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These data crystals are initially found in Amberl Tower's Altered Space.

#12 - About the Device Towers 1/4[]

[About the Device Towers 1/4]

The first barrier had activated successfully, and we had succeeded in performing a temporal freeze upon the Aureole in another dimension. However, that was not the only barrier within the plan to seal the Aureole.

The plan's final defense line, the second barrier. --The key to that lies within the four device towers.


《第一結界》は無事発動し、《環》を異次元において『時間凍結』させることに成功した。 だが、その名が示す通り『封印計画』における結界はこれだけではない。

『封印計画』最後の砦《第二結界》。 ――それは4つのデバイスタワーが鍵を握るのだ。

#13 - About the Device Towers 2/4[]

[About the Device Towers 2/4]

This mechanism is built to activate should the first barrier fall and time once again tick in the space of the Aureole. The second barrier's other name is the Gravity Barrier, and it can manifest gravity inside the other dimension.

Should the Aureole resume activity, by tying this other dimension down with lynchpins of gravity, the goal was to prevent its return to reality.


この機構は《第一結界》が解除され、《環》が再び時を刻みだす時にこそ、その発動を開始する。 この《第二結界》は又の名を『重力結界』といい、異次元において重力を発生させるという機能を持つ。


#14 - About the Device Towers 3/4[]

[About the Device Towers 3/4]

If the second barrier activates, it signals that the Aureole is once again active. As a result, with its Gospels, anyone will be free to draw out its power.

The Gospels remaining on Liber Ark were sealed with the Aureole. However, should something that could serve in place of the Gospels be born in the world to come, the Aureole will be free to wield its power in reality again.


《第二結界》が発動するとき、《環》はすでにその動きを開始している。 よってその端末たる《ゴスペル》を使えば、その力を自由に引き出すことも可能なのだ。

《リベル=アーク》内に残る《ゴスペル》は《環》と同じく封印されている。 だが、後世において《ゴスペル》に代わるものが生まれれば、《環》はその力を現世に及ぼすであろう。

#15 - About the Device Towers 4/4[]

[About the Device Towers 4/4]

We succeeded in sealing the Aureole, but its power has not been destroyed. We will root ourselves to this land and watch over the Aureole. I pray that we will be successful in our vigil and that these records are never seen by any eyes.

However, while we are steadfast in our duty, we predict that such will not be our future. When the Aureole once again returns to reality, how will our descendents choose to respond? Believing that we will not make the same mistake again, and the time will come when we are truly free of the Aureole, I leave these records for the future.


我々は《環》を封じることに成功したが、無論その力が消え去ったわけではない。 我々はこの地に根付き、《環》を見守っていくつもりでいる。そして、この記録が誰の目にも触れないことを祈る。

しかし、同時に我々は、それが適わないであろうことを予見する。 《環》が再び現世に現れるとき、後世に生きる人々はいかなる選択をするのであろうか―― 人が再び過ちを犯すことなく、《環》から解き放たれる時を信じ、この記録を後世に託すものとする。
