- [Special] Ruan's New Mayor Decided!
- ◆New Mayor, Norman◆
The Ruan Mayoral Election is finally over. In both Ruan and Manoria, voters were out bright and early to cast their votes. The voting went smoothly and without a repeat of the earlier incident. Early voting was also in place for reserve Army forces. After polls closed and votes were tallied, the victor was declared as Norman, who secured roughly 60% of the vote.
- ◆Harbor Industry Also Critical◆
New Mayor Norman was elected on promises to promote the tourism industry, and after his victory he reaffirmed those intentions in an interview but also acknowledged the important role of harbor. For the new mayor, exactly how he responds to the harbor industry may be the touchstone for his ability to run the city.
- ◆Portos Prepared to Offer Full Support◆
Portos was defeated by a relatively small margin but has indicated he intends to cooperate with the new mayor. His consideration appears to be repairing the earlier division that arose during the campaigning. His experience with the harbor will be invaluable to the new mayor.
- [Society] Signing Ceremony - An Event to Remember
The signing ceremony for the non-aggression pact is almost upon us. All eyes are on the capital as representatives from every country will be present. Thanks to public interest in the event, the city is experiencing an unseasonable level of tourism. Local businesses are screaming for joy at the uptick in traffic.
- [Society] Royal Villa Gets a Security Boost
Yesterday afternoon, Security HQ was established at the royal villa, site of the signing ceremony, under the command of Lt. Colonel Cid of the Royal Army. There they will screen and monitor affiliated personnel and eliminate any monsters to ensure safety.
- [International] The Crossbell Problem
Positioned between the Erebonian Empire and the Calvard Republic is the Crossbell Independent State, a buffer nation that has seen countless conflicts in the past between the two larger nations as they've fought over critical septium production sites. Since the last conflict, Crossbell has been recognized as an independent state, but recent expansions in orbal technology and the ensuing demand for septium might yet reignite tensions. Liberl is in a similar position, but while some may doubt the effectiveness of the pact, just having the Empire and Republic onboard is no small feat. The pact, therefore, is not so much a promise of peace but a basis for conversation; a conversation that can lead to lasting peace.
- [Society] Threat Letter to our Magazine
A threatening letter was delivered to our editorial branch in the West Block of the capital. The letter demanded that we cease reporting on the non-aggression pact. The Liberl News Service immediately reported it to the Royal Army and the Bracer Guild. Currently, there has been no clear progress on the case, but an investigation is underway.
- 【特集】ルーアン市長選 ノーマン候補が当選!
- ◆新市長にノーマン氏◆
- ◆ノーマン新市長 「港湾事業も重要」◆
- ◆敗れたポルトス氏 全面協力の構え◆
【社会】迫る調印式 王都は生誕祭以来の賑わい
- 【社会】王国軍 エルベ離宮に警備本部を設置
- 【国際】条約締結の背景 クロスベル問題
- 【社会】小誌に脅迫状 『条約関連記事差し止めよ』
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