Emily (エミリー) is introduced as a student of Thors Military Academy's Class IV ('03-'05).
Emily is a young woman with cropped red hair and lavender eyes. During her days at Thors, she wore a commoner uniform consisting of a green and white blazer, pleated skirt and red tie. After graduation, she joined the air force, wearing the purple and black uniform of the military with a fur lined bomber's jacket and a purple cap. Emily uses an orbal pistol in combat.
Emily is known to be passionate, enjoying lacrosse with her fellow club members. She is also a girl of action, the gutsy type to not stand down; especially when it involves helping her best friend- Theresia out. She is someone that looks out for others, and plenty feel glad to have her around. Her motto for the sport is: The three key pillars of the sport are the three key pillars of youth itself: friendship, hard work, and success!
Trails of Cold Steel I and II[]
Emily and Theresia are almost always seen together, and more often than not, this is on the playing field for lacrosse. Emily is officially the captain, carrying the title Blazing Maiden (炎の女). Even though they differ in their social backgrounds, they get along strongly. When the Academy is threatened by the forces of the Noble Alliance, Emily musters up some other students are prepares to mount a defence.
During the October War, Emily is setting up relay devices. Rean offers his assistance and with the job done, she joins them on the Courageous. Emily and Theresia run the ranged training room practice.
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]
After graduation, Emily started working as 2nd Lieutenant with the 3rd Air Fleet of the Imperial Army. She and Theresia are stationed on a scientific research vessel that is producing a protective barrier around the Draco Shrine, preventing Rean from accessing it for the Rivalries. She and Theresia face Class VII when they board, stating it is their duty as part of the air force, but are defeated.
Feeling uncomfortable with the direction of the war, They are re-stationed to the Independent Rogue Faction - a special force that is allowed to use its own judgement to defer criminal organizations that might infiltrate the Empire, by a sympathetic Vandyck. they use this opportunity to reunite with the others in Mishelam before the start of the Great War. She is asked to participate in the drinking contest, but she asks Edel to represent them.
Trails into Reverie[]
Emily and Theresia are invited to play tennis in the run up to the upper classmen reunion. Despite never having played before, they transfer some of the skills they learned from lacrosse and turn out to be pretty good. Rean's party later meet up with them in Heimdallr where they have a home. They have been transferred to the Joint Staff Office by Vandyck. They cannot share any information yet due to military confidentiality, but are concerned for the events in Crossbell.
When the Retributive Tower is revealed and fires Keraunos for the first time, Emily signals to Vandyck onboard one of the Air force ships about a disturbance in Crossbell. They witness the beam travel past and obliterate the Juno Naval Fortress.
Character Notes[]
Trails of Cold Steel[]
Trails of Cold Steel II[]
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]
Second Lieutenant Emily | |||
3rd Air Force | |||
A fiery Thors graduate. She was president of the Lacrosse Club at Thors and gave her all in coaching Alisa and her teammates. | |||
Sisterly Love After a chance reunion with her brother, Levin, Emily started to have doubts about how the military does things. | |||
Lacross Teammates Emily met up with the rest of the Lacrosse Club. Though their paths in life have differed, their teamwork is strong as ever. |
エミリー少尉 | |||
第三飛行艦隊 | |||
真っ直ぐな性格のトールズの卒業生。元ラクロス部の部長であり、熱血な性格でアリサ達を導いていた。 | |||
弟レヴィン 偶然にも弟レヴィンと再会を果たし、軍の方針に納得いっていない様子のエミリー。本心と軍規の狭間で悶々としているようだ。 | |||
ラクロス部の絆 気付けばラクロス部で集まっていたエミリー達。作戦開始に向けて、ラクロス部恒例の掛け声で気合を入れ直した。 |
Trails into Reverie[]
2nd Lt. Emily | |||
3rd Air Force | |||
A fiery figure and a Thors graduate. She was once president of its Lacrosse Club and was always up for coaching Alisa and Theresia in the sport. | |||
Lacrosse Club Even if their specialty is lacrosse, Emily and Theresia defeat the branch campus' Tennis Club on their first try playing the sport. |
エミリー少尉 | |||
第三飛行艦隊 | |||
真っ直ぐな性格のトールズの卒業生。士官学院生時代はラクロス部の部長を務め、熱血な性格でアリサたちを導いていた。 | |||
Ep:元ラクロス部 第Ⅱ分校を訪れたエミリーはテレジアと共に、初めてとは思えないラケットさばき |
Trails of Cold Steel[]
Trails of Cold Steel IV[]