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Fan Lu (ファン·ルウ) is the vice-president of the Kowloon Bank introduced in Trails through Daybreak.



Fan is a broad middle aged man with greying black short hair, amber eyes and circular glasses. He wears an ornate oriental purple suit with a matching waistcoat and pale gold accents. Beneath his suit, he wears a white suit with a dark teal neck tie.


Fan is a polite and respectable gentleman who extends a great deal of courtesy to everyone he meets, whilst not failing to do his research on them. Fan is open minded about letting his children pursue happiness and do as they wish, with fan not forcing his daughter to marry anyone. Likewise, he also has his son study abroad to widen his horizons and broaden his perspectives. Fan holds the view that knowing when to borrow the powers of others is an art unto itself.


Fan Lu is the son of Gien Lu, and the father of Ashen and Xin. He is next in line for the position of elder in Heiyue and the direct superior of Cao Lee. Fan is also the vice president of the Kowloon Bank, the second largest bank in Calvard and one of the largest in Zemuria. Due to the ever expanding influence and power of his organization, Fan has increasingly little freedom to operate.

Trails through Daybreak[]

Fan greets Van Arkride and the Arkride Solutions Office went they arrive on business in Langport under request of Cao. Fan met them to explain the nature of the request in detail and get the measure of their worth, whilst also introducing them to his daughter Ashen who will serve as their point of contact. They later meet Fan throughout the city, exchanging updates about Aaron Wei, the focus of the request. When fog envelops the city, Fan springs to action to mobilize Heiyue and evacuate the streets. Fan prioritises the safety of citizens even when Almata directly threatens them and the Lu family meet to discuss their response. He does not approve of Gien's overreach in conspiring with the enemy to unleash the Tyrant. After the incident, he pays for the funerals of everyone killed and gave his condolences, having become a new elder.

Fan is one of the individuals who sponsor Van's group's trip to Longlai in thanks for his efforts.

In the run up to Revolution Day, Van runs into Fan meeting with Zin Vathek, Kilika Rouran, Kasim Al-Fayed, and Cao. His main purpose in the city is to enjoy the festivities, but he is also helping organize the event, placing him in business conflict with the Marduk Company. On the day itself, he meets with almost everyone who invited Van to Longlai. When Pandemonium takes hold over the city, fan comes to the parties aid with his paper talisman craft, Kyunkyunyoritsuryo. He holds the building secure with his talismans while the party gathers information. Afterwards, he helps evacuate civilians.

Trails through Daybreak II[]

Fan is arrested following an investigation into alleged tax evasion committed by Kowloon Bank. Together with the poisoning of Gien, the Lu family's hegemony is threatened in Langport. Later it is revealed that this event was orchestrated by Cao Lee as part of a larger gambit. Fan Lu is later released.

He is later seen travelling to Edith on business. When Ashen suddenly seeks vengeance against Van and Aaron, the party seeks out Fan and Gien for advice and to identify the possible cause. This chain of events is later removed from existence.

