Below is a list of all available Brave Orders in Trails of Cold Steel IV.
List of Brave Orders
User | Name | Acquire | BP Cost | Duration | Continuous/Immediate Effect |
Rean Schwarzer |
Raging Fire 突撃陣《烈火》 |
Initial | 1 | 4 turns | Damage dealt +20% |
An assault formation that raises damage dealt and CP gained. | 8 CP restored | ||||
Iron Will 防御陣《鉄心》 |
Initial | 2 | 6 turns | Damage received -40% | |
A defensive formation that protects and rejuvenates the party. | 10% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Divine Song 絶唱陣《神楽》 |
Initial | 3 | 6 turns | No casting time for arts | |
An arts-based formation that negates casting time. | (2t) | ||||
Gold Dragon 閃光陣《黄龍》 |
Initial | 5 | 8 turns | Critical rate +40% | |
A violent formation that raises critical rate and grants insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Raging Fire EX 突撃陣《烈火》改 |
Trial chest[note 1] | 1 | 6 turns | Damage dealt +20% (6 turns) | |
An assault formation that raises damage dealt and CP gained. | 10 CP restored | ||||
Iron Will EX 防御陣《鉄心》改 |
Trial chest[note 2] | 2 | 8 turns | Damage received -40% | |
A defensive formation that protects and rejuvenates the party. | 12% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Divine Song EX 絶唱陣《神楽》改 |
Trial chest[note 3] | 3 | 6 turns | No casting time for arts | |
An arts-based formation that negates casting time. | (3t) | ||||
Gold Dragon EX 閃光陣《黄龍》改 |
Trial chest[note 4] | 5 | 10 turns | Critical rate +40% | |
A violent formation that raises critical rate and grants insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Crimson Lotus 猛攻陣《紅蓮》 |
Trial chest[note 5] | 1 | 6 turns | Damage dealt +25% | |
An assault formation that raises damage dealt and CP gained. | 12 CP restored | ||||
Black Tortoise 堅牢陣《玄武》 |
Trial chest[note 6] | 2 | 8 turns | Damage Received -60% | |
A defensive formation that protects and rejuvenates the party. | 15% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Dark Moon 魔究陣《冥月》 |
Trial chest[note 7] | 3 | 6 turns | No casting time for arts | |
An arts-based formation that negates casting time. | (4t) | ||||
Divine Dragon 極光陣《神龍》 |
Trial chest[note 8] | 5 | 10 turns | Critical rate +60% | |
A violent formation that raises critical rate and grants insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Juna Crawford |
Sledgehammer スレッジハンマー |
Initial | 2 | 4 turns | Break Damage +150% |
Formation that greatly increases break damage dealt. | — | ||||
Sledgehammer EX スレッジハンマー改 |
Trial chest[note 9] | 2 | 4 turns | Break Damage +250% | |
Formation that greatly increases break damage dealt. | — | ||||
War Hammer トールハンマー |
Trial chest[note 10] | 2 | 6 turns | Break Damage +250% | |
Formation that greatly increases break damage dealt. | — | ||||
Kurt Vander |
Wind Blade 太刀風の陣 |
Initial | 4 | 4 turns | Delay -60% |
A mobile formation that drastically reduces recovery time. | — | ||||
Wind Blade EX 太刀風の陣・改 |
Trial chest[note 11] | 4 | 6 turns | Delay -60% | |
A mobile formation that drastically reduces recovery time. | — | ||||
Thunderbolt 伐折羅の陣 |
Trial chest[note 12] | 4 | 6 turns | Delay -70% | |
A mobile formation that drastically reduces recovery time. | — | ||||
Altina Orion |
Ebon Crest ノワールクレスト |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Absolute Reflect |
Raises a barrier to protect and rejuvenate the party. | 10% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Ebon Crest EX ノワールクレスト改 |
Trial chest[note 13] | 5 | 4 turns | Absolute Reflect | |
Raises a barrier to protect and rejuvenate the party. | 15% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Ebon Crystal ノワールクリスタル |
Trial chest[note 14] | 5 | 4 turns | Absolute Reflect | |
Raises a barrier to protect and rejuvenate the party. | 20% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Musse Egret |
Arts Celebration セレブレイトアーツ |
Initial | 2 | 10 turns | Arts' EP cost -80% |
Focuses on arts, greatly increasing power and EP efficiency. | 20% Max EP restored (4t) | ||||
Arts Celebration EX セレブレイトアーツ改 |
Trial chest[note 15] | 2 | 12 turns | Arts' EP cost -80% | |
Focuses on arts, greatly increasing power and EP efficiency. | 20% Max EP restored (4t) | ||||
Aetheric Arts アカシックアーツ |
Trial chest[note 16] | 2 | 12 turns | Arts' EP cost -80% | |
Focuses on arts, greatly increasing power and EP efficiency. | 20% Max EP restored (4t) | ||||
Ash Carbide |
Crazy Hunt クレイジーハント |
Initial | 3 | 4 turns | Critical rate +40% |
Formation that ruthlessly targets enemy weak points. | (2t) | ||||
Crazy Hunt EX クレイジーハント改 |
Trial chest[note 17] | 3 | 6 turns | Critical rate +40% | |
Formation that ruthlessly targets enemy weak points. | (2t) | ||||
Infernal Hunt ヴォルカニックハント |
Trial chest[note 18] | 3 | 6 turns | Critical rate +60% | |
Formation that ruthlessly targets enemy weak points. | (2t) | ||||
Alisa Reinford |
Radical Design ラジカルスキーム |
Initial | 3 | 10 turns | Break Damage +120% |
Formation that raises break damage and recovers HP and EP. | 30% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Brilliant Design ゴールデンスキーム |
Trial chest[note 19] | 3 | 12 turns | Break Damage +150% | |
Formation that raises break damage and recovers HP and EP. | 30% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Elliot Craig |
Blue Orchestra ブルーオーケストラ |
Initial | 3 | 10 turns | Damage received -60% |
A defensive formation that reduces damage taken and recovers HP. | 20% Max HP restored | ||||
Sapphirl Symphony サフィールシンフォニー |
Trial chest[note 20] | 3 | 12 turns | Damage received -70% | |
A defensive formation that reduces damage taken and recovers HP. | 30% Max HP restored | ||||
Laura S. Arseid |
Valiant Hearts ヴァリアントハーツ |
Initial | 4 | 4 turns | Damage dealt +60% |
An attack formation that greatly increases damage dealt using insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Avalon Hearts アヴァロンハーツ |
Trial chest[note 21] | 4 | 6 turns | Damage dealt +60% | |
An attack formation that greatly increases damage dealt using insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Machias Regnitz |
Sigma Operation シグマオペレーション |
Initial | 3 | 6 turns | Delay -50% |
A fast attack formation that greatly increases attack and defense. | (2t) | ||||
Omega Operation オメガオペレーション |
Trial chest[note 22] | 3 | 8 turns | Delay -50% (8 turns) | |
A fast attack formation that greatly increases attack and defense. | (2t) | ||||
Emma Millstein |
Zodiac Force ゾディアックフォース |
Initial | 2 | 8 turns | Magic Damage Absorption |
Absorbs magic attacks and raises magic attack power. | (2t) | ||||
Luminary Force ルミナリオンフォース |
Trial chest[note 23] | 2 | 8 turns | Magic Damage Absorption | |
Absorbs magic attacks and raises magic attack power. | (4t) | ||||
Jusis Albarea |
Noble Rise ノーブルライズ |
Initial | 2 | 12 turns | Damage dealt +20% |
An attack formation that greatly increases damage dealt and inner power. | (2t) | ||||
Noble Ark ノブレスアーク |
Trial chest[note 24] | 2 | 12 turns | Damage dealt +30% | |
An attack formation that greatly increases damage dealt and inner power. | (2t) | ||||
Fie Claussell |
Zephyr Wing ゼファーウィング |
Initial | 3 | 8 turns | Delay -50% |
A fast attack formation that reduces recovery time and grants insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Zephyr Tempest ゼファーテンペスト |
Trial chest[note 25] | 3 | 10 turns | Delay -50% | |
A fast attack formation that reduces recovery time and grants insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Gaius Worzel |
Sacred Roar セイクリッドロア |
Initial | 4 | 6 turns | Break Damage +200% |
Formation that raises break damage and greatly recovers HP. | 80% Max HP restored | ||||
Dominion Roar ドミニオンロア |
Trial chest[note 26] | 4 | 8 turns | Break Damage +200% | |
Formation that raises break damage and greatly recovers HP. | 80% Max HP restored | ||||
Sara Valestein |
Lightspeed Flash 瞬迅雷光 |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Delay -30% |
Formation that emphasizes speed. Reduces recovery time and grants acceleration. | Party's turns occur immediately after | ||||
Searing Bolt 焔迅雷光 |
Trial chest[note 27] | 5 | 6 turns | Delay -30% | |
Formation that emphasizes speed. Reduces recovery time and grants acceleration. | Party's turns occur immediately after | ||||
Crow Armbrust |
Chaos Raven カオスレイヴン |
Initial | 2 | 10 turns | Damage dealt +20% |
An attack formation that raises damage dealt and recovers HP and EP. | 30% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Chaos Storm カオスグリオン |
Trial chest[note 28] | 2 | 12 turns | Damage dealt +25% (12 turns) | |
An attack formation that raises damage dealt and recovers HP and EP. | 30% Max HP/EP restored | ||||
Celine |
Midnight Onyx ディープオニキス |
Initial | 1 | 4 turns | Damage received -50% |
Creates a barrier that raises defense, magic defense, and speed. | (2t) | ||||
Duvalie |
Lightning Sword ライトニングソード |
Initial | 3 | 4 turns | Delay -60% |
Formation that emphasizes speed. Reduces recovery time and raises attack power. | (2t) | ||||
Angelica Rogner |
Ebon Dragon 黒龍陣 |
Initial | 2 | 4 turns | Critical rate +50% |
Formation that greatly raises critical rate and grants insight. | Insight (2t) | ||||
Sharon Kreuger |
Phantasmal Butterfly 影技《幻夢蝶》 |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Evasion rate +50% |
An ambush formation that recovers and raises HP and CP. | 50% Max HP restored 50 CP restored | ||||
Estelle Bright |
Adamantite Formation 金剛陣 |
Initial | 4 | 4 turns | Damaged received -50% |
A defensive formation that reduces damage taken and raises CP gained. | 50 CP restored | ||||
Joshua Bright |
Shadow Formation 刻影陣 |
Initial | 2 | 4 turns | Delay -50% |
A mobile formation that drastically reduces AT delay and raises CP gained. | 20 CP restored | ||||
Renne Bright |
Calamity Sphere カラミティスフィア |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Casting time -50% |
Reduces casting time and grants acceleration. | Party's turns occur immediately after | ||||
Agate Crosner |
Crimson Break クリムゾンブレイク |
Initial | 3 | 4 turns | Break Damage +250% |
Formation that significantly raises break damage and attack power. | (2t) | ||||
Tita Russell |
Blast Force ブラストフォース |
Initial | 4 | 8 turns | Damage dealt +40% |
Formation that significantly raises damage dealt, attack, and defense. | (2t) | ||||
Lloyd Bannings |
Raging Hammer レイジングハンマー |
Initial | 3 | 4 turns | Break Damage +300% |
Formation that raises break damage amd recovers HP. | 40% Max HP restored | ||||
Elie MacDowell |
Cross Strike ストライクベル |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Arts' EP cost -50% |
Boosts EP and grants acceleration. | Party's turns occur immediately after | ||||
Tio Plato |
Aeon Shield エイオンシールド |
Initial | 4 | 4 turns | Absolute Reflect |
Raises a barrier that reflects all attacks and raises CP. | 80 CP restored | ||||
Randy Orlando |
Proud Warrior ラウドウォリアー |
Initial | 2 | 4 turns | Damage dealt +20% |
An attack formation that greatly increases damage dealt and attack power. | (1t) | ||||
George Nome |
Draupnir Guard ドラウプニルガード |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Magic Damage Absorption |
Absorbs magic attacks and raises a perfect defensive shield. | Physical Reflection (1t) | ||||
Roselia Millstein |
Crimson Pageant 秘術《紅神楽》 |
Initial | 1 | 4 turns | Arts' EP Cost -100% |
Eliminates EP consumption and greatly raises magic attack power. | (1t) | ||||
Aurelia Le Guin |
Golden Aura 天光陣《黄龍》 |
Initial | 5 | 10 turns | Critical rate +50% |
Formation that raises critical rate and CP. | 80 CP restored | ||||
Victor S. Arseid |
Valiant Moon 洸月の陣 |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Break Damage +300% |
Formation that greatly increases break damage dealt and attack power. | (2t) | ||||
Toval Randonneur |
Spiral Arts スパイラルアーツ |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | No casting time for arts |
Recovers all EP while instantly triggering arts being cast. | 100% Max EP restored | ||||
Vita Clotilde |
Azure Feathers 秘術《蒼孔雀》 |
Initial | 5 | 8 turns | Damage dealt +100% |
Massively increases damage dealt through secret azure techniques. | — | ||||
Ines |
Titan Cleaver バスタードアックス |
Initial | 2 | 8 turns | Break Damage +150% |
Formation that increases break damage, attack, and defense. | (4t) | ||||
Ennea |
Silvery Mist シルヴァリーミスト |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Evasion rate +100% |
An ambush formation that raises evasion rate to its maximum. | — | ||||
Xeno |
Killer Hornet キラーホーネット |
Initial | 1 | 4 turns | Critical rate +30% |
Formation that swiftly targets enemy weak points. | (1t) | ||||
Leonidas |
Behemoth Raid ベヒモスレイド |
Initial | 4 | 4 turns | Damage dealt +40% |
An attack formation that raises damage dealt and CP gained. | 40 CP restored | ||||
KeA Bannings |
Cherubic Smile プレジャースマイル |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Critical rate +100% |
Targets enemy weak points to the maximum with a big cheer. | — | ||||
Towa Herschel |
High Heavens 九重陣 |
Initial | 2 | 10 turns | Damage received -80% |
A defensive formation that reduces damage taken and recovers HP. | 50% Max HP restored | ||||
Alfin Reise Arnor |
Sacred Shell セクレドシェル |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Magic Damage Absorption |
Creates a barrier that absorbs magic attacks and greatly recovers CP. | 80 CP restored | ||||
Elise Schwarzer |
Dancing Petals 風花陣 |
Initial | 2 | 12 turns | Evasion rate +20% |
An ambush formation that recovers and raises HP and CP. | 20% Max HP restored 20 CP restored | ||||
Olivert Reise Arnor |
Elegant Waltz エレガントワルツ |
Initial | 3 | 10 turns | Arts' EP Cost -100% |
Eliminates EP consumption and greatly raises ATS and ADF. | (2t) | ||||
Millium Orion |
White Decoration ホワイトデコレーション |
Initial | 3 | 8 turns | Damage received -90% |
A defensive formation that drastically reduces damage taken. | — | ||||
Scherazard Harvey |
Heaven's Kiss ヘブンズキス |
Initial | 5 | 4 turns | Critical rate +20% |
Whips allies into shape, targeting enemy weak points and granting acceleration. | Party's turns occur immediately after | ||||
Claire Rieveldt |
Infinity Order インフィニティオーダー |
Initial | 4 | 4 turns | Break Damage +100% |
Formation that raises break damage and grants acceleration. | Party's turns occur immediately after | ||||
Lechter Arundel |
Fool's Vermillion フール・ヴァーミリオン |
Initial | 2 | 12 turns | Damage dealt +40% |
An attack formation that increases damage dealt and grants insight. | Insight (2t) |
- ↑ Found on Bryonia Island, 2nd half (ブリオニア島・後半). Requires Rean and Kurt. Monster level is 95.
- ↑ Found on Bryonia Island, 1st half (ブリオニア島・前半). Requires Rean and Juna. Monster level is 93.
- ↑ Found on West Lamare Highway 2 (西ラマール街道 2). Requires Rean and Altina. Monster level is 96.
- ↑ Found in the Draco Spirit Shrine (龍霊窟). Requires Rean and Crow. Monster level is 96.
- ↑ Found on Auros Coastal Road 2 (アウロス海岸道 2) by beach. Requires Rean, Alisa, Fie and Jusis. Monster level is 121.
- ↑ Found on Milsante Byroad 2 (ミルサンテ間道 2). Requires Rean, Elliot, Machias and Sara. Monster level is 99.
- ↑ Found in the Stella Spirit Shrine (星霊窟). Requires Rean, Musse, Emma and Duvalie. Monster level is 133.
- ↑ Found in the Stargazer's Tower (星見の塔). Requires Rean, Ash, Laura and Gaius. Monster level is 138.
- ↑ Found on South Sutherland Highway 2 (南サザーラント街道(2)). Requires Juna and Kurt. Monster level is 55.
- ↑ Found in the Stella Sanctuary (星の霊場). Requires Juna, Ash, Elliot and Randy. Monster level is 136.
- ↑ Found on Avon Hills, 1st half (エイボン丘陵・前半). Requires Kurt and Altina. Monster level is 65.
- ↑ Found on North Sutherland Highway 1 (北サザーラント街道 1). Requires Kurt, Musse, Fie and Crow. Monster level is 102.
- ↑ Found on Parm Byroad 1 (パルム間道 1). Requires Altina and Juna. Monster level is 57.
- ↑ Found on Lake Gala Byroad, 2nd half (ガラ湖周遊道・後半). Requires Altina, Musse, Tita and Alisa. Monster level is 107.
- ↑ Found in Saint-Gral Labyrinth, 3rd phase (サングラール迷宮・第三相). Requires Musse and Ash. Monster level is 75.
- ↑ Found on West Languedoc Canyon Road (西ラングドック峡谷道). Requires Musse, Juna, Laura and Sara. Monster level is 106.
- ↑ Found on the Osgiliath Basin, 1st half (オスギリアス盆地). Requires Ash and Altina. Monster level is 73.
- ↑ Found on West Lamare Highway 1 (西ラマール街道 1). Requires Ash, Kurt, Emma and Sara. Monster level is 96.
- ↑ Found on the North Languedoc Canyon Road (ラングドック峡谷北部). Requires Alisa and Sharon. Monster level is 131.
- ↑ Found on North Sutherland Highway 2 (北サザーラント街道 2). Requires Elliot and Gaius. Monster level is 102.
- ↑ Found on the Osgiliath Basin, 2nd half (オスギリアス盆地・後半). Requires Laura and Emma. Monster level is 101.
- ↑ Found in Ordis Underground Waterway 2 (海都地下水道). Requires Machias and Crow. Monster level is 97.
- ↑ Found in the Luna Sanctuary (月の霊場). Requires Emma and Alisa. Monster level is 118.
- ↑ Found on Bryonia Island, 2nd half (ブリオニア島・後半). Requires Jusis and Machias. Monster level is 95.
- ↑ Found on Bryonia Island, 1st half (ブリオニア島・前半). Requires Fie and Laura. Monster level is 95.
- ↑ Found in the Draco Sanctuary (龍の霊場). Requires Gaius and Jusis. Monster level is 128.
- ↑ Found on the Osgiliath Basin, 2nd half (オスギリアス盆地・後半). Requires Sara and Fie. Monster level is 101.
- ↑ Found at the Rock Patio (ロック=パティオ). Requires Crow and Angelica. Monster level is 106.