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The Boathouse is a small boat rental shop situated on the shore of a river near the East Crossbell Highway.

Trails to Azure[]


The Crossbell branch of the Fisherman's Guild moves to the Boathouse after being evicted from their former building in East Street by the Imperial Fishing Club. During this time, they prepare for the duels against the club's Elite Four.

After their break at Mishelam, the Special Support Section is asked to deal with a cryptid that suddenly appeared near the Boathouse. After exterminating it, and a similar one in Ursula Road, they notice strange flowers growing in the area and pick them for identification.

Olivert Reise Arnor - SD (Ao)
Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails to Azure may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

Once Lloyd defeats Lakelord III in the final fishing duel, the Fisherman's Guild returns to East Street while the Imperial Fishing Club moves to the Boathouse. By the time Dieter Crois declares the independence of Crossbell, the move has been completed. If Lloyd hasn't completed the fishing duels, the move will happen anyways, with Lakelord III having been defeated by Harvard Fisher instead.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!






Fisherman's Guild - Crossbell Branch[]

Fisherman's Guild - Crossbell Branch
Until the second day of Chapter 4.
Items Sold
Key (Crossbell Item) Mini Aquarium A tank capable of raising tropical fish.
Decoration for Wazy's room.
5000 mira
Fish Bait (Crossbell Item) Deluxe Dumplings Special bait developed by the Fisherman's Guild with a recipe made to attract a wide range of fish. 200 mira
Fish Bait (Crossbell Item) Roe[note 1] Shining red salmon eggs. Often found when fishing up trout and rockeaters. 100 mira
Fish Bait (Crossbell Item) Dumplings[note 1] Fishing bait made by grinding vegetables into paste. For various types of carp. 100 mira
Fish Bait (Crossbell Item) Red Flies[note 1] Red larva of a winged insect. Bait for small fish, such as kasagins and azelfish. 100 mira
Fish Bait (Crossbell Item) Earthworm[note 1] A creature that lives underground. Squiggles and squirms grotesquely, but fish love them. 100 mira
Fish Bait (Crossbell Item) Rainbow Gem EX[note 1] A specialty fishing bait developed by the Fisherman's Guild. Expensive to make, but it can lure large fish. 1000 mira
Sepith Trade
Earth (Crossbell Sepith) = 20 mira Water (Crossbell Sepith) = 20 mira Fire (Crossbell Sepith) = 20 mira Wind (Crossbell Sepith) = 20 mira
Time (Crossbell Sepith) = 30 mira Space (Crossbell Sepith) = 30 mira Mirage (Crossbell Sepith) = 30 mira
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Only available if four Fishing Duels were completed.


Location Fish Bait
Fishing Spot - Boathouse (Ao)
Armorican Carp Dumplings (33%), Deluxe Dumplings (25%)
Carp Earthworm (100%), Dumplings (33%), Deluxe Dumplings (25%), Snow Crab (100%)
Adamanturtle Dumplings (33%), Deluxe Dumplings (25%), Rainbow Gem EX (50%)
Noble Carp Deluxe Dumplings (25%), Rainbow Gem EX (50%)
Quote I wonder if I could convince the chief to let me commute to work from here.