van's Andalucía cake before the Arkride group's Renne-sponsored tea party happened and was later reprimanded the same evening.
On S.1209.04.15, Roy announced the Star Taker Plan on live television that alarmed the Arkride group while Swin's group had already left the office.
In S.1209.06, Shizuna made another guest appearance, Swin's group visited for a tea party at the office, and Bergard returned to the office. Three days after Bergard arrived in Edith, the Arkride group was invited by Marduk Company Ored HQ to participate in a certain real test and Latoya contacted Agnès on her Xipha.

Main Arkride Solutions Office members (S.1209.07)
On S.1209.07.08, Van in a new outfit with Feri and Bergard as Team X went to Marduk Company Ored L'avance HQ to test <Z.O.C.> in their real-time holographic combat room alongside Team Y: Kevin Graham, Rean Schwarzer and Altina Orion. Van treated Bergard as their "cheat code". Kevin met Van during the Great War S.1206 through Dingo's introduction. After the test, the teams attended a free luxurious buffet. Afterwards, the Arkride group returned to Edith by 23:40. During the trip, Van had the chance to switch and ride Bergard's motorcycle after the group passed by the former site of Creil. Quatre, Aaron and Judith greeted their return and all attended a late dinner (pottage) at Montmart Bistro. After dinner, the returnees each took a shower in the order of girls, Bergard, and finally Van. Agnès was not available due to school term tests today.

Group Breakfast (~Farewell, O Zemuria~)
On S.1209.07.09 around 8:05, Judith initiated a small episode of attire coordination growth amongst the assistants, ending with Agnès and Van. The announced Space Plan became the main conversation subject.
At 19:30, the Arkride group with Judith's family, Nina and Samuel Rocksmith's pair had dinner at Montmart (hamburg set, soup, salad, bread slices and gratin each). The present people also learned about Agnès' birthday arriving in three days. Post-dinner, Agnès met Dominique in private. At 20:00, Van went to pick up Jorda Eldarion then went out to Edith to complete her request. As a result of his adventure, Van reawakened Mare after four months of absence and regained his Grendel form.
On S.1209.07.10 around 8:45, Van recounted his incident last night with Jorda to the Arkride group. Shizuna arrived at the office and her presence made Van regret his lost Andalucía cake months ago.
Van was reminded by the ill-in-bed Jorda if he thought of Agnès' birthday present yet. Therefore, he called her to seek her request and picking her up from her dorm around 21:15.
On S.1209.07.11 after 7:40, Van and the entire Arkride group with Renne drove to Anchorville. There in the evening, Renne, Agnès and Dominque were escorted back to Edith by René on Roy's order premise of further away from danger.
On S.1209.07.12 by 10:00, the Remanent Melchior revealed partial truths to the rest of the Arkride group about the past decade Sept-Terrions, Latoya Hamilton, the replica Oct-Geneses and Agnès' true position just to piss off Van alone. After 10:15, the Star Taker Plan (Lævateinn Plan formed in S.1206) was initiated as humanity reached the stars. Those who knew the Lævateinn Plan realized long ago the Sept-Terrion of Time, Laegjarn's Box, imprisoning their world. Van and the Arkride group including Elaine and Jorda left Anchorville and returned to Edith at 11:13. Before departing to find Agnès and save Renne, they ate lunch at Montmart (round omurice with glaze set). The group reached the Presidential Building by 11:59.
Around 12:46, Agnès went to Trion Tower at Dominique's escort while the space craft launched at 13:00. Van fought the René Kincaid-transformed Grendel Shadai, winning within five minutes. By 14:00 at three minutes before Laegjarn's Box's Grand Reset occurred, Agnès initiated her hidden power and started the Trion Tower's Oct-Geneses hacking to override its termination step. Other part-time assistants and Van tried to convince through live video links to dissuade her next action, but Van deduced her previous night failed love confession had signs of her determination. She permanently transformed into a new existence and then used her own Grand Reset access to reboot it to protect the Zemuria dimension, saving the Arkride group at the cost of her existence removed from her acquaintances' memories.

Group Dinner (Trails through Daybreak S.1208)
Part-Time Assistants (Trails through Daybreak)[]
- Agnès Claudel (Prologue)
- Feri Al-Fayed (Chapter 1)
- Aaron Wei (Chapter 2)
- Risette Twinings (Chapter 3)
- Quatre Salision (Chapter 4)
- Judith Lanster (Intermission)
- Bergard Zeman (Chapter 5)
Part-Time Assistants (Trails through Daybreak II)[]
- Nadia Rayne (temporary)
- Swin Abel (temporary)
- Shizuna Rem Misurugi (temporary)

S.1209.07 Elaine and 4spg
- Bracer Guild (Elaine Auclair, Zin Vathek, Fie Claussell)
- Central Intelligence Department (René Kincaid)
- Orbal Network (Renne Bright)
- News Agencies' Network (Dingo Brad, Marielle Aymé)
- Ouroboros
- Holo Core (Pet Mare, when Agnès holding an Oct-Geneses is near Van until S.1209.07)
- Montmart Bistro (Mascot Yumé, shop girl)
- Ingert Night Breaker Pickup Truck, Standard type (first car destroyed in S.1206)
- Red Star Monster Machine Orbal Bike, Blue type (S.1209 under Swin Abel)
- The Arkride Solutions Office became famous in the year S.1208.
- Most of the members' meals are usually bought at the Montmart Bistro under the office if the members are hungry and near the location at the time.
- The oldest is Bergard and the youngest is Ferida 'Feri' of the main group.
- Van trusts Aaron the most to take care of his pickup truck amongst the part-timers.
- As of S.1209, Shizuna and Elaine are frequent free assistants.
- Secretary Agnès Claudel failed to confess her love directly to Owner Van Arkride on S.1209.07.10 night under the starry sky.