The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki Original Soundtrack (英雄伝説 黎の軌跡 オリジナルサウンドトラック) is the complete soundtrack of Trails through Daybreak.
- Lyrics: Mitsuo Singa
- Vocal & Chorus: Megumi Sasaka
- Guitar: Koji Sekiguchi, Masaru Teramae
- Bass: NAOKIX
- Sax: ADD
- Piano & Organ: Shige Yamamoto
- Mixing Engineer: Koki Tochio
- Mastering: Yasuyuki Inaba[1]
Disc 1[]
# | Translated title Original title |
Composer/ Arranger |
Length | Notes |
1.01 | Namonaki Akumu No Hate - Short Ver. 名もなき悪夢の果て -Short Ver.- |
C: MS | 01:55 | Opening theme |
1.02 | In the Dawn 黎き狭間の中で |
C: SK A: TU? |
03:30 | Main Theme (Menu) |
1.03 | Those Who Squirm 蠢く者たち |
C: HS | 02:13 | Suspenseful Event theme |
1.04 | Edith Old Town イーディス旧市街 |
C: HS | 01:58 | Theme of Edith Old Town |
1.05 | Arkride Solutions Office アークライド解決事務所 |
C: SK | 02:31 | Theme of Arkride Solutions Office |
1.06 | Welcome to Montmart ようこそモンマルトへ |
C: SK | 01:59 | Theme of Montmart Bistro |
1.07 | Step in the Edith Step in the EDITH |
C: SK | 02:26 | Theme of Edith |
1.08 | Dark Stalker Dark Stalker |
C: HS | 01:51 | First Dungeon theme |
1.09 | First Skirmish First Skirmish |
C: SK | 02:06 | Normal battle theme -Action- |
1.10 | Open the Shard! OPEN THE SHARD! |
C: SK | 02:08 | Normal battle theme -Command- |
1.11 | Back Alley Sign 路地裏の標 |
C: SK? | 02:30 | Suspenseful Event theme |
1.12 | What is Ahead of You 目指す先にあるもの |
C: MS | 02:10 | Elaine's theme |
1.13 | Intelligent Analysis Intelligent Analysis |
C: HS | 02:02 | Event theme |
1.14 | The Night Goes On 夜は更けゆく |
C: HS | 02:52 | Edith's Night theme |
1.15 | The Tranquility of the Darkness 暗がりの静謐 |
C: HS | 01:58 | Dungeon theme |
1.16 | Captive Soul Captive Soul |
C: HS? | 02:21 | Mare's theme |
1.17 | Rise of the Grendel Rise of the GRENDEL |
C: MS | 02:18 | Theme of Grendel |
1.18 | Daily Life Daily Life |
C: MS | 02:33 | Event theme |
1.19 | Good Start 快調な滑り出し |
C: MS | 02:15 | Event theme |
1.20 | Good Sunlight 陽当たり良好 |
C: MS | 02:34 | Event theme |
1.21 | Original Scenery of Relaxation 憩いの原風景 |
C: SK | 03:09 | Creil Village theme |
1.22 | Trees Swaying in the Wind 風に揺れる樹々 |
C: HS | 02:46 | Field theme |
1.23 | Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy |
C: SK | 02:52 | Suspenseful/Analysis theme |
1.24 | Unreasonable Beast Unreasonable Beast |
C: MS | 02:06 | Boss theme |
1.25 | Wailing Siren Wailing Siren |
C: SK | 02:30 | Low HP theme |
1.26 | Melt in the Darkness 宵闇に溶かせて |
C: SK | 02:53 | Field theme |
1.27 | A Chilly Tune 薄ら寒き旋律 |
C: HS | 01:42 | Suspenseful Event theme |
1.28 | Be Prepared Be Prepared |
C: MS | 02:14 | Boss theme |
1.29 | Let Me Know, My Spriggan... Let me know, my SPRIGGAN... |
C: SK | 03:02 | Emotional Event theme |
1.30 | Namonaki Akumu No Hate - Less Vocal Ver. 名もなき悪夢の果て -Less Vocal Ver.- |
C: MS | 04:01 | Opening theme |
Disc 2[]
# | Translated title Original title |
Composer/ Arranger |
Length | Notes |
2.01 | Hundred Flowers in Full Bloom 百花咲き乱れ |
C: HS? | 00:53 | Aaron Wei's performance theme |
2.02 | Kirinji, Meeting 麒麟児、見参 |
C: MS | 02:11 | Theme of Aaron Wei |
2.03 | I'm Grimcats! I'm Grimcats! |
C: YJ | 02:09 | Theme of Grimcat |
2.04 | Wild Beat WILD BEAT |
C: MS | 02:21 | Boss theme |
2.05 | Glittering City Langport 煌都ラングポート |
C: HS | 02:16 | Theme of Langport |
2.06 | Vermilion Bustle -Touhoujingai- 朱き賑わい -東方人街- |
C: MS | 02:25 | Theme of Langport Eastern Quarter |
2.07 | Scorching Impact Scorching Impact |
C: MS | 01:54 | Boss theme |
2.08 | Flowing Illusion Flowing Illusion |
C: MS | 02:05 | Event theme |
2.09 | Hard Desperation Hard Desperation |
C: YJ | 03:52 | Boss theme |
2.10 | Just Bite It... ただ、噛み締めるだけ… |
C: MS | 02:48 | Emotional Event theme |
2.11 | Role to Play 果たすべき役割 |
C: HS | 02:25 | Intense Event theme |
2.12 | Folklore at the Time of Dusk 逢魔時の伝承 -黒龍城砦- |
C: MS | 02:30 | Dungeon theme |
2.13 | A Vessel for Observing the World 世界を観測せし器 |
C: HS | 02:23 | Theme of the Genesis |
2.14 | Past Scene 昔歳の情景 |
C: SK | 02:38 | Field & Lore Event theme |
2.15 | Brilliant Grow Brilliant Grow |
C: MS | 02:55 | Theme of Tharbad |
2.16 | Girl Dancing in an Oasis オアシスに舞う少女 |
C: SK? | 01:04 | Theme of Saara and Shaheena |
2.17 | Too Much Vitality Too Much Vitality |
C: MS | 02:32 | Theme of Salvatore Gotti |
2.18 | Endless Sea of Sand 果てなき砂の海 |
C: SK | 03:05 | Theme of Shirin Desert |
2.19 | A Moment of Bliss 至福のひととき |
C: HS | 02:05 | Hotspring theme |
2.20 | Tilt the Cocktail カクテルを傾けて |
C: MS | 02:30 | Night theme |
2.21 | Tharbad Night Tharbad Night |
C: MS | 02:18 | Theme of Tharbad Nightclub |
2.22 | Mechanical Syndrome Mechanical Syndrome |
C: MS | 01:57 | Dungeon theme |
2.23 | Invitation from "A" “A”からの招待状 |
C: SK | 02:52 | Almata's theme |
2.24 | A Radiant Stage 晴れやかな舞台 |
C: MS | 02:18 | Tharbad Film Festival theme |
2.25 | The Decisive Point The Decisive Point |
C: MS | 02:06 | Opening theme (Instrumental) |
2.26 | Popping Smile Poping Smile |
C: MS | 01:52 | Event theme |
2.27 | Invitation to Confusion 混沌への誘い |
C: MS | 01:41 | Field theme |
2.28 | Get Rid of the Urgent Menace Get Rid of the Urgent Menace |
C: YJ | 03:49 | Dungeon & Boss theme |
Disc 3[]
# | Translated title Original title |
Composer/ Arranger |
Length | Notes |
3.01 | 13th District "Dark-light Town" 十三区《黒芒街》 |
C: MS | 02:38 | Blacklight District theme |
3.02 | Feelings Are Transmitted 想いは伝わる |
C: MS | 02:30 | Event theme |
3.03 | Engineering City Basel 工学都市バーゼル |
C: SK | 03:11 | Theme of Basel |
3.04 | Hazard Coming Hazard Coming |
C: SK | 02:10 | Intense Event & Battle theme |
3.05 | Decay and the Animal Trail 朽廃と獣道 |
C: SK | 02:27 | Field & Lore Event theme |
3.06 | The Days of Forest Flowers The Days of Forest Flowers |
C: SK | 02:46 | Dungeon & Field theme |
3.07 | Deep Mountain Valleys -Ronlai- 深山幽谷の郷 -龍來- |
C: HS | 01:58 | Theme of Longlai |
3.08 | The Way to the Waterfall 瀑布への通い路 |
C: MS | 02:18 | Field theme |
3.09 | Silver Sword Saint 白銀の剣聖 |
C: MS | 02:11 | Theme of Shizuna Rem Misurugi |
3.10 | Deep Affection Deep Affection |
C: MS | 02:10 | Emotional Event theme |
3.11 | The Other Side of the Cloudy Sky 曇り空の向こう側 |
C: SK | 02:45 | Emotional Event theme |
3.12 | La Oracionese ラ=オラシオネーズ |
C: HS? | 00:42 | Traditional song of Oración |
3.13 | The Ancient Capital of Oracion 古都オラシオン |
C: HS | 02:04 | Theme of Oración |
3.14 | Marginal Crisis Marginal Crisis |
C: MS | 02:21 | Theme of the Carnival |
3.15 | Satisfied Madness Satisfied Madness |
C: YJ | 02:57 | Boss theme |
3.16 | The Realm of Death and Play 死と戯れの領域 |
C: YJ | 03:25 | Vashtar Palace Ruins theme |
3.17 | The Peace of the Soul 魂の安寧を |
C: HS? | 01:17 | Creil Village Memorial theme |
3.18 | The Enthusiasm Sought by the Times 時代が求めた熱狂 |
C: MS | 02:14 | Event theme |
3.19 | Revolution Anniversary 革命記念祭 |
C: MS | 02:16 | Revolution Anniversary theme |
3.20 | In the Moment When It Doesn't Move 動かざる刻の中で |
C: HS | 02:15 | Suspenseful Event theme |
3.21 | Diabolic Howl Diabolik Howl |
C: MS | 02:25 | First Final Boss theme |
3.22 | Make a Breakthrough! Make a Breakthrough! |
C: YJ | 04:24 | True Final Boss - Vagrants Diaspora |
3.23 | Resonance of Ray 光芒のレゾナンス |
C: YJ | 04:44 | Final Dungeon - Genesis Tower |
3.24 | Unmitigated Evil Unmitigated Evil |
C: YJ | 03:47 | Final Boss - Gerard Dantès |
3.25 | Lovely Color, Only for You 愛おしき色、貴方だけの |
C: MS | 02:49 | Theme of Van Arkride |
3.26 | Namonaki Akumu No Hate 名もなき悪夢の果て |
C: MS | 04:00 | Opening theme |
3.27 | Kuro - Beyond the Dawn - KURO - beyond the dawn - |
C: SK | 05:35 | Credits theme |
Vol.1 (English)[]
Vol.1 (Japanese)[]
Vol.2 (English)[]
Vol.2 (Japanese)[]
Vol.3 (English)[]
Vol.3 (Japanese)[]