Kiseki Wiki
Kiseki Wiki
Millium Orion - SD Model (Sen III)
Hold on, it looks like Millium wants to tell you something.
Hey-hey! White Rabbit here! Lammy scanned this article and said it contains unmarked spoilers for all Trails games. Turn back now if you don't want to get lasered! Okay, byee!

The IBC, short for International Bank of Crossbell (クロスベル国際銀行(こくさいぎんこう)), is a large banking organisation in Crossbell City.


The IBC manages the vast quantities of money flowing into Crossbell and supports the economies of nations across the continent. The IBC's interests extend beyond banking, too. In addition to providing most of the funding for the Epstein Foundation's Orbal Network Project, the bank manages theme parks and other similar diversions.[1]

The IBC is the largest organisation of Zemuria in terms of assets, followed by Reinford Group.[2]


  • Bills (security guard, gateman)
  • Colinna (receptionist)
  • Paul (security guard)
  • Wang (security guard)
  • Lanfei (receptionist)


  • Rizero (trader)

