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[Breaking Story] The Linde Saga Continues!

◆Ransom Request Received!◆
Liberl News Insert Sky FC 903 - Haken Gate

The Haken Gate

A Royal Army representative reports that the Grancel Liberl Orbalship Corporation and Liberl Royal Family alike have received letters claiming responsibility for the Linde incident. The criminals refer to themselves as the 'Capua Family,' and demand a hefty sum of money (rumored to be in the millions of mira) to secure the passengers' safety.

◆Who Are the Capua Family?◆

These so-called 'Sky Bandits' are a group of marauders operating from Imperial airspace all the way into the Bose region. Their exact numbers are unknown, but they're believed to be around two dozen strong.

◆The Need for Cooperative Efforts◆

With the incident quickly turning from search and rescue to hostage negotiation, collaboration between the Royal Army and the Bracer Guild seems the best possible course of action. When questioned on this subject, a guild representative stated that the relationship between the two parties has seen worse times, but is still less than civil. Given this idealistic divide, a partnership seems extremely unlikely.

Bose's mayor, Ms. Maybelle, has launched an independent investigation through the guild, but still laments that the Royal Army won't share their information. 'This is no time for jurisdictional disputes,' she says. 'Both parties need to work together!' Having inherited the mayorship from her late father at only 21, Ms. Maybelle is known as a very wise young lady. Whether or not either party will heed her advice, however, remains to be seen.

Liberl News Insert Sky FC 904 - Arseille
[Technology] Enter the Arseille!

At long last, this high-speed cruiser takes to the skies! With rigging a whopping 42 arge in length, the pride and joy of the Zeiss Central Factory has finally been completed, and transferred into the stewardship of the Royal Guard. Watch out, do-badders!

Although not airborne just yet, the Arseille is scheduled for an operational test flight within the next few days, to the excitement of all involved. Due to delays in its orbal engine development, however, only a basic performance evaluation will be conducted at this time.

[Culture] The Hundred Days War - Book Review

Ten years have passed since the war, and I'm sure we all remember the endless reports of casualties and destruction, making an objective assessment of events a ludicrous proposition. That's exactly what this book sets out to do, however, by compiling accounts from virtually every possible source to paint a crystal clear picture of what happened behind the scenes, and how the war came to be. History demanded a book like this be written, and on this dubious anniversary, I think everyone should give it a look.

[Travel] Finding the Perfect Getaway

The Maple Leaf Inn, nestled in the corner of quaint Elmo Village in southern Zeiss (within walking distance of the Republic's borders), is the most luxurious hot springs resort this reviewer has ever seen. Its tranquil Eastern aesthetic, abundant natural springs and outstanding Eastern cuisine are nothing short of dazzling, but the true reason to visit is, indeed, the soak itself. For you see, the Maple Leaf Inn is renowned for its open-air baths -- an understandably embarrassing prospect to some, but those who succumb will be glad they did. Taking in the warm waters while gazing up at the starry sky is truly a breathtaking experience.

And best of all: Towels are optional!


Liberl News Insert Sky FC 903 - Haken Gate





◆どうなる今後の捜査 協力関係が鍵◆

事件の詳細が明らかになったことで、今後は人質救出を第一とした捜査活動に重点が移る。対応の難しい局面が増加することが予想され、ますます王国軍と遊撃士協会の間の連携が問われることになる。ギルド関係者の言葉を借りれば、両者の関係は「最悪ではないが決して良くもない」という状態。これでは連携など望むべくもない。ギルドに独自の調査を依頼しているボース市長メイベル女史も、この状況を憂慮する者の1人だ。「なわ張り争いをしている場合ではないのです。両者とも大人になって頂かないと……」弱冠21歳にして重責を担う女史の嘆き。関係者は真摯(しん し)に受け止めるべきだろう。

Liberl News Insert Sky FC 904 - Arseille

ツァイス中央工房で建造中だった高速巡洋艦《アルセイユ》(全長42アージュ)が、艤装(ぎ そう)を終え王国軍親衛隊に引き渡された。近日中に試験飛行に向かう。主導力機関の開発が遅れているため、基礎的な性能評価だけが行われる見通しだ。


戦役の終結からちょうど10年となる本年。多くの市民にとって惨事の記憶はまだ生々しく、過去を冷静に振り返ることは難しい。本書は客観的な史料を丹念に積み重ねることで、戦役の裏側にある真実を浮き彫りにしていく。時宜(じ ぎ)を得た好著といえよう。



