Chapter 7: The Clash
Upon hearing the news from Rufus, Sherry immediately objected.
'W-Wait! Dr. Rufus! It's too soon!'
'Unfortunately, the symptoms of crystallization will not wait. We need to operate as soon as we can,' Rufus responded.
Glenn, his back turned to them, did not show any reaction. He simply continued to gaze down at the city as he silently listened.
'We discussed this with Hugo, and he consented to it. As a nurse, you aren't in a position to object,' he continued.
His cold statement temporarily got the better of Sherry. Without any way to dispute Rufus' words, she bit her lip in pained dismay.
The worst part was, she knew he was right. Hugo's 14-year-old body was much smaller than an average adult's, so the time left until the crystallization reached his heart was also shorter. It was a natural, logical decision for a doctor to proceed with the surgery as soon as possible.
Even so, Sherry protested. 'Doctor... Do you think nothing of Hugo losing his hands?!'
'What I am concerned with,' Rufus replied without hesitation, 'is whether he loses his life. Preserving that is my top priority. He won't be able to pursue any dream if he dies.' In his words, Sherry could feel the pain he felt at losing Katarina. Knowing this, she couldn't hide her sorrow.
Rufus looked past Sherry to the large-framed doctor who was still looking out over the city. 'I will save the child,' he declared to Glenn.
'Good. Saves me the trouble of declining,' Glenn said as he turned and began to leave, his eyes avoiding Rufus' as he passed. 'Do your best, Dr. Rufus.' He nonchalantly waved goodbye, his back turned to the others as he exited the rooftop.
'...Pathetic,' muttered Rufus. With that over, he urged Sherry to return to work, telling her that he would let the fact she had secretly called in an unregistered doctor slide this time.
Her shoulders sagged. As she listened, her eyes were fixed on the ground. She was lost in her thoughts and swirling emotions.
'Don't involve him. It will only make this more difficult for you,' Rufus concluded.
Sherry raised her head at those words, and looked into Rufus' eyes.
'I'm sorry, Dr. Rufus. There's one thing I forgot to tell Dr. Glenn.'
'What?' Rufus asked, confused.
Sherry did not answer the question, however. She simply began hurrying after Glenn.
Rufus was left alone on the roof. The wind began to pick up, causing his white coat to flutter. He rubbed his temples and let out a long, deep sigh.
第7回 衝突
手術の期日を告げたルーファスに、 シェリーは慌てて反論する。 「ま、待ってください、ルーファス先生!いくらなんでも急すぎます!」
「《結晶病》の症状は待ってはくれない。手術するなら早いほうがいい。」 屋上からの景色を眺めたままのグレンは それに何の反応も示さない。 ただ黙って聞いているだけだ。 「さっきヒューゴ君と相談して決めたことだ。看護師の君にとやかく言う権利はない。」 ルーファスに冷淡とも言える口調で制されて、 シェリーは口をつぐむ。
彼の言う事は正しかった。 大人に比べて、14歳のヒューゴの体は小さい。 《結晶病》が心臓に達して 命を奪うまでの時間もその分短い。 早急に手術を進めるのは医者として当然の判断だ。 ──それでもシェリーには納得がいかなかった。
「先生は……ヒューゴ君が手を失うことについて なんとも思わないんですか!?」
ルーファスは即答してみせる。 これはカタリナを失った事で形成された、 医師として譲れない信念だった。 シェリーはその言葉に落胆の色を隠せない。
「……私は必ず、あの子を助ける。」 ルーファスはシェリーの肩の向こうに見える、 背を向けたままの巨躯の医師に言い放った。
グレンはそれだけ言って後ろ向きに手を振ると、 結局一度も視線を交わさないままその場を後にした。
「……情けない男だ。」 ルーファスはそう呟くと、 シェリーに仕事に戻るよう促した。 病院に内緒で闇医者を呼んだ事に関しては 今回だけは見逃すという。
彼女は肩を落とし、俯いたまま聞いていた。 それは何かを考えているようにも見えた。
シェリーはその言葉に途端に顔を上げると、 大きく首を振ってそれを否定した。 そして、ルーファスの眼を見つめて言う。 「ルーファス先生、ごめんなさい。私、グレン先生に言い損ねたことがあるんです。」
「……何?」 シェリーはルーファスの問いに答えることもせず、 急いでその場を去っていった。
屋上に1人残されたルーファス。 吹き抜ける風が彼の白衣をなびかせると、 彼は額に手を添えて大きなため息をついた。
Continue Reading Back Alley Doctor Glenn
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