Courageous II (
Following the end of the Erebonian Civil War, Prince Olivert called in former Reinford Group chairman Gwyn Reinford for consultation regarding a new iteration of the Courageous.[1] The cruiser was developed in utmost secrecy in the Lakeside Laboratory in Liberl, originally constructed by Ouroboros' Georg Weissmann for the Gospel Plan.[1] Its construction was a collaborative effort of Gwyn Reinford, Professor G. Schmidt, Professor Albert Russell and Queen Alicia von Auslese II.[1] The project was funded by Prince Olivert and Gwyn Reinford, as well as Emperor Eugent Reise Arnor III's private funds.[1]
With its length of 92 arge, it is 18 arge longer than its 74-arge predecessor. It is equipped with anti-hacking devices developed by Erika and Albert Russell, next-gen terminals from the Epstein Foundation, the latest hydrodynamics of the Roer Institute of Technology and next-gen orbal engines developed by the Zeiss Central Factory. Featuring the latest amenities, the vessel even includes a bathing area, whereas the Courageous only had showers.[1]