Finale - Glenn
A month later, in a private room at Emeria General Hospital's children's ward, the sound of a violin drifted out from Hugo's room.
Both his hands had reverted to their former tender softness and their natural hue had been restored. Not a trace of the unnatural green luster remained.
However, sensation had not quite yet returned to Hugo's fingertips, making the task of deftly wielding a violin bow difficult for even one of Hugo's natural talent. Despite this, he simply could not wait any longer to return to his beloved music after being deprived of it for so long.
His parents were visiting that day and he tried to play an advanced song at his usual level for them, but the only sounds the violin gave off were a series of shrill screeches. His parents, forced smiles on their faces, encouraged him, but Hugo didn't seem to mind one bit.
'A genius such as myself needs to try some avant-garde pieces every once in a while,' he said with a cheeky grin, causing his parents to laugh. He could play violin once again--that was more than enough for him, and he couldn't help but be ecstatic for that fact alone. He continued to play his strange 'experimental' piece and the three of them laughed together.
The sounds of the small concert drifted up to Glenn as he stood on the rooftop and looked down at the city once more.
He had been stopping by the hospital every so often to observe Hugo's post-operation recovery. After finishing his regular medical examination, he had taken a liking to going up to the rooftop. He'd lean on the railing, gaze down at the city streets, and feel the breeze on his face. The sights from the roof seemed different to him now--the sights and sounds a little more warm and inviting. He still preferred the familiarity of the dingy streets he'd become accustomed to, but this part of the city was nice in its own way.
On this particular day, Rufus and Sherry had joined him on the roof.
'Glenn, are you listening?' Rufus questioned him. He, and several others at the hospital, had spent the last month trying to recruit Glenn. 'Don't you think it would be best for everyone if you worked here?'
There had been an especially strong push to hire Glenn from the medical specialists that had seen his surgical skills firsthand. They considered it a regrettable waste for a man of his obvious skill to live in obscurity in the Downtown District.
'You invented an entirely new surgical procedure to reverse crystallization,' Rufus told him as they gazed down at the city streets, 'You could make a name for yourself here--as a respectable doctor.'
However, just like every time prior, Glenn's answer was a stubborn 'no.'
'There are many people that come to my clinic downtown,' he explained, 'They depend on me, and I don't intend to leave them now. I might just be some back alley doctor, but I'm their back alley doctor, you know?' Glenn said with a grin.
'I see. A pity, then,' Rufus replied, a small smile flickering across his face.
Sherry checked her watch and let out a small gasp. 'Ah, Doctor...isn't it almost time for your rounds?' Rufus nodded and turned to leave, but looked back at Glenn before he left.
'Then continue living as a back alley doctor,' he said. 'Just be sure you can proudly tell Katarina when next you see her...that the path you chose was one you don't regret.'
With this, Rufus left. Such a harsh type of encouragement from his old friend brought an annoyed smirk to Glenn's face. 'I don't need you to tell me that,' he muttered.
Glenn and Sherry were left alone on the rooftop. There was an awkward silence between the two, made all the more apparent by the occasional screeches of Hugo's violin drifting out of his window. The silence continued until Glenn, unable to bear it any further, wordlessly turned and began heading to the exit.
Before he could make his escape, however, Sherry let out a soft 'Um...' that stopped him in his tracks.
'Dr. Glenn, I just wanted to thank you so much for everything you've done,' she said. 'I feel like I finally understand why my sister chose you.' After a decade of being repayed with a gun to his back, hearing such a formal, heartfelt thanks coming from the same direction threw Glenn off a bit.
'There's no need for that,' he responded. His voice was softer, more sincere than normal. 'Because of you, I was able to understand what happened with Katarina. So, I guess...I'm the one who should be thanking you.'
Sherry was surprised by the sudden shift in attitude compared to Glenn's normal wry deflections.
'Now that I think about it...' she said, 'They told me that you didn't take payment for the surgery, Doctor.'
In recognition of his miraculous surgery, the hospital had offered him a payment of mira. Though there were laws that restricted the amount they could give him, it was still an incredible sum of mira to the average person. Glenn had turned it down, however, telling them to spend it on Hugo's post-op expenses.
'Well, I don't want to accept their chump change,' said Glenn, quickly returning to his usual demeanor. 'But I guess...once that brat's well enough to get on stage again, I'll have him send me free tickets to all his concerts.' The thought of the infamous back alley doctor, Glenn, attending a fancy violin concert brought a smile to Sherry's face.
'Doctor, do you remember when I first visited you?' Sherry asked. 'I said this wasn't a job from the hospital--it was a personal request. So, if you aren't interested in the hospital's payment,' her voice lowered to a soft purr, 'perhaps I could pay you...personally.'
'What?!' Suddenly flustered, Glenn turned around...only to find Sherry standing there giggling, a mischievous smile on her face.
Glenn, beet-red and a tiny bit miffed at being the victim of such a prank, turned and quickly retreated from the hospital.
Sherry, now alone on the rooftop, leaned down on the railing where Glenn had been. She looked up at the sky cheerfully.
'He's a wonderful person, Katarina,' she whispered. As a soft breeze fluttered by and a few harmonious notes from a violin drifted up to her ears, she almost felt like she could hear her sister laughing.
- <END>
最終話 グレン
1ヵ月後── エメリア病院の小児病棟の個室で、 バイオリンを弾くヒューゴの姿があった。
彼の両手は同じ年代の子供と同様の、 柔らかく暖かな肌色を取り戻していた。 もう、翠色の妖しい輝きは微塵も残っていない。
しかし、結晶化していた指先の感覚はまだ鈍く、 どこかおぼつかない様子だった。 見舞いに来ていた両親に 以前のような音色を聞かせようとしたが、 バイオリンは残念な金切り音を鳴らした。 両親は苦笑いを浮かべて励ましたが、 ヒューゴは全く気にしていない様子だ。
「天才は初心も忘れないようにしないとね。」 そう生意気を吐いて両親を笑わせた。 また、バイオリンを弾くことができる。 彼にはそれが嬉しくてたまらなかった。 再び病室に奇天烈な音色を奏でると、 ヒューゴと両親は可笑しくなって笑いだした。 ──病院の屋上にいたグレンの元まで その小さな演奏会の音は届いていた。ヒューゴの術後の経過を見るために、 彼は病院に通っていた。 そして、一通り診察が終わると屋上で佇み、 柵に寄りかかって公都の街並みを眺めた。
「……聞いているのか、グレン。」 ルーファスは神経質そうな声でグレンを咎める。 彼はグレンを勧誘していた。 この病院に来る気はないか──と。
それは、彼の手術の腕を支えた 病院の医師たちからの強い要望だった。 グレンほどの腕を持つ医師を 闇医者として埋もれさせるなど あまりに惜しいと考えたのだ。
「《結晶病》の新しい術式を作ったお前なら、表の世界に名を残すこともできるだろう。」 「まっとうな、1人の医者として。」 しかし、グレンの答えはあくまでもノーだ。
「俺を頼って下町に来る連中も少なくない。 今さら診療所を離れるつもりはないさ。」 「……1人の闇医者として、な。」 そう言って、ニヤリと笑ってみせるグレン。
「……そうか、残念だ。」 ルーファスもまた、薄く微笑を浮かべて答えた。 ふと、隣にいたシェリーが時計を確認する。 「あ、先生……そろそろ回診のお時間では?」 彼は頷くと、もう一度グレンの方を向いた。
そう言い捨て、ルーファスはその場を後にした。 グレンはかつての友の手厳しい激励に、 「言われなくても」と小さく呟いた。
……無言が続いた。 未だ聞こえてくるバイオリンの音がそれを強調する。 グレンは背中に注ぐ視線にいたたまれなくなり、 さっさと病院を出て行こうと歩きだす。 シェリーは「あの」と、それを呼び止めた。
「姉が先生を選んだ理由……ようやく、分かった気がします。」 急に改まって礼を言われ、 背を向けたままのグレンは気恥ずかしさを覚える。
今までふてぶてしかったグレンに 初めて殊勝な態度をとられ、 シェリーは少しばかり戸惑った。 「そういえば先生……手術代を受け取らなかったそうですね。」 今回、グレンには病院から報酬が出ていた。 法に定められた上限があるとはいえ、 一般常識で考えればかなり高額なミラだ。 だがグレンはそれすら断り、 ヒューゴの術後費用に回すよう言ったという。
「……あんなはした金、頂く気にならなくてな。」 グレンは面倒くさそうに頭を掻いて答える。
「ま、あのガキがプロになったら演奏会をタダで聴かせてもらうとするさ。」 悪名高い闇医者とは思えない台詞を聞いて、 シェリーは微笑を浮かべ……ある事を思いつく。
「なっ……!?」 グレンが慌てふためいて振り向くと、 そこにはシェリーの悪戯な笑みがあった。 グレンはバツが悪そうな顔をして向きを戻し、 そのまま病院を去っていった。
──屋上に1人残されたシェリーの心の中は 晴れやかな気分に満ちていた。 ついさっきまでグレンがしていたように、 彼女は柵にもたれかかって青い空を仰ぎ見る。
「……素敵な人よね、姉さん。」 聞こえてくるバイオリンの音に混じって、 カタリナの笑い声が聞こえた気がした。
- <END>
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