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Erosion is a phenomenon originating from the eighth Genesis that occurs in Trails through Daybreak II.


As a result of the eighth Genesis' ability to 'observe sin', it is capable of inducing an effect known as erosion. This is typically visually characterised with a red crackling effect in a given area and those affected surrounded by numerous glowing red lines. The Gardenmaster uses this phenomenon to further his ambition of recreating the world according to how he think history should have progressed since the Calvardian Revolution.

An erosion can introduce concepts that alter the perception of the recipient, such as providing them with memories of events that did not happen or removing memories that did. Those affected commonly have bright crimson eyes. It is possible to spread an erosion, with one person affecting another who may then act as a further relay point. if the original individual who was eroded is brought back to their senses, the entire chain of erosion from that person will cease to be.

Other genesis units can spread the Erosion effect. The events of the erosions can be rejected as 'unwanted observations' by genesis units with the genesis unit in question being retained on the person, being displaced in time. Under certain circumstances, these observations can be made into reality should specific conditions not be met.

List of Erosions[]

Several erosions take place over the course of Trails through Daybreak II:

  • Swin Abel - Changed his loyalty to the Gardenmaster after discovery it was 'Ace Rayne'. As he apparently accepted his erosion, it was capable of granting him increase capabilities. was broken after realising the genuine Ace would never harm Nadia Rayne.
  • Ashen Lu - Plotted to kill Van Arkride and Aaron Wei after believing they had killed Cao Lee. Several members of Heiyue were also affected, as was Kurogane of Ikaruga. Broken when the actual Cao turned up.
  • Celis Ortesia - Willingly let herself be eroded in order to gain an opening on the Gardenmaster. Believed Bergard Zeman had died as a result of residual damage inflicted by a curse Van passed onto him, and therefore sought to kill Van and free the world of his dangerous existence. Ashladd and Halle Coleman were also affected, with Halle believing Van had killed King, her father. Halle was broken free after Jack Trevor revealed the truth about how King died.
  • Maxim Lugan - Eroded after a projection of Yumé told him Aslan had started dating Paulette but was being abusive. Maxim plotted Aslan's death to protect Paulette and Yumé. Was broken free after the projection appeared and the truth revealed.
  • Feri Al-Fayed - Was eroded with her memories of the Arkride Solutions Office removed. She sought to kill Van for his part in killing Aida along with several other members of the corps she had affected. Kasim Al-Fayed was also affected, but willingly let it run its coarse in order to protect Feri. Risette Twinings was also amongst those affected with a group of Marduk Company security forces. Broken when an apparition of Aida appeared to Feri.
  • Cody MacMillan - Eroded into acting against Roy Gramheart, starting as a coup against the Republic with the other members of Beta Squad of Hercules. Recreations of Zin Vathek and Kilika Rouran were created to take part in the operation as the originals were too strong to be eroded. Naje Berka and Esmeray Archette were also eroded and acted as relays for the erosion, believing Sherid Asval worked with Roy Gramheart to launch a coup in Elsaim and kill Grand Prince Salman, as well as forcing Latoya Hamilton to build mass reactor weapons for them. Kaela MacMillan, Alvis and Geraint Reigar were also subject to this erosion.
  • An attempted erosion by the Gardenmaster which affects everyone in at least Edith. Nadia is able to deliver the seventh Genesis to Agnès Claudel and the time leap triggered before the results of this erosion can be seen however. Judging from the Gardenmaster's plans, this may been the erosion that brought about a different result to the Calvardian Revolution that he sought for.

Grendel Zolga's compulsion to follow the ambitions of the Gardenmaster may also count as an erosion. The erosion effect appears when Zolga is present and is induced upon its targets such as the Hercules squad, who are swallowed by glowing red lines.
