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Grendel Zolga (グレンデル=ゾルガ), also known as the Crimson-Dark Armored Demon (紅黎き魔装鬼 グレンデル=ゾルガ), is a mysterious Shard armament form similar to Van Arkride's Grendel, but with a bestial aspect. Grendel Zolga is produced by the eighth Genesis.



In human form, Grendel Zolga has the appearance of an unidentifiable tall man shrouded in shadows. He wears a long trench coat, brimmed hat and a long scarf. In Shard armor form, Grendel Zolga greatly resembles its counterpart: Grendel. Unlike Van's transformation, Zolga is accented with crimson and darker black, and is larger in size. A scar shaped design is present on Zolga's chest and it also has a long tail-like appendage which is capable of burying underground and impaling with a sharp protrusion on its tip.


Zolga acts predominantly as a mindless beast, rampaging and slaughtering everyone present indiscriminately. Due to its nature, Zolga has very little personality and can only regain what was left of its observed source though 'observation'. Furthermore, Zolga is largely under the thrall of another individual using the Oct-Geneses and Zolga is compelled to act under that person's will for the majority of their appearances. At times, the original personality is briefly regained and enough control retained for them to act independently.


Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails through Daybreak II may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

After the explosion of Gerard Dantès' nuclear weapon in Creil, an observation of Dingo Brad, who died in the blast, was made by the eighth Genesis by means of a network connection to the seventh Genesis present in Creil. Dingo had regrets as he passed and these were all observed and recorded. This copy of Dingo had limited means of communicating with the living, but was able to get a message out to Van Arkride, warning him about the seventh Genesis on Revolution Day.

At some point after, the Gardenmaster took possession of the eighth Genesis and took the copied Dingo under his control. To allow him to transform into the shard form Grendel Zolga, the Gardenmaster also took control of the AI Lapis Rosenberg, as she was the only one capable of performing the complex calculations. Grendel Zolga was largely used to further the Gardenmaster's ambitions and slaughter indiscriminately, but moments of control allow him to regain the ability to act independently and send messages.

According to Nina Fenly of the Iscariot, they hunt those of Zolga's kind.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!

Trails through Daybreak II[]

Zolga makes his debut appearance slaughtering the Gamma unit of Hercules, with Altera present. Some of this footage is recorded and the CID, Bracer Guild, and police mount a joint operation after several such killings have taken place. Elaine Auclair teams up with Van to investigate, particularly because of the similarities between Zolga and Van's own Grendel. They confront the being in Edith within a military base after Rene asks for their assistance but Zola kills both of them. With Agnès' Oct-Geneses, time is reset and this is avoided with Van and Elaine teaming up with René and Agnès earlier, whilst also remembering the dodge the critical blow.

Grendel Zolga is present with Gardenmaster in the hidden basement beneath Aramis Academy. He is often seen by the side of the Gardenmaster, including at the Trion Tower and from within the Hollow Gardens. Zolga appears beside the Gardenmaster on Nemeth Island and fights the party and later once again in the Hollow Gardens, after which he disappears.

Sending a message to Van to meet him, Van and the party traverse the Oct-Radium where they meet him at the end. Van suspects his true identity, having pieced it together, but due to the nature of his existence, Grendel Zolga must first be 'Observed' before he can reveal himself. Van names him as Dingo Brad, for the reversal of DCB, C being the middle letter. Dingo explains the nature of the eighth Genesis observing sin and claims that if he is not defeated, all of the unwanted observations, the Erosion events from the last three days will come to pass. Zolga is defeated once and for all when Van interrupts his S-Craft and Dingo fades. He is able to say his farewells to Marielle Aymé thanks to quick intervention from Latoya Hamilton and Rufus Albarea.

Grendel Zolga has some sort of connection with Hamilton, as revealed in the extra ending scene of the game.

