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The Cecilia is an airship that operates primarily out of Liberl.


The Cecilia was commissioned by the Liberl Orbalship Corporation in S.1177.[1]

In S.1202, father Kevin Graham meets Estelle on the Cecilia during a flight from Grancel to Rolent, after the latter ran away from Grancel Castle.

The airship is also used by Estelle and her party to travel around Liberl in their investigation of Ouroboros.

It can fly at up to 900 selge per hour.[2]

Flight path[]

The Cecilia flies on a counter-clockwise route, going from Grancel to Rolent, Bose, Ruan and Zeiss in that order before returning to Grancel.[3]


  1. Trails in the Sky FC, SC, and the 3rd, Orbal Calculator Capel System Ver.7.0.
  3. Trails in the Sky FC, Chapter 1: "Disappearance of the Linde"