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Chapter 6: Katarina

Ten years ago, Glenn worked with Rufus at a hospital in the Principality of Remiferia. The two of them, blessed with talent, were promising names among the young doctors.

One day, the two visited a small theater, where they saw a traditional Remiferian dance known as a ballet. The dancer on stage was incredibly talented, and both men were awestruck, instantly falling for her.

Her name was Katarina Ford. The two doctors came back many times to watch her perform and, as if by fate, somehow became acquainted with this girl whose smile shone like the sun. The two men even got to know her child sister, who took a liking to them as well.

It wasn't long before Glenn and Katarina fell in love. They were such a perfect match that even Rufus, his friend and rival in love, wholeheartedly supported the couple.

However, their happy days together would be all too short. One day, Katarina came down with an incurable disease and was hospitalized at Glenn and Rufus' workplace.

The disease in question was none other than crystallization. Her legs, the life of a ballerina, were immobilized--converted to beautiful esmelas crystal up to her ankles.

'Ha... It's pretty, right?' she said, smiling and holding the gemstone that once was her foot up to the light. It was Katarina's way of staying strong and positive, typical of her bright personality.

Glenn and Rufus, the doctors charged with her care, found it increasingly difficult to have such an outlook, however. To save her life, they both knew there was no other way than to amputate the crystallized feet. It had to be done soon.

But despite everything, they couldn't bring themselves to take such a drastic measure, for Katarina's heart still burned with passion for dancing. A passion that would be cruelly snuffed out were she to undergo an amputation.

The doctors searched desperately for an alternative--any possible method to save both her life and her legs. They scoured the records of all known cases of crystallization. They examined and re-examined her to try and find the real cause. Any possible lead or hypothesis was followed up on as quickly as possible. One day, their frantic work finally paid off. Glenn had made a discovery.

Patients with crystallization all had a common symptom: a small tumor in the heart. Initial studies suggested that this growth secreted a specific type of toxin that was then dispersed through the bloodstream and deposited in the extremities of the body. When it accumulated in great enough quantities, it would convert the patients' hands and feet into the familiar green crystals. If the tumor could be surgically removed, the root cause would be no more, and the condition would slowly reverse over time.

Though the medical world was excited over these findings, the two doctors in charge of Katarina did not rejoice. The removal of a tumor inside the heart was an extremely dangerous operation. Even in a country as renowned for top-tier medical practices as Remifieria was, it would be an intensely difficult surgery. If they failed, it would mean her death. But time was not on their side. The crystallization was advancing. They had to make a decision.

'...The only option is to remove the crystallized parts. Choosing between life and ballet is foolish,' Rufus asserted. Not wanting to go through with such a risky procedure, Glenn agreed with his conclusion. Even if his love would lose her ability to dance, as long as she had her life, she could find a new passion.

However, Katarina disagreed.

'Ballet is everything to me. Losing my legs is no different than losing my life. If there is even a small chance that you can do it, I want to bet on your success,' she begged her beloved Glenn.

As the operation neared, Glenn grew more conflicted by the day. She was betting on his success, but with her life as the chips. The closer the surgery drew, the more he began to worry.

In the end, her wishes got through to him and he decided to do as she asked. Rufus was fiercely opposed, but upon seeing the look in Glenn's eyes, he understood his friend's resolve. Seeing that Glenn would do anything to save her, he realized there was nothing he could say or do that would stop him.

The day arrived. Glenn was to be the surgeon. Katarina's sister looked on with concern as Katarina was transported to the operating room.

'I believe in you, Glenn,' whispered Katarina. Grasping Glenn's rugged hand, she fell into a deep sleep under the anesthesia.

'She never woke up.'

Glenn's story was finished by Rufus as he stepped out to join Glenn and Sherry on the rooftop.

'Afterward, Glenn abandoned the hospital. He ran away from Katarina's death, and became a good-for-nothing back alley doctor.'

Upon hearing Rufus' words, Sherry glanced over at Glenn.

'What do you want, Rufus?' Glenn didn't look up at his old friend. He simply continued staring down at the city below.

Rufus took a moment to choose his words carefully before finally replying.

'The date for Hugo's operation has been decided. It's one week from today.'

第6回 カタリナ

10年前、グレンはルーファスと共に レミフェリア公国内のある病院に勤めていた。 手術の才に恵まれた2人は、 若手医師の中でも期待の星だった。

ある日2人は、接待で連れていかれた小劇場で、 公国に伝わる伝統舞踊『バレエ』を見て、 舞台の上の一人の踊り手に心を奪われた。

彼女の名前はカタリナ・フォードと言った。 2人は柄にもなく劇場に通いつめ、 縁あって交友関係を持つようになると、 明るくも気高い彼女に徐々に惹かれていった。 彼女の歳の離れた妹もよくなついてくれた。

やがてグレンとカタリナは恋人同士となり、 友であり好敵手だったルーファスも、 それを心から祝福した。

しかし幸福な日々は長くは続かなかった。 ある日、カタリナは難病にかかり、 グレンとルーファスが務める病院に入院する。 病名は……《結晶病》。 バレリーナの命ともいえる彼女の足は、 くるぶしまで翠耀石(エスメラス)のような結晶と化していた。 「あは……綺麗なものね……」 それは明るい性格の彼女らしい強がりだった。

担当医に選ばれたグレンとルーファスは苦悩した。 カタリナの命を助けるためには 結晶化した部分を早急に切除するしかない。

しかしバレエに情熱を燃やすカタリナの足に メスを入れることなどできなかった。 2人は死に物狂いで新しい術式を探した。 カタリナの命と足、両方を救う奇跡の方法を。 過去の症例を漁り彼女の体を何度も検査する。 そんな日が続く中、グレンはある事実を発見する。

《結晶病》にかかった患者の心臓には、 共通して小さな“腫瘍(しゅよう)”が確認されたのだ。 この腫瘍が毒素を血液に混入させ、 それが体内に蓄積していくことで結晶化が進行する。

手術で腫瘍を取り除くことができれば、 徐々に症状は回復に向かうだろう。 新しい術式の発見に一時周囲は沸いたが、 2人は手放しで喜べないでいた。 心臓にできた腫瘍の切除は、危険すぎる。 それは医療先進国であるこの国でも難しい手術だ。 失敗すれば、それは“死”に直結してしまう。 だが、これ以上手術を遅らせることはできない。 カタリナの結晶化は今なお進行し続けているのだ。 ──決断の時が迫っていた。

「……結晶化した患部を切除するしかない。命とバレエを天秤にかけるなんて馬鹿げてる。」 導き出したルーファスの結論に、グレンも同意した。 恋人がバレエを失ったとしても、 生きていればきっと新しい夢が見つかるはずだ。 しかし、カタリナの答えは違った。

「バレエは私の命なの。足を失うことは、命を失うことなのよ。」 少しでも可能性があるのならそれに賭けてほしい。 カタリナは恋人グレンにそう頼んだのだった。

手術の日が刻一刻と迫る中、グレンは葛藤した。 この選択が彼女の生死を分けるかもしれない。 考え、悩み、苦しみぬいた。 そして……結局は彼女の意思を汲む形になった。 ルーファスは激しく反対したが、 「必ずカタリナを助ける」というグレンの眼を見て、 もはや止められないことを悟った。

数日後、執刀医グレンによる手術の日が来た。 付き添いの妹が心配そうに見守る中、 カタリナが手術室に運ばれていく。

「……信じてる、グレン。」 カタリナはグレンのごつごつした手を握ると、 そのまま麻酔による深い眠りについた。 「──そして彼女は二度と目覚めなかった。」

グレンの話を引き継いだのは、 屋上に上がってきたルーファスだった。



「……何の用だ?」 グレンは街並みを眺めたまま振り返らない。 ルーファスは瞑目し次の言葉を紡いだ。

