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Hercules (ハーキュリーズ) is a special force of the Republic Army of Calvard.


Hercules is a special forces unit and fifth platoon of the Calvardian military, and act as a special security group or task force for the Central Intelligence Division. They use technology from Verne including special weaponry, state of the art gunships and a special RAMDA unit that allows them to enter stealth mode.

Hercules are divided into at least 5 units, two of which are named Alpha and Beta.

Trails of Cold Steel III[]

In S.1206, Hercules infiltrates Heimdallr in order to determine what Erebonia's "D-Day" refers to.[1] They are equipped with a fifth-generation tactical orbment known as RAMDA, which has been developed in secrecy in Calvard.[1] Agents are also present in Crossbell, with Humphrey acting as a tourist, but issuing a 'Code 308' when he discovers the Imperial Defence Force guards are tougher than expected.

After successful attacks on the imperial Privy Council,[2] Food Agency,[3] and Imperial Chronicle, three members escape through Heimdallr's underground network of tunnels on June 16.[1] They are stalled by Class VII, but slip through their efforts using their RAMDA's spatial projection. They do not get far however, as they are intercepted by Thors Military Academy's Class I at Himmel Cemetery and are forced to surrender. They demand to be treated as prisoners of war following international law.[1]

After the apprehension of these three members, the remaining members are put on high alert and attempt to hide out in the Heimdallr Catacombs, where five of them would be killed by Lucifuge.[4] In total, over a hundred members were apprehended in or around Heimdallr and handed over to the Railway Military Police and Intelligence Division.[5]

Trails of Cold Steel IV[]

Some of Hercules' members continued to operate in Erebonia even after the Great Twilight, but it is later revealed that these members are operating on their own accord. They were originally suppsoed to be repatriated but the shooting of the emperor put those plans on hold. They escaped from their cells in the following period. With Class VII's assistance, Kaela was able to bring this squad under control after tracking them down twice, first missing out on capturing them, and then successfully in the Avon Hills. Time was of the essence for most of the unit, including Captain Regan, had been consumed by the Erebonian curse and were willing to target civilians. Cody tried to convince them otherwise, but the commander refused to listen, even using Nosferatu in combat. There were worries that they would once again become noct-familia permanently before capture. The unit is permitted to be repatriated after they give up their state of the art Verne gunship as a military secret.

Trails through Daybreak[]

As a CID task force, Hercules operate at the behest of agents such as René Kincaid. They are deployed to engage Eisenschild forces for training near Creil but the jaegers get away.

A CID superior, unaware of the situation in Oración regarding Almata's death game, the Carnival, and its rules, dispatches the Beta squad of Hercules to apprehend Almata. They infiltrate via the underground but find themselves unable to move when in breach of the game's rules. Arioch arrives and exterminates them all. The only reason this misguided attempt at assistance does not result in Gerard Dantès destroying Oración is because Almata does not hold it against the participants, something which could easily have happened.

Hercules forces are called in to secure remnants of Almata and gangs in Edith's underground in the run-up to Revolution Day.

Trails through Daybreak II[]

A squad of Hercules agents is massacred by Grendel Zolga early in the game's prologue. Footage from their cameras alerts Van Arkride to Zolga's threat.

Hercules Beta squad is subjected to erosion when Cody is similarly affected. They initiate a coup in the city and target president Roy Gramheart and Sherid Asval. Alpha squad are able to assist in taking them on as they were present in a different base. These events never come to pass however after the Oct-Geneses intervenes with a different observation.


  • Captain Regan (リーガン大尉)- captain of the 5th squad.
  • Cody (コーディ)- warrant officer
  • Humphrey (ハンフリー) - direct supervising officer
  • Kaela (カエラ)- 2nd Lieutenant
  • Arts (アルツ)
  • Leno (レノ): missing in action[4]


  • Following the principle of naming military units of the Republic Army of Calvard after stars or constellations, Hercules is most likely named after the constellation Hercules.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Trails of Cold Steel III, Chapter 4: "Radiant Heimdallr", 07/16.
  2. 枢密院
  3. 食糧庁
  4. 4.0 4.1 Trails of Cold Steel III, Chapter 4: "Radiant Heimdallr", 07/15.
  5. Trails of Cold Steel III, Imperial Chronicle, Special Issue.