Professor Latoya Hamilton (ラトーヤ・ハミルトン博士) also known as L. Hamilton is one of Professor C. Epstein's three pupils, along with Albert Russell and G. Schmidt, and co-founder of the Epstein Foundation.
Latoya is an elderly woman with long flowing greying blonde hair and turquoise eyes, over which she wears glasses. She wears a thick magenta pinstripe turtleneck along with a long black skirt and maroon high-heeled shoes. Over this outfit, Latoya wears a white lab coat with the insignia of Basel University on the upper arm. Around her neck is an ornate silver pendant with an unknown significance.
Hamilton is an altruistic person. She was mindful of the technological gap between regions. Hamilton long believed it were the rural and remote areas that needed orbal technology more than other regions. Hamilton enlisted the help of the Bracer Guild, which already had a close relationship with the Epstein Foundation, and formed a mission with the intent of promoting and spreading the technology where applicable. Professor Hamilton also toured the regions with the aim of spreading public awareness and laying foundations for other to build on in the future.[1]
Hamilton looks past the circumstances of where someone is born, to find the good in them and nurture it. She is described as nice, compassionate and caring, and a really amazing person.
In addition to being one the top three disciples of the renowned professor Epstein, Latoya is an honorary professor of Astronomy at the Basel Institute of Science. It was under her guidance that the artisans of the Artisanal District and the Institute co-operated to form the Verne Company 45 years ago where she held the position of technology advisor. She leaves this position three years prior to Trails through Daybreak. David Callaghan was a rival to her. Gien Lu is the same age as her and the two have been acquainted for some time. Hamilton is of Central Eastern descent.
She has achieved great success in the republic, and has several apprentices of her own: Yang Cronkite, Esmeray Archette, and Quatre Salision, her "star pupil". She lets her apprentices take over as she travels abroad for research. Her current primary research is to find solutions to the desertification of Eastern Zemuria, with the help from different parties, including Heiyue. She left Quatre in charge of the observatory and her personal residence.
Notable innovations and inventions attributed to Hamilton include Basel's Aerotram, the Central terminal, "Aurora" and the waterways in Tharbad.

It's revealed during Pan-Zemurian Council of Sages that in S.1195 She attended a meeting by the ICO (Internation Cooperation Organisation) to discuss advancements in orbal technology in relation to internation relations.
Trails through Daybreak[]
After two years working in the East, Hamilton returns just as David Callaghan's ambitions are halted by Van Arkride. She greets everyone and comments that she is sorry to see David in such a state, having rushed home after hearing what had happened. She pledges to analyse his equations and wishes him rest. She speaks with Agnès Claudel regarding the Oct-Geneses and says she will contact the other disciples. She also speaks with Renne about the West Zemurian Tech Union, Quatre and Van, thanking him for looking after Quatre.
Hamilton helps organize things in the aftermath of Basel and in part is responsible for arranging for Van and his group to take a break in Longlai as thanks. She also helps disassemble the nuclear weapon with help from the other two disciples. She does not find anything on the Oct-Geneses but continues to search.
She appears in the capital, Edith for Revolution Day, introducing Gien and Giscard to one another. When Pandemonium envelops the city, she requests Van do everything he can to save Quatre from the demon sphere. After Quatre is released, she turns her thoughts to Pandemonium itself and how comparable it is to incidents around the continent, correctly speculating that the Primal Grounds would contain it to a point. She then contributes to the efforts to get the orbal network back online and helping to breach the barrier around the Vantail District by overloading the processing power of the Seventh Genesis.
Hamilton spends the New Year in Basel with all her disciples.
Trails into Reverie[]
Trails through Daybreak[]
Trails through Daybreak II[]
Kai no Kiseki: Farewell, O Zemuria[]
- Hamilton was originally referred to as male in the English localisation of both Trails in the Sky the 3rd and Trails of Cold Steel III, but was later patched to have female pronouns soon after her gender was revealed in Trails into Reverie. Her gender was ambiguous in the original text before the game and her debut. However, for Trails of Cold Steel III this correction is only present in the PS5 rerelease.
- ↑ Romano, Sal (30 July 2021). "The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki details 12 more sub characters". Gematsu. Achived from the original on 31 July 2021.