Chapter 9: Sherry
'You're...Katarina's sister?!' The shock of it all sent Glenn reeling for a moment.
Sherry remained composed, however. She looked straight at him and nodded. Looking into her eyes, it was clear to Glenn she was telling the truth.
Sheryl--he remembered the name. She was Katarina's younger sister. He had seen her many times during Katarina's hospital stay. Sheryl had been with her older sister on the fated day, right up until she was taken into the operating room.
Looking closer at Sherry, the resemblance was obvious. She had a familiar kind of dignity and elegance in her eyes, and the same grace in her movements Katarina once had. Glenn felt ashamed at failing to recognize her. Was he so disconnected from those he once cared for? He stood there a moment, lost in his thoughts.
Sherry broke the silence. 'Your cure for crystallization cost my sister her life... But why did she request such a risky surgery in the first place? Have you ever thought about the reason, Dr. Glenn?'
'It was so she could keep her legs and continue being a ballerina,' Glenn responded reflexively.
Sherry shook her head. 'It wasn't just that. The day after you discovered the idea, she told me she wanted to try it. I was against it. I'd heard it was very risky. I told her I wanted her to give up ballet in order to guarantee she would live. But, she didn't hesitate in her reply.' Sherry closed her eyes and put a hand to her chest as she recounted her late sister's words.
'I want to do it. Not just for my own sake, or so that I can continue ballet. This is a terrible illness. When I was told the only way I could survive would involve losing my legs, I was in despair. But when Glenn told me he'd discovered a new surgical technique to cure it, I felt a warm light shining inside my heart. I think this is what hope is.'
'If this method succeeds, it could bring that same hope to other patients with crystallization. I know this operation is still imperfect and comes with a high risk, but that's exactly why I want to be the first to try it. Whether it succeeds or fails, I'm sure that Glenn will learn something and be able to perfect it further.'
'Before long, nobody will have to fear crystallization. Because one way or another, my beloved Glenn will succeed.'
Hearing Katarina's words, Glenn couldn't shake the feeling that she was talking directly to him through her sister.
Sherry continued, 'I mourn the death of my sister, too. And yet, I can't help but recall how you and Dr. Rufus did everything you could to save her. The respect I had for the two of you led me to pursue nursing. So, please, Doctor. Don't regret your choice.'
Her message delivered, she bowed. After a long moment of silence, she raised her head and quietly left the clinic.
Glenn, still speechless, slowly and shakily lowered himself down into his chair. For what seemed like hours, he stared at the spot where Sherry had stood. The irritation he had felt before had vanished, leaving a sudden clarity he hadn't felt in a long time.
He now finally knew what Katarina had been thinking back then. He had heard her words from ten years ago, and her sister had left him with parting words of her own.
'Don't regret your choice.'
All he had to do now was decide how to respond.
The next morning, Glenn began carefully picking up the papers scattered across his floor. The regret and anger that filled his eyes the day before had been replaced by the fires of determination.
第9回 シェリー
驚愕するグレンにシェリーはコクリとうなずく。 その眼は真っ直ぐにグレンを捉え、 とても嘘を言っているようには見えない。
カタリナと歳の離れた妹、シェリル。 何度か会ったこともある。 カタリナの入院時にはよく見舞いに来ていたし、 手術室の直前まで付き添っていたのを思い出す。 改めて目の前にいるシェリーを見なおすと、 確かに面影がある気がした。 凛とした表情がよく似ている。 そんな事に気づかないほど、 人との関わりを雑にしてきた自分を恥じる。 ──すると、シェリーが話し始めた。
「姉さんが命を落とした、《結晶病》を治す新しい術式……」 「死の危険性すらある手術を、なぜ姉さんが受けるつもりになったか。グレン先生は考えたことがありますか?」 「……再びバレリーナとして舞台に立つためだ。」 当然のようにグレンは答えたが、 それをシェリーは首を振って否定する。 「それだけじゃないんです。」 「先生が新しい術式を見つけた日の夜、姉さんはそれを『試したい』と言いました。」 「私は反対していました。とても危険な手術と聞いていたから……バレエなんか諦めてほしいと言いました。」 「だけど、姉さんは迷いのない顔でこう言うんです。」 シェリーは眼を瞑り、胸に手を当てる。 亡き姉が昔、病床で語ったことを思い出していた。
『──私が手術を受けたいと思うのは、バレエのためだけじゃないの。』 『……この《結晶病》という病気は、とても恐ろしい病気よ。』 『私も強がっていたけど、助かるために足を失うしかないと言われて、絶望したわ。』 『だけどグレンが新しい術式を見つけてくれて、心の中に暖かい光が差すのを感じたの。多分、これが希望っていうものなのね。』 『この術式が広まれば、他の《結晶病》の患者にとっても大きな希望になると思うわ。』 『でも、まだこの術式は命の危険が伴うような不完全なもの……』 『だからまず、私で試してほしいの。』 『成功するにしろ、失敗するにしろ、きっとグレンなら何かを掴んで、より完璧に近いものにしてくれる。』 『将来、きっと《結晶病》なんて怖くない病気にしてくれる。』 『私の愛するグレンなら、きっとやってくれる──』 ──姉の想いを告げるシェリーに、 グレンはカタリナの姿が重なるのを感じた。
シェリーは長い話を終えると、深々と頭を下げた。 そしてしばらくの静寂のあと顔を上げると、 静かに診療所を後にした。
グレンは椅子に座ったまま黙り込んで、 シェリーがいた一点を何時間も見つめ続けた。 さっきまでの苛立ちは嘘の様に消えていた。
10年前のカタリナの想いを知った。 カタリナの妹・シェリーは「後悔するな」と言った。
ならば、自分は彼女たちにどう応える? ──翌朝、グレンは床に散らばった 古びたファイルの中身を拾っていた。
Continue Reading Back Alley Doctor Glenn
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⇐ Chapter 8: Irritation | Chapter 10: Hope ⇒ |