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Liberl News - Special Issue

[Breaking News] Ancient Dragon Appears!!

◆Bose Market Flattened by Legend!◆
Liberl News Insert Sky SC 932 - Dragon

I doubt any words are needed for this edition. The photograph says it all. This is the dragon that appeared yesterday at noon in the City of Bose. The dragon flew in from the east then proceeded to 'land' on top of the Bose Market. At a length of around 40 arge, its enormous size crushed the roof of the market, causing it to collapse, resulting in injuries. Afterwards, it flew west to Ravennue Village and razed the village orchards. Following its trail of destruction, it took to the clouds and vanished. The Royal Army immediately restricted airspace.

◆Citizens Flee Damaged Market◆
Liberl News Insert Sky SC 933 - Damaged Bose Market

Crushed by the dragon, the domed ceiling of the Bose Market collapsed and injured several persons despite the rapid response from nearby bracers. Some of the injured remain unconscious. The Market is currently cordoned off, and it is unclear on when, or if, it will reopen. For the emblem of the city to be so damaged has been quite the shock to every citizen.

◆Ravennue Village Grieves Over Orchards◆

The dragon's attack on Ravennue Village reduced the orchards to ash. As Ravennue's main industry, their loss is a terrible blow.

◆Queen Makes Emergency Announcement◆

After receiving reports of damage from across the region, Queen Alicia announced emergency support for the afflicted areas. The Queen also stated that in order to prevent further damages she would appeal to the Royal Army to respond to the threat immediately. According to persons within the army, a plan is already in the works. Currently, the dragon remains at large, and citizens will remain anxious until that plan is enacted.

◆Legend Vs. Reality◆

Dragons have always been described as moderate and intelligent in lore, but the destructive creature witnessed here seems a far cry from that idealized image. Specialists in ancient life confirm that the anatomy is the same, so what does this behavioral difference mean? As a being from before the Great Collapse, it's theorized that perhaps it may be confused by the change in environment. Regardless, the Army has been forced to categorize it as a threat despite the concern expressed by specialists.

リベール通信 特別号


◆ボース市に飛来! 伝説の古代竜◆
Liberl News Insert Sky SC 932 - Dragon



◆逃げ惑う市民 マーケットに大きな被害◆
Liberl News Insert Sky SC 933 - Damaged Bose Market




◆果樹園が全焼 悲嘆に暮れるラヴェンヌ村◆


◆女王陛下、緊急声明を発表 「速やかな対応を」◆


◆荒れ狂う古代竜 伝承と異なるその実像◆

伝承の中で語られている温和で理知的な「竜」。我々の前に姿を現したのは、果たして同じ「竜」なのだろうか? 古生物の専門家は「外形的特徴から同一と考えて間違いない」と指摘する。だが、人里のみを相次いで襲撃した今回の竜の姿は、伝承に描かれた姿とは大きくかけ離れている。この不一致は何を意味するのだろう。「竜は1200年前の大崩壊以前からの生き残り。環境の変化に戸惑っている可能性もある」(同専門家)とのことだが、真相は依然として闇の中である。王国軍による対応策が検討される中、研究者たちの表情にも焦りの色が浮かんでいる。
