Ash Carbide (アッシュ・カーバイド ) is a student at the Thors Branch Campus.
Ash is a tall young man with dirty blonde hair and crimson eyes. He wears the blue blazer of the Thors Branch campus uniform, but over a red shirt and white vest, along with the black trousers. he also wears a mint green belt, silver chain and green shoes.
During his travels, Ash wears a dark brown shirt over a black vest, torn white skinny jeans, brown capped boots and a thick medium-length brown coat with a fur lined hood.
Ash uses an interchangeable polearm/scythe hybrid (called a switchaxe) as his weapon. It has a a long black pole with an orbal red head that can shift from an axe head to a scythe, and contains a hidden chain function.
Ash has a roguish rebellious attitude, speaking without respect to almost everyone and doing whatever pleases him, ignoring any sense of authority or repercussions. His attitude and skills are regarded as 'wildly unpredictable'.
Yet despite this rough outward appearance, Ash has a softer side which is reliable for his friends, and studious, being both academically bright and fond of reading. He runs from his past, refusing to acknowledge the trauma he suffered, but comes to be someone everyone else can rely upon and see as a figure of leadership. Ash is notably not a fan of anything regarding the occult.
He hides a deep hatred towards the Erebonian Empire, which manifests when the Erebonian Curse erases his mental inhibition.
- Main article: Hamel Tragedy
Ash, was born as Johan (ヨハン) in S.1189, in Hamel, Erebonia, to Jan and Emilia.[4] Johan was the youngest of the four children that lived in Hamel, the others being Leonhardt, Karin and Joshua Astray. He was too young to play with them. Joshua did look forward to him growing up, so they would be able to play together, considering him to be a little brother, albeit a crybaby. Johan was particularly fond his mother's bread pudding.[5]
Johan lost both his parents at the age of 3 when jaeger drop-outs raided Hamel on 23 April S.1192. During their escape, Karin and Joshua found the corpses of Jan and Emilia and assumed Johan had also been killed.[5] Johan was somehow able to escape, running away barefooted and crying along the mountain path. When he reached the South Sutherland Highway, he ran into Migel. Migel had come to Parm to meet with a peddler and went out on the highway for a smoke. Hearing the gunshots, he immediately went back into town and decided to take Johan with him back to Raquel. Migel did not know what to do with the boy who had been unable to mutter a word.[6]
After a few days passed, soldiers started to snoop around and Migel decided he had to get rid of Johan for both Erebonia's and Johan's sake. He gave him some mira and took him to Ellen, an attractive hostess of the place he frequently visited in an attempt to arouse her pity. Without asking questions, she took Johan in.[6] Since the tragedy, he suffered from an ache in his left eye and constantly hears a voice telling him to "kill the vile one", symptoms later ascribed to the curse of the Great One.
On her deathbed, his Ellen told him that she was happy to have met him and thankful to Migel for introducing them. At this point, Johan had already settled on a new name, Ash Carbide, to leave his past behind him.
Ash grew up as a delinquent youth. During the Erebonian Civil War, he formed a youth group known as Fafnir to fight off brigands that attacked Raquel, almost killing them but ultimately driving them off. Even the Bracer Guild and Imperial Army of Erebonia caught wind of his brave efforts. He rejected all their invitations, however, and decided to enroll at Thors Branch Campus following the advice of someone who is familiar with his past. The person who did so was Lechter Arundel, who informed him that signing up for branch academy would be a shortcut to learn about his own past. Ash followed his advice so he could verify everything first-hand.
Trails of Cold Steel III[]
Ash initially ends up in Class VIII under instructor Randolph Orlando. He signs up for the Literature Club. After the field study in Crossbell, Ash (along with Musse Egret) are transferred to Class VII per Principal Aurelia Le Guin's decision. He fights with a so-called varia axe. The blade of the axe can be extended, making Ash a tricky fighter for his opponents.
On July 18, S.1206, Ash, together with others who participated in the search-and-destroy mission of Hercules a day prior, attend a celebration in the Valflame Palace organised by the imperial family. Guided by the curse, Ash sneaks off and assaults a butler, using his costume as a disguise. Wielding a Republic-made gun he had stolen from a unconscious Hercules member the day before, he infiltrates the imperial parlour. Holding Emperor Eugent Reise Arnor III and Chancellor Giliath Osborne at gunpoint, he wailingly asks who to kill for his curse to subside. Eugent, realizing that Ash is under the curse's influence, claims responsibility for the Hamel Tragedy, causing Ash to shoot him, fulfilling the prophecy foretold in the seventh Black Record. By the time the others arrive, Osborne had restrained him and the Special Guard arrived to take him into custody.
The following day, Chancellor Osborne declares that he interprets the attack of a 'Calvard spy' as a declaration of war from the Republic, announcing a state-wise mobilization. Ash was captured, but amidst the confusion caused by the Great Twilight, he was rescued by Aurelia and the Weissland Army, still unconsciousness in the Panzer Soldats' hands.
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]
Ash eventually regained consciousness and fled on his Hector unit, ridden with guilt for shooting the Emperor and starting a war. His fellow classmate Tatiana was concerned for his well-being and attempted to search for him. Ash contemplated between returning to Raquel or Hamel; he chose the latter. Unexpectedly, Juna, Kurt and Altina were able to find him there following a tip from Margarita Dresden and an encounter with Tatiana, who found his Hector unit.
Ash was surprised to see his classmates and Randy alongside them, but told them to leave him behind. His classmates refuted his argument, with Kurt's words bringing him back to his senses as he realized that the true culprit had to pay for what they did to him. Soon after, Gilbert and several jaegers arrived for a 'talk', which Ash viewed with suspicion. After they were defeated, Zephyr arrived to recruit him, but he refused their request.
Ash also has the chance to confront Migel about his role in his past and come to terms with his past in Hamel when solving a Spiritual World incursion.
Following the conclusion of the Great Twilight, Ash attended the Imperial wedding of Olivert Reise Arnor and Scherazard Harvey.
Trails into Reverie[]
Ash is present at several events take that place before the main story, including the Branch Campus Academy Festival, the tasting of food for the Imperial wedding, and the Erebonia Martial Arts Tournament. During the academy festival, Ash is once again scouted by Toval to join the Bracer Guild, but he refuses. Ash is roped into completing a series of tasks around the campus, within which each of the characters he meets comments on his growth and reliability as a person. Through the manipulations of Musse, he ends up being elected the Student Council president. Despite protests and threats to drop out, Aurelia refuses to let him drop out on her watch, but states he can pick the remaining members. Ash makes sure to place Musse as the vice-chair, and also recruits Tatiana.
Ash accompanies Rean with the rest of new Class VII to Ymir where Claire had invited them. There they are tested by Matteus Vander and Claire to see if they are strong enough for the important mission of finding the missing Prince. Ash is imprisoned in an electrical barrier, as his unpredictability would otherwise give the team an advantage. They successfully prove themselves after Altina works with Juna to get past Claire and free Ash.
Ash is next seen helping Rean out in Heimdallr, searching for rogue military elements after the hint from the new 'C'. They locate several clues and pursue a group down into the catacombs. They then pursue and unmask 'C' in the Himmel Cemetery.
Ash is present for the final battle against Elysium at Retributive Tower.
Character Notes[]
Trails of Cold Steel III[]
Ash Carbide | |||
Class VII: Special Operations (Literature Club) | |||
Despite looking and acting like a delinquent, he's sharp and skilled in combat. His flippant attitude seems to hide a dark side. | |||
Avid Reader Helped Tatiana form the Literature Club. Despite the way he acts, it seems like he's actually taking it seriously. | |||
Caring Mother Ash grew up with his adopted mother before her passing. Acquaintances sometimes drop by to clean their house. | |||
Influenced The time he's spent with Rean and Class VII has changed him. He doesn't seem to mind, however. | |||
Orphan of Hamel Though he definitely has a dark past, all his friends believe there's no way he'd willingly do something like assassinate the emperor. |
アッシュ・カーバイド | |||
Ⅶ組特務科【文芸部】 | |||
確かな戦闘のセンスを持っているが猛々しい言動が目立つ不良青年。一見陽気そうだが、どこか影がある。 | |||
文芸部発足 部員が足りず困っていたタチアナに声をかけて、文芸部発足を手伝った。意外なことに真面目に活動する予定らしい。 | |||
母との想い出 今は亡き育ての母と住んでいたアッシュの実家は、時折知り合いが掃除しに来ているおかげで綺麗なままだった。 | |||
影響 元々悪事や困りごとを見過ごせない性格だが、Ⅶ組で過ごす内にリィン達から影響を受けていることに、本人も満更ではなさそうだ。 | |||
ハーメルの遺児 以前からどこか闇を抱えていたものの自分の意志で皇帝暗殺という凶行に走る訳が無いと仲間たちはアッシュを信じている。 |
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]
Ash Carbide | |||
Class VII: Special Operations | |||
A young man who tried to assassinate the emperor while under the influence of the curse. Survivor of the Hamel tragedy. | |||
Score to Settle Kurt and the others managed to get through to a despairing Ash and convince him to return. He's now ready for revenge. | |||
Survivors Ash learned the truth of Hamel from Joshua. Recovering his lost memory seemed to mean a lot to Ash. | |||
Johan & Miguel Miguel was the one who brought Ash to Raquel. Ash shared his feelings about his life, freeing Miguel from the curse. |
アッシュ・カーバイド | |||
Ⅶ組特務科【文芸部】 | |||
帝国の呪いに蝕まれ皇帝暗殺未遂を犯してしまった青年で、《ハーメルの悲劇》の3人目の遺児でもある。 | |||
落とし前 全てを諦めていたが、クルト達の説得によりⅦ組として《黄昏》と向き合う事を決心。自身の落とし前を付けるべく立ち上がった。 | |||
14年前の真実 知る事の無かった《ハーメルの悲劇》の真実や、ヨシュアの想いを知ったアッシュ。口には出さずとも得るものがあったようだ。 | |||
ヨハンとミゲル アッシュを拾いラクウェルに連れて来た人物が情報屋ミゲルだったと判明。自身と義理の母の想いを伝え、彼の呪いを解いた。 |
Trails into Reverie[]
Ash Carbide | |||
Class VII: Special Operations (Literature Club) | |||
A fierce delinquent whose shadow looms over him. His contentious nature leaves much to be desired, but he's a bright youth who cares deeply for others. | |||
Counterstrike Ash's natural skill and stamina help him in the fight against Major Rieveldt, allowing him to gain the foothold needed to counterattack in full. | |||
New & Old Dorothee is hopeful that Ash will submit a collection of delicate poems for the joint publication between Literature Club members from over the years. | |||
Soldat Drills Ash and Kurt face Rean after much practice in their Panzer Soldats. They are defeated, but they manage to force Rean to take dramatic action. | |||
Altough Ash planned to drop out of Thors, his plans are delayed somewhat by Class VII volunteering him for the open house executive committee. | |||
Student Council Having decided not to leave the academy after all, Ash surprisingly accepts his position as the branch campus' first Student Council president. |
アッシュ・カーバイド | |||
Ⅶ組特務科【文芸部】 | |||
どこか影のある猛々しい不良青年。粗野な振る舞いが目立つが頭の回転が早く、その実、仲間想いな一面も持ち合わせる。 | |||
反撃 クレア少佐に追い詰めあれたものの、持ち前の気力と体力で逆境を打破。反撃の足がかりを作ってみせた。 | |||
新旧文芸部 文芸部の先輩に当たるドロテから、共同の文芸誌に参加するよう再び打診された。アッシュが書く繊細な詩編が好まれたようだ。 | |||
Ep:機甲兵教練 機甲兵教練の総仕上げに、アッシュはクルトと共にリィンに挑んだ。惜しくも敗れたが、リィンが無茶な動きをする状況まで追い込んだ。 | |||
第Ⅱ分校を自主退学する心づもりだったが、自身が不在の間にⅦ組の総意で修学祭実行委員へ就任したことを知る。 | |||
Ep:生徒会長 第Ⅱ分校初の生徒会が発足。仲間たちと卒業まで共に過ごす覚悟を決めたアッシュは、生徒会長の役目を引き受けた。 |
Name | Description | Location | |
Fury Ax ヒューリーアックス |
STR+355/RNG+2 A switchaxe colored the crimson of pure anger. |
Default weapon of Ash | |
Haze Crusher ヘイズクラッシャー |
STR+410/RNG+2 A switchaxe that disperses mist with a single swing. |
Chapter 3: Weapons and Armor Shops | |
Skull Slayer スカルスレイヤー |
STR+455/RNG+2/Critical rate+5% A heavy switchaxe that shatters bone. |
Chapter 3: Weapon Upgrades (Upgraded Haze Crusher? | |
Volcano ヴォルケーノ |
STR+510/RNG+2 A switchaxe with hidden power as strong as a volcano. |
Chapter 4: Weapons and Armor Shops | |
Red Scorpion レッドスコルピオン |
STR+555/RNG+2/Critical rate+5% A sharp, sturdy switchaxe that never lets its prey escape. |
Chapter 4: Weapon Upgrades (Upgraded Volcano) | |
Inferno 獄斧インフェルノ |
STR+670/RNG+2/Critical rate+10% A switchaxe made of Black Zemurian Ore. Makes its foes suffer. |
Black Zemurian Ore weapon |
Name | Description | Location | |
Red Scorpion レッドスコルピオン |
STR+650/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A sharp, sturdy switchaxe that never lets its prey escape. |
Default weapon of Ash | |
Bullfighter ブルファイター |
STR+705/RNG+2 A switchaxe specialized for launching ferocious attacks, with little regard for the wielder's life. |
Purchase (8/10) | |
Dark Bison ダークバイソン |
STR+750/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A heavy-class switchaxe adorned with a crimson-black raging bull. |
Upgraded Bullfighter | |
Riot Edge ライアットエッジ |
STR+805/RNG+2 A switchaxe featuring a number of protruding sharp extensions. |
Purchase (8/15) | |
Double Crime ダブルクライム |
STR+850/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A switchaxe that utilizes its two incredibly sharp blades, leaving its opponents with fatal wounds. |
Upgraded Riot Edge | |
Blood Axe ブラッドアックス |
STR+905/RNG+2 A sharp, curved switchaxe in a crimson shade. |
Purchase (8/17) | |
Grudge Scythe グラッジサイズ |
STR+950/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A sharp, curved switchaxe in a polished jet-black color. |
Upgraded Blood Axe | |
Twinkle Glaive シャイングレイブ |
STR+1005/RNG+2 A switchaxe with a large shining blade. |
Purchase (8/20) | |
Arc Slasher アークスラッシャー |
STR+1050/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A radiant switchaxe tempered by a pure flame. |
Upgraded Twinkle Glaive | |
Gladiator グラディエーター |
STR+1105/RNG+2 This switchaxe is a jaeger favorite for surviving rough battle situations. |
Purchase (8/24) | |
Spartacus スパルタクス |
STR+1150/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A heavy switchaxe that only the most elite of jaegers can wield. |
Upgraded Gladiator | |
Dread Shout ドレッドシャウト |
STR+1205/RNG+2 A switchaxe that is difficult to handle, but allows the wielder to use their strength to the fullest. |
Purchase (8/27) | |
Titus Roar タイタスロア |
STR+1250/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A switchaxe that gifts its wielder with superhuman strength to crush opponents' bones with ease. |
Upgraded Dread Shout | |
Belobog ベロボーグ |
STR+1305/RNG+2 A solemn switchaxe with a white glow, inspired by a benevolent god that guides spirits. |
Purchase (8/29) | |
Chernobog チェルノボーグ |
STR+1350/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A grave switchaxe with a black glow, inspired by a death god that hunts down human lives. |
Upgraded Belobog | |
Azazel Edge アザゼルエッジ |
STR+1405/RNG+2 A switchaxe with a colored blade that thirsts for blood, as if on the hunt for prey. |
Purchase (9/1) | |
Dainsleif ダインスレイヴ |
&STR+1450/RNG+2/Critical rate+2% A switchaxe that plunges its victims into the lonely abyss of death with a single slash. |
Upgraded Azazel Edge | |
Fire Axe Agravain 炎斧アグラヴェイン |
STR+1505/RNG+2/Critical rate+4% A switchaxe made of Black Zemurian Ore. Contains the destructive power of the flames of hell. |
Black Zemurian Ore weapon |
Name | Description | Location | |
Dread Shout ドレッドシャウト |
STR+955/RNG+2 A robust switchaxe that is cumbersome to control but brings out the best in its wielder's strength. |
Dread Shout +1 ドレッドシャウト+1 |
STR+1055/RNG+2 A robust switchaxe that is cumbersome to control but brings out the best in its wielder's strength. |
Chernobog チェルノボーグ |
STR+1155/RNG+2 A grave switchaxe with an eerie black glow. Inspired by a death god who hunts human lives. |
Chernobog +1 チェルノボーグ+1 |
STR+1255/RNG+2 A grave switchaxe with an eerie black glow. Inspired by a death god who hunts human lives. |
Chernobog +2 チェルノボーグ+2 |
STR+1355/RNG+2 A grave switchaxe with an eerie black glow. Inspired by a death god who hunts human lives. |
Chernobog +3 チェルノボーグ+3 |
STR+1455/RNG+2 A grave switchaxe with an eerie black glow. Inspired by a death god who hunts human lives. |
Malicious Agravain 黒斧アグラヴェイン |
STR+1605/RNG+2/Critical Rate 2% A gothic switchaxe forged from Black Zemurian Ore. Its terrifying decor does not make it any less precise in battle. |
Black Zemurian Ore Weapon | |
Malicious Agravain +1 黒斧アグラヴェイン+1 |
STR+2005/RNG+2/Critical Rate 2% A gothic switchaxe forged from Black Zemurian Ore. Its terrifying decor does not make it any less precise in battle. |
Black Zemurian Ore Weapon | |
Havamal's Wisdom 轟斧ハヴァマール |
STR+2505/RNG+2/Critical Rate 2% A golden switchaxe that grows ever sharper based on its wielder's hunger for victory. |
Black Zemurian Ore Weapon |
Name | Acquire | Cost | Delay | Power | Break | Unbal. | Targets/Effect | |
Rumbling Smash ランブルスマッシュ |
Initial | 30 CP | 20 AT | 140% (B+) |
200% (B) |
Yes | Set circle within move range (5 radius) Moves user to set point | |
Physical - Area M (Set) - Impede (100%) - Faint (30%) Unleashes a powerful strike like a rampaging beast. |
Interrupts casting of skills Faint (30% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Reaper's Whirlwind デッドリーサイズ |
Initial | 80 CP | 30 AT | 150% (A) |
150% (C) |
+10% | Set circle within move range (7 radius) Moves user to set point | |
Physical - Area L (Set) - K.O. (50%) - Nightmare (50%) Switches to scythe mode to bring death to the battlefield. |
Deathblow (50% chance) Nightmare (50% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Unbound Rage アシッドレイジ |
Level 34 | 10 CP | 25 AT | — | — | — | User | |
Support - Self - CP+50 - STR↑ (L) (2 turns) Releases fury buried deep within. |
STR+45% (2t) CP Regen (50 CP/t, 2t) | |||||||
Void Breaker ヴォイドブレイカー |
Level 40 | 60 CP | 30 AT | 180% (S+) |
500% (SS) |
+30% | Single target (8 range) | |
Physical - One - DEF↓ (L) (3 turns) Wraps enemies in a bladed chain, crushing their armor. |
DEF-75% (3t) | |||||||
Belial Raid ベリアルレイド |
6/17 | 100+ CP | 40 AT | 225% (SS+) |
100% (D) |
No | Set circle (10 radius) | |
Physical - Area LL (Set) - K.O. (30%) Confuse (30%) Binds foes with a chain and makes the field run red. |
Deathblow (30% chance) Confuse (30% chance, 2t) |
Panzer Soldat[]
Name | Acquire | Cost | Delay | Power | Break | Unbal. | Targets/Effect | |
Rumbling Smash ランブルスマッシュ |
Initial | 30 CP | 30 AT | 110% (C) |
200% (B) |
+70% | Single target | |
Physical - One - Impede (100%) - Unblockable Unleashes a powerful strike like a rampaging beast. |
Ignores enemy guard and dodge Interrupts casting of skills | |||||||
Shock Breaker ムーランルージュ |
Initial | 60 CP | 40 AT | 160% (A+) |
250% (B+) |
+10% | Single target | |
Physical - One - DEF/ADF↓ (M) (1 turn) - Delay+10 - Unblockable Wraps enemies in a bladed chain, crushing their armor. |
Magic damage Ignores enemy guard and dodge AT Delay (10 AT) DEF/ADF-50% (1t) | |||||||
Void Breaker ショックブレイカー |
Level 40 | 60 CP | 40 AT | 170% (S) |
250% (B+) |
+10% | Single target | |
Physical - One - DEF/ADF↓ (M) (1 turn) - Delay+10 - Unblockable Wraps enemies in a bladed chain, crushing their armor. |
Magic damage Ignores enemy guard and dodge AT Delay (10 AT) DEF/ADF-50% (1t) | |||||||
Belial Ripper ベリアルリッパー |
Initial | 2 BP | 40 AT | 200% (SS) |
300% (A) |
No | Single target | |
Finisher - DEF↓ (M) (2 turns) | DEF-50% (2t) | |||||||
Riot Combo ライオットコンボ |
Initial | 5 BP | 40 AT | 500% (2p) 600% (3p) |
300% (A) |
No | All targets | |
Unite Finisher | — |
Name | Acquire | Cost | Delay | Power | Break | Unbal. | Targets/Effect | |
Rumbling Smash ランブルスマッシュ |
Initial | 30 CP | 20 AT | 130% (C+) |
200% (B) |
Yes | Set circle within move range (5 radius) Moves user to set point | |
Physical - Area M (Set) - Impede (100%) Faint (30%) Unleashes a powerful strike like a rampaging beast. |
Interrupts casting of skills Faint (20% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Reaper's Whirlwind デッドリーサイズ |
Initial | 80 CP | 30 AT | 150% (B+) |
100% (D) |
+15% | Set circle within move range (7 radius) Moves user to set point | |
Physical - Area L (Set) - K.O. (30%) Nightmare (30%) Switches to scythe mode to bring death to the battlefield. |
Deathblow (30% chance) Nightmare (30% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Unbound Rage アシッドレイジ |
Initial | 10 CP | 20 AT | — | — | — | User | |
Support - Self - CP+50 & STR↑ (L) (2 turns) Releases a fury buried deep within. |
STR+45% (2t) CP Regen (50 CP/t, 2t) | |||||||
Void Breaker ヴォイドブレイカー |
Initial | 60 CP | 30 AT | 185% (S) |
400% (SS) |
+25% | Single target (8 range) | |
Physical - One - DEF↓ (L) (4 turns) Wraps enemies in a bladed chain, crushing their armor. |
DEF-75% (4t) | |||||||
Dead Man's Dart ディスペアースロー |
Level 74 | 40 CP | 30 AT | 150% (B+) |
100% (D) |
Yes | Set line (5 width) | |
Magical - Line M+ (Set) - Balance Down (20% chance) (2 turns) Throws a cursed dart that drags its target into the abyss. |
Magic damage Balance Down (20% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Rumbling Smash 2 ランブルスマッシュⅡ |
Level 88 | 30 CP | 20 AT | 140% (B) |
200% (B) |
Yes | Set circle within move range (5 radius) Moves user to set point | |
Physical - Area M (Set) - Impede (100%) Faint (40%) Unleashes a vicious strike like a beast bounding at its prey. |
Interrupts casting of skills Faint (40% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Reaper's Whirlwind 2 デッドリーサイズⅡ |
Level 102 | 80 CP | 30 AT | 160% (A) |
100% (D) |
+20% | Set circle within move range (7 radius) Moves user to set point | |
Physical - Area L (Set) - K.O. (60%) Nightmare (60%) Whips up a bladed whirlwind that leaves death in its wake. |
Deathblow (60% chance) Nightmare (60% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Void Breaker 2 ヴォイドブレイカーⅡ |
Level 116 | 60 CP | 30 AT | 200% (S+) |
400% (SS) |
+30% | Single target (8 range) | |
Physical - One - DEF↓ (L) (4 turns) Binds the enemy with chains, crushing even the toughest foes. |
DEF-75% (4t) | |||||||
Summon Hector ヘクトル召喚 |
Initial | 350 EP | 3/25 AT | 260% (SSS) |
100% (D) |
No | All targets | |
Physical - All Summons a Hector Mk. II. Can only be used once per battle. |
— | |||||||
Summon Hector 2 ヘクトル召喚Ⅱ |
Level 124 | 350 EP | 3/25 AT | 320% (4S+) |
100% (D) |
No | All targets | |
Physical - All Summons a Hector Mk. II. Can only be used once per battle. |
— | |||||||
Belial Raid ベリアルレイド |
Initial | 100+ CP | 40 AT | 240% (SS+) |
100% (D) |
No | Set circle (10 radius) | |
Physical - Area LL (Set) - K.O. (30%) Confuse (30%) Binds foes with a chain and makes the field run red. |
Deathblow (30% chance) Confuse (30% chance, 2t) | |||||||
Sinner's Revelry ギルティカーニバル |
Level 132 | 100+ CP | 40 AT | 320% (4S+) |
100% (D) |
No | Single target | |
Physical - One - All stats↓ (S) (4 turns) Launches foes skyward, then sends them straight to Gehenna. |
STR/ATS/SPD-15% (4t) DEF/ADF-25% (4t) MOV-50% (4t) |
Panzer Soldat[]
Name | Acquire | Cost | Delay | Power | Break | Unbal. | Targets/Effect | |
Rumbling Smash ランブルスマッシュ |
Initial | 30 CP | 30 AT | 110% (C) |
225% (A) |
+10% | Single target | |
Physical - One - Delay+6 Unleashes a powerful strike like a rampaging beast. |
Ignores enemy guard and dodge AT Delay (6 AT) | |||||||
Void Breaker ショックブレイカー |
Level 40 | 60 CP | 40 AT | 160% (A+) |
100% (D) |
+10% | Single target | |
Physical - One - Impede (100%) - DEF/ADF↓ (M) (1 turn) Wraps enemies in a bladed chain, crushing their armor. |
Magic damage Ignores enemy guard and dodge Interrupts casting of skills DEF/ADF-50% (1t) | |||||||
Rumbling Smash 2 ランブルスマッシュⅡ |
Level 88 | 30 CP | 30 AT | 110% (C) |
250% (A+) |
+10% | Single target | |
Physical - One - Delay+6 Unleashes a vicious strike like a beast bounding at its prey. |
Ignores enemy guard and dodge AT Delay (6 AT) | |||||||
Void Breaker 2 ショックブレイカーⅡ |
Level 116 | 60 CP | 40 AT | 170% (S) |
100% (D) |
+10% | Single target | |
Physical - One - Impede (100%) - DEF/ADF↓ (M) (1 turn) Binds the enemy with chains, crushing even the toughest foe. |
Magic damage Ignores enemy guard and dodge Interrupts casting of skills DEF/ADF-50% (1t) | |||||||
Belial Ripper ベリアルリッパー |
Initial | 2 BP | 40 AT | 200% | 200% | No | Single target | |
Finisher - DEF↓ (M) (2 turns) | DEF-50% (2t) | |||||||
Riot Combo ライオットコンボ |
Initial | 5 BP | 40 AT | 500% (2p) 600% (3p) |
125% | No | All targets | |
Unite Finisher | — |
Name | Power | Break | Unbalance | Cost | Acquire | |
Rumbling Smash 2 ランブルスマッシュII |
B | B | D | 30 CP | Initial | |
Physical - Area M (Set) - Impede (100%) - Faint (40%) Unleashes a vicious strike like a beast bounding at its prey. | ||||||
Rumbling Smash 3 ランブルスマッシュIII |
B | B+ | D | 30 CP | Level 103 | |
Physical - Area M (Set) - Impede (100%) Faint (60%) Unleashes a furious attack like a beast bounding upon prey that steals enemies' consciousness. | ||||||
Reaper's Whirlwind 2 デッドリーサイズII |
A | D | B | 80 CP | Initial | |
Physical - Area L (Set) - Nightmare/K.O. (60%) Whips up a bladed whirlwind that leaves death in its wake. | ||||||
Reaper's Whirlwind 3 デッドリーサイズIII |
A+ | D | B | 80 CP | Level 201 | |
Physical - Area L (Set) - Nightmare/K.O. (80%) Transforms one's axe into a scythe, whipping up a bladed whirlwind that mows down enemies. | ||||||
Unbound Rage アシッドレイジ |
— | — | — | 10 CP | Initial | |
Support - Self - STR ↑ (L) for 2 turns - CP+50 Releases fury buried deep within. | ||||||
Void Breaker EX ヴォイドブレイカー改 |
S+ | SS | SS | 60 CP | Level 106 | |
Physical - One - DEF ↓ (L) for 4 turns Binds enemies and crushes armor with bladed chains. | ||||||
Dead Man's Dart ディスペアースロー |
B+ | D | D | 40 CP | Initial | |
Magical - Line M+ (Set) - Balance down (50%) for 1 turn Throws a cursed dart that drags its target into the abyss. | ||||||
Dead Man's Dart 2 ディスペアースローII |
A | D | D | 40 CP | Trial Door | |
Magical - Line M+ (Set) - Balance down (100%) for 1 turn Throws a merciless dart that pierces its target, inflicting pain and throwing them off balance. | ||||||
Belial Raid ベリアルレイド |
SS+ | D | No | 100+ CP | Initial | |
Physical - Area LL (Set) - Confuse/K.O. (30%) Binds foes with a chain and makes the field run red. | ||||||
Belial Raid 2 ベリアルレイドII |
4S+ | C | No | 100+ CP | Level 108 | |
Physical - Area LL (Set) - Confuse/K.O. (60%) Binds foes with a chain and slices them coldly and cruelly. | ||||||
Sinner's Revelry ギルティカーニバル |
4S+ | D | No | 100+ CP | Initial | |
Physical - One - All stats ↓ (S) for 4 turns Launches foes skyward, then sends them straight to Gehenna. | ||||||
Sinner's Revelry 2 ギルティカーニバルII |
5S+ | C | No | 100+ CP | Level 136 | |
Physical - One - All stats ↓ (M) for 4 turns Robs enemies of their freedom and cruelly obliterates them by smashing them into the ground. |
Brave Order[]
Trails of Cold Steel III[]
Name | BP | Effect |
Crazy Hunt クレイジーハント |
3 | Critical rate +50% (6 turns) STR/SPD ↑ (S) (2 turns) |
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]
Name | BP | Effect | Acquire |
Crazy Hunt クレイジーハント |
3 | Critical Rate +40% (4 turns) STR/SPD ↑ (S) (2 turns) |
Initial |
Crazy Hunt EX クレイジーハント改 |
3 | Critical Rate +40% (6 turns) STR/SPD ↑ (S) (2 turns) |
Trial chest[note 1] |
Infernal Hunt ヴォルカニックハント |
3 | Critical Rate +60% (6 turns) STR/SPD ↑ (S) (2 turns) |
Trial chest[note 2] |
Trails of Cold Steel III[]
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]
Trails of Cold Steel III[]
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]
Trails into Reverie[]
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel: Northern War[]
- Ash's bonding trophy in Trails of Cold Steel III is titled "Ash & Chevalier".
- ↑ Austin Lee Matthews Twitter (accessed: May 9, 2019) at @amtraxVA
- ↑ Austin Lee Matthews Twitter (accessed: October 22, 2019) at @amtraxVA
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Trails of Cold Steel III, Dengeki Character File Notebook.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Trails of Cold Steel IV, Finale: "Scattered Petals, Dying Flames", 09/01.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Trails of Cold Steel IV, Act 2: "Guiding Starlight", 08/26.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Trails of Cold Steel IV, Act 3: "Seekers of the Dawn", 08/29.