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Millium Orion - SD Model (Sen III)
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Class VII (特科クラス《Ⅶ組》) was a socio-political experiment initiated by Thors Military Academy board member and Erebonian prince, Olivert Reise Arnor. After his experiences with the Bracer Guild in Liberl at the time of the Orbal Shutdown Phenomenon, Prince Olivert decided to develop a class separated from the academy's prevalent traditions that would enrich the standard curriculum with monthly field trips. These trips allowed the student of Class VII to form an all-encompassing perspective on conflicts between political factions, regions and nations.

In addition, its members were selected by the board members from both social classes, the noble and commoner class represented by Rufus Albarea and Carl Regnitz, respectively, and all demonstrated a high aptitude with the ARCUS, the technological aspect represented by Irina Reinford. Class VII's homeroom teacher was battle instructor Sara Valestein, who as former bracer had experience with the socio-political experiment suggested by Prince Olivert.

Class VII was formed on 31 March S.1204 and was disbanded a year later.

List of Class VII students

