The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki II -CRIMSON SiN- Original Soundtrack (英雄伝説 黎の軌跡II -CRIMSON SiN- オリジナルサウンドトラック) is the complete soundtrack of Trails through Daybreak II.
- Lyrics: Mitsuo Singa, Ayako Shibazaki
- Vocal: Megumi Sasaka
- Sax: ADD
- Guitar: Sakura Yoshida, Koji Sekiguchi
- Violin: Kazuhiro Tanizaki, Akiko Nagano
- Bass: NAOKIX
- Soprano: Yukie Aramaki
- Tenor: Shun Kobayashi
- Piano: gakia2
- Recording: Koki Tochio
- Mastering: Yasuyuki Inaba[1]
Track list[]
Disc 1[]
# | Translated title Original title |
Composer/ Arranger |
Length | Notes |
1.01 | CRIMSON SiN -Short Ver.- CRIMSON SiN -Short Ver.- |
C: MS | 01:43 | Opening theme -Short Ver.- |
1.02 | Impending Disaster 迫りくる災厄 |
C: TU? | 01:45 | Grendel Zolga Introduction theme |
1.03 | Hard-Boiled Short Cake Hard-Boiled Short Cake |
C: SK | 02:42 | Arkride Solutions Office theme |
1.04 | At the Bottom of the Dark Sludge 暗き澱みの底で |
C: MS | 02:07 | First Dungeon theme |
1.05 | Work Out a Solution! -Field Battle- Work Out a Solution! -Field Battle- |
C: SK | 02:03 | Normal Battle theme -Action- |
1.06 | Work Out a Solution! -Command Battle- Work Out a Solution! -Command Battle- |
C: SK | 02:03 | Normal Battle theme -Command- |
1.07 | Arrogant Desire 傲岸なる欲望 |
C: MS | 02:20 | Boss theme |
1.08 | The Battle by a Hair’s Breath 紙一重の攻防 |
C: HS | 02:10 | Intense Event theme |
1.09 | Cut Off the Retreat Cut Off the Retreat |
C: MS | 01:48 | Grendel Zolga Boss theme |
1.10 | Painful Enough to Cut Yourself 身を切るほどに切なくて |
C: MS | 02:45 | Emotional Event theme |
1.11 | Spiral of Time 刻の螺旋 |
C: HS | 01:55 | Dead End theme |
1.12 | Just Arrived Just Arrived |
C: MS | 01:59 | Event theme |
1.13 | Solid-State Shard Blow Solid-State Shard Blow |
C: YJ | 03:01 | Theme of Grendel |
1.14 | Style, When You Stick to It 流儀、貫くとき |
C: YJ | 02:38 | Intense Event & Battle theme |
1.15 | Fantasy Realm 幻想領域 |
C: HS | 02:24 | Event theme |
1.16 | Enter the World of Adventure さあ冒険の世界へ |
C: HS | 02:18 | Märchen Garten - First Field theme |
1.17 | Regain the Administration! -Field Battle- Regain the Administration! -Field Battle- |
C: SK | 02:10 | Märchen Garten Normal Battle theme -Action- |
1.18 | Regain the Administration! -Command Battle- Regain the Administration! -Command Battle- |
C: SK | 02:10 | Märchen Garten Normal Battle theme -Command- |
1.19 | Pushed Over Pushed Over |
C: SK | 02:36 | Low HP theme |
1.20 | Liberation Front リベレーションフロント |
C: HS | 03:04 | Märchen Garten Floor Boss theme |
1.21 | The Expanding World The Expanding World |
C: HS | 02:16 | Chapter Side selection theme |
1.22 | CRIMSON SiN -Less Vocal Ver.- CRIMSON SiN -Less Vocal Ver.- |
C: MS | 04:09 | Opening theme -Less Vocal Ver.- |
Disc 2[]
# | Translated title Original title |
Composer/ Arranger |
Length | Notes |
2.01 | News of Thaw 雪解けの知らせ |
C: SK | 02:46 | Theme of Messeldam |
2.02 | Welcome to Marduk’s Support マルドゥックサポートへようこそ |
C: HS | 01:07 | Marduk Support theme |
2.03 | Invitation of Cube! Invitation of Cube! |
C: MS | 01:53 | Marduk Support Rewards theme |
2.04 | Elegy of the Shady クセ者たちの挽歌 |
C: MS | 02:34 | Zecht Arms theme |
2.05 | Playing Dirty? Playing Dirty? |
C: MS | 02:03 | Dungeon theme |
2.06 | Beyond the Darkness 暗がりの先へ |
C: HS | 01:57 | Field theme |
2.07 | Mourn 想い愁う |
C: HS | 02:48 | Emotional Event theme |
2.08 | Skip to the Edith Skip to the Edith |
C: SK | 02:51 | Theme of Edith |
2.09 | Gimmicks and Traps Gimmicks and Traps |
C: MS | 02:07 | Mare Hacking Minigame theme |
2.10 | Infinite Ferocity Infinite Ferocity |
C: MS | 01:53 | Demi-Grendel Boss theme |
2.11 | Cold Reality 冷厳なる現実 |
C: MS | 02:28 | Suspenseful Event theme |
2.12 | Little Determination 小さな決意 |
C: ? | 02:06 | 3 and 9 Recollection video theme (Unused in-game) |
2.13 | Blaze Soul Blaze Soul |
C: HS | 01:15 | Aaron, Saara & Shaheena performance theme |
2.14 | Admiration for Antiquity 古趣礼賛 |
C: MS | 02:00 | Eastern Quarter Second Avenue theme |
2.15 | Extreme Visitor Extreme Visitor |
C: MS | 02:10 | Lai Family Tavern Raid theme |
2.16 | Darkness Illuminated by Shadows 陰影の照らす闇 |
C: SK | 02:12 | Suspenseful Event theme |
2.17 | Crimson Impact 紅の衝撃 |
C: MS | 01:41 | Opening theme -Instrumental Ver.- |
2.18 | Into the Chill Into the Chill |
C: SK | 02:47 | Event theme |
2.19 | Seventh Hearts Seventh Hearts |
C: MS | 02:10 | Theme of Seventh Hearts |
2.20 | Aiming for the Top of the Bright Sky 煌天の頂を目指して |
C: MS | 02:00 | Langport Trade Center Raid theme |
2.21 | Doubts Arise 湧き上がる疑念 |
C: HS | 02:13 | Suspenseful Event theme |
2.22 | Heiyue Rebellion 黒月繚乱 |
C: MS | 02:19 | Cao & Gaolang Boss theme |
2.23 | Memories of Distant Days 遠き日の記憶 |
C: MS | 02:58 | Heiyue Flashback theme |
2.24 | Windy Corridor Windy Corridor |
C: HS | 02:19 | Märchen Garten - Second Field theme |
Disc 3[]
# | Translated title Original title |
Composer/ Arranger |
Length | Notes |
3.01 | Dream Is a Lazy Life 夢はゴロゴロライフ |
C: HS | 01:45 | Theme of Nadia Rayne |
3.02 | Rest in the School 学び舎に憩う |
C: HS | 02:25 | Aramis Academy theme |
3.03 | Warm Afternoon 暖かな昼下がり |
C: MS | 02:29 | Event theme |
3.04 | Exert All One’s Strength Exert All One’s Strength |
C: MS | 02:04 | Mid Boss theme |
3.05 | Blurred Scene Blurred Scene |
C: SK | 02:46 | Suspenseful Event theme |
3.06 | Smoky Smoky Smoky Smoky |
C: HS | 01:49 | Suspenseful Event theme |
3.07 | Between the Noise and the Sigh 喧噪と吐息のあいだ |
C: MS | 02:50 | Nemeth Island Night theme |
3.08 | Crumbling Daily Life 崩れる日常 |
C: HS | 02:03 | Suspenseful Event theme |
3.09 | Hide and Seek Hide and Seek |
C: MS | 02:27 | Dungeon theme |
3.10 | With the Dilemma With the Dilemma |
C: SK | 02:12 | Suspenseful Event theme |
3.11 | High in the Sky and Ride the Wind 空高く風に乗り |
C: MS | 02:17 | Parasailing theme |
3.12 | Irreverent Laughter Irreverent Laughter |
C: HS | 02:00 | Suspenseful Event theme |
3.13 | Worst Speculation 最悪の思惑 |
C: HS | 02:46 | Nemeth Island Day 2 Field theme |
3.14 | Do or Die! Do or Die! |
C: MS | 02:10 | Boss theme |
3.15 | Advent Day Advent Day |
C: HS | 02:18 | Theme of Quatre Salision's True Form |
3.16 | Way Back to the Hades 幽世への還り路 |
C: MS | 02:33 | Nemeth Cave theme |
3.17 | Line of Non-Negotiable 譲れない一線 |
C: MS | 02:27 | Boss theme |
3.18 | Beyond the Past 在りし日を越えて |
C: MS | 02:33 | Märchen Garten - Third Field theme |
3.19 | Monochrome Days モノクローム・デイズ |
C: SK | 02:18 | Event theme |
3.20 | A Momentary Rush 一瞬の駆け引き |
C: MS | 01:50 | Theme of BALLIN' |
3.21 | Believing Heart Believing Heart |
C: MS | 02:40 | Boss theme |
3.22 | Blaze Dance -For Friend- 焔舞 -友のために- |
C: HS | 01:23 | Saara & Shaheena performance for Feri theme |
Disc 4[]
# | Translated title Original title |
Composer/ Arranger |
Length | Notes |
4.01 | Still by Your Side それでもあなたの側で |
C: MS | 1:53 | Event theme |
4.02 | Abysmal Erosion Abysmal Erosion |
C: HS | 02:21 | Suspenseful Event theme |
4.03 | Rebellion Against Tomorrow -With All Our Powers- 明日への反抗 -With All Our Powers- |
C: YJ | 03:12 | Theme of the Hollow Gardens |
4.04 | Buster the Ghost of Garden Buster the Ghost of Garden |
C: SK | 02:40 | Theme of the Gardenmaster |
4.05 | Have a Good Time Have a Good Time |
C: MS | 02:18 | Event theme |
4.06 | The New Season Together -Prelude- 共に、新たな季節を -Prelude- |
C: MS | 01:50 | Aramis School Festival Performance 1st Part |
4.07 | The New Season Together -Diverse World- 共に、新たな季節を -Diverse World- |
C: MS | 02:08 | Aramis School Festival Performance 2nd Part |
4.08 | At the End of my Beloved Time Limit 愛しき刻限の果てに |
C: SK | 02:56 | Main theme (Menu) |
4.09 | Dignity of Glowing Red 赫焉のディグニティ |
C: YJ | 03:54 | Final Dungeon - Oct-Radium |
4.10 | Where to Join the Chorus Where to Join the Chorus |
C: YJ | 05:15 | Final Boss - Grendel-Zolga SiN |
4.11 | Chaotic Loop Chaotic Loop |
C: MS | 01:53 | Final Boss Phase 2 - Looping to the Past |
C: MS | 04:08 | Final Boss Phase 3 - Grendel vs Zolga Final Round |
4.13 | What You Left Behind 君が残してくれたもの |
C: TU? | 03:06 | Theme of Dingo |
4.14 | The New Season Together -Grand Finale- 共に、新たな季節を -Grand Finale- |
C: MS | 02:12 | Aramis School Festival Performance Final Part |
4.15 | After the Spring Rain After the Spring Rain |
C: SK | 02:28 | Theme of the Imperial Picknicking Front |
4.16 | A Glimmer of Present Light 現在という煌めき |
C: MS | 05:48 | Credits theme |
4.17 | Everlasting Dream Everlasting Dream |
C: YJ | 03:44 | Märchen Garten - Final Field theme |
4.18 | Distorted Fairy 御伽ヲ歪メシモノ |
C: MS | 02:15 | True Final Boss Introduction theme |
4.19 | Bang of Metatron Bang of Metatron |
C: MS | 02:03 | True Final Boss - Metatros Diaspora |
4.20 | Days Gone By Days Gone By |
C: MS | 03:45 | Trion Tower theme |
4.21 | What's Inside the Box… 匣の中に在るのは… |
C: MS | 03:14 | |
4.22 | A Glimmer of Present Light -Less Vocal Ver.- 現在という煌めき -Less Vocal Ver.- |
C: MS | 05:48 | Credits theme -Less Vocal Ver.- |
First Vol 1[]
First Vol 2[]
Second Vol 1[]
Second Vol 2[]
External Links[]
- Falcom - 英雄伝説 黎の軌跡II -CRIMSON SiN- オリジナルサウンドトラック【上下巻セット版】