Below is a list of all available Brave Orders in Trails into Reverie.
List of Brave Orders
User | Name | BP Cost | Duration | Continuous/Immediate Effect |
Lloyd Bannings |
Raging Hammer レイジングハンマー |
1 | 4 turns | Break Damage +150% CP+15 |
Increases break damage and increases CP gain in an offensive formation. | 15 CP restored | |||
Toughness Shield タフネスシールド |
1 | 6 turns | Damage received -50% | |
Decreases damage taken in a defensive formation. | — | |||
Elie MacDowell |
Cross Strike ストライクベル |
5 | 4 turns | Arts EP Cost -90% |
Decreases EP consumption and grants acceleration in a fast-paced formation. | Party's turns occur immediately after | |||
Tio Plato |
Aeon Shield エイオンシールド |
4 | 4 turns | Absolute Reflect |
Creates a barrier that reflects attacks and increases CP gain in a strategic formation. | 30 CP restored | |||
Randy Orlando |
Proud Warrior ラウドウォリアー |
2 | 6 turns | Damage dealt +30% |
Greatly increases damage dealt and attack power in an offensive formation. | (1t) | |||
Noel Seeker |
Assault Guardian アサルトガーディアン |
2 | 6 turns | Damage received -60% |
Increases damage dealt and decreases damage taken in a strategic formation. | (2t) | |||
Wazy Hemisphere |
Testament Cross テスタメンツ・クロス |
3 | 8 turns | Casting time -80% |
Increases damage dealt and decreases casting time in a strategic formation. | (2t) | |||
Rixia Mao |
Buzhihuo 影技《不知火》 |
2 | 6 turns | Delay -50% |
Increases speed and decreases recovery time in a fast-paced formation. | (2t) | |||
Lechter Arundel |
Fool's Vermillion フール・ヴァーミリオン |
2 | 6 turns | Damage dealt +40% |
Increases damage dealt and grants insight in an offensive formation. | Insight (2t) | |||
Tita Russell |
Blast Force ブラストフォース |
4 | 6 turns | Damage dealt +60% |
Greatly raises damage dealt, attack power, and defense in a strategic formation. | (2t) | |||
Agate Crosner |
Crimson Break クリムゾンブレイク |
3 | 8 turns | Break Damage +200% |
Greatly increases break damage dealt and attack power in an offensive formation. | (2t) | |||
Alisa Reinford |
Brilliant Design ゴールデンスキーム |
2 | 6 turns | Break Damage +200% |
Increases break damage dealt and recovers HP and EP in a strategic formation. | 25% Max HP/EP restored | |||
Sharon Kreuger |
Phantasmal Butterfly 影技《幻夢蝶》 |
4 | 4 turns | Evasion rate +100% |
Recovers and increases HP and CP in a defensive formation. | 25% Max HP restored 25 CP restored | |||
Machias Regnitz |
Omega Operation オメガオペレーション |
3 | 8 turns | Delay -50% |
Greatly raises attack & defense and lowers recovery time in a strategic formation. | (2t) | |||
Towa Herschel |
High Heavens 九重陣 |
5 | 12 turns | Damage received -80% |
Decreases damage taken and recovers HP in a defensive formation. | 50% Max HP restored | |||
Estelle Bright |
Adamantite Formation 金剛陣 |
4 | 8 turns | Damage received -60% |
Decreases damage taken and increases CP gain in a defensive formation. | 40 CP restored | |||
Joshua Bright |
Shadow Formation 刻影陣 |
2 | 6 turns | Delay -50% |
Greatly decreases recovery time and restores HP and CP in a strategic formation. | 10% Max HP restored 10 CP restored | |||
Rean Schwarzer |
Blazing Swarm 烈攻陣《焔群》 |
1 | 4 turns | Damage dealt +25% |
Greatly increases damage dealt and CP gain in an offensive formation. | 15 CP restored | |||
Black Tortoise 堅牢陣《玄武》 |
2 | 8 turns | Damage received -50% | |
Protects and rejuvenates the party in a defensive formation. | 15% Max HP/EP restored | |||
Juna Crawford |
War Hammer トールハンマー |
2 | 3 turns | Break Damage +250% |
Greatly increases break damage dealt in an offensive formation. | — | |||
Kurt Vander |
Thunderbolt 伐折羅の陣 |
3 | 4 turns | Delay -70% |
Greatly decreases recovery time in a fast-paced formation. | — | |||
Altina Orion |
Ebon Crystal ノワールクリスタル |
4 | 4 turns | Absolute Reflect |
Protects and rejuvenates the party in a defensive formation. | 20% Max HP/EP restored | |||
Musse Egret |
Aetheric Arts アカシックアーツ |
3 | 8 turns | Arts EP cost -60% |
Greatly raises damage dealt and lowers EP consumption in a strategic formation. | 25% Max EP restored | |||
Ash Carbide |
Infernal Hunt ヴォルカニックハント |
2 | 5 turns | Critical rate +50% |
Ruthlessly targets enemy weak points in an offensive formation. | (1t) | |||
Claire Rieveldt |
Infinity Order インフィニティオーダー |
5 | 1 turn | Break Damage +400% |
Increases break damage dealt and grants acceleration in an offensive formation. | Party's turns occur immediately after | |||
Elise Schwarzer |
Dancing Petals 風花陣 |
2 | 8 turns | Evasion rate +50% |
Recovers and increases HP and CP in a defensive formation. | 15% Max HP restored 15 CP restored | |||
Millium Orion |
White Decoration ホワイトデコレーション |
4 | 8 turns | Damage received -90% |
Greatly decreases damage taken in a defensive formation. | — | |||
Jusis Albarea |
Noble Ark ノブレスアーク |
2 | 8 turns | Damage dealt +30% |
Greatly increases damage dealt and inner strength in an offensive formation. | (2t) | |||
Elliot Craig |
Sapphirl Symphony サフィールシンフォニー |
3 | 10 turns | Damage received -70% |
Decreases damage taken and recovers HP in a defensive formation. | 30% Max HP restored | |||
Crow Armbrust |
Chaos Storm カオスグリオン |
4 | 4 turns | Damage dealt +60% |
Increases damage dealt and recovers HP and EP in a strategic formation. | 30% Max HP/EP restored | |||
Emma Millstein |
Luminary Force ルミナリオンフォース |
2 | 8 turns | Magic Damage Absorption |
Absorbs magic attacks and increases magic attack power in a strategic formation. | (4t) | |||
Sara Valestein |
Searing Bolt 焔迅雷光 |
5 | 1 turn | Delay -80% |
Decreases recovery time and grants acceleration in a fast-paced formation. | Party's turns occur immediately after | |||
Gaius Worzel |
Dominion Roar ドミニオンロア |
4 | 8 turns | Break Damage +200% |
Increases break damage dealt and greatly recovers HP in a strategic formation. | 80% Max HP restored | |||
Fie Claussell |
Zephyr Tempest ゼファーテンペスト |
3 | 10 turns | Delay -50% |
Decreases recovery time and grants insight in a defensive formation. | Insight (2t) | |||
Laura S. Arseid |
Avalon Hearts アヴァロンハーツ |
3 | 3 turns | Damage dealt +80% |
Greatly increases damage dealt and grants insight in an offensive formation. | Insight (1t) | |||
Celine |
Midnight Onyx ディープオニキス |
3 | 10 turns | Damage received -60% |
Raises defensive, magic defensive, and speed via a barrier in a defensive formation. | (2t) | |||
C |
Criminal's Raid クリミナルレイド |
1 | 5 turns | Critical rate +30% |
Increases CP gain and critical hit in an offensive formation. | 15 CP restored | |||
Dark Requiem ダークレクイエム |
2 | 8 turns | Casting time -70% | |
Recovers EP and decreases casting time in a strategic formation. | 20% Max EP restored | |||
Lapis Rosenberg |
Palace Coppelion パラス・コッペリオン |
3 | 12 turns | Damage received -60% |
Recovers HP and decreases damage taken in a defensive formation. | 20% Max HP restored | |||
Swin Abel |
Shadow Step シャドウステップ |
2 | 6 turns | Delay -50% |
Raises damage dealt & speed and lowers recovery time in a strategic formation. | (2t) | |||
Nadia Rayne |
Fanciful Spell ファンシースペル |
3 | 8 turns | Arts EP Cost -50% |
Raises magic power & speed and lowers EP consumption in a strategic formation. | (2t) | |||
Renne Bright |
Calamity Sphere カラミティスフィア |
5 | 4 turns | Casting time -70% |
Decreases casting time and grants acceleration in a fast-paced formation. | Party's turns occur immediately after | |||
Duvalie |
Lightning Sword ライトニングソード |
4 | 6 turns | Delay -60% |
Decreases recovery time and increases attack power in a fast-paced formation. | (2t) | |||
Arios MacLaine |
Wailing Wind 風鳴の陣 |
5 | 6 turns | Evasion rate +100% |
Greatly increases damage dealt and evasion in a strategic formation. | (1t) | |||
Alfin Reise Arnor |
Sacred Shell セイクリッドシェル |
6 | 12 turns | Magic Damage Absorption |
Absorbs magic attacks and greatly recovers CP in a defensive formation. | 80 CP restored | |||
Angelica Rogner |
Ebon Dragon 黒龍陣 |
3 | 6 turns | Critical rate +60% |
Greatly increases critical hit rate and grants insight in an offensive formation. | Insight (3t) | |||
Roselia Millstein |
Crimson Pageant 秘術《紅神楽》 |
5 | 4 turns | Arts EP Cost -100% |
Eliminates EP consumption and greatly raises magic attack power in an offensive formation. | (1t) | |||
Toval Randonneur |
Spiral Arts ドラウプニルガード |
3 | 4 turns | No casting time for arts |
Allows instant casting of arts in a fast-paced formation. | (1t) | |||
George Nome |
Draupnir Guard エレガントワルツ |
5 | 10 turns | Magic Damage Absorption |
Absorbs magic attacks and raises a perfect shield in a defensive formation. | Physical Reflection (1t) | |||
Olivier Lenheim |
Elegant Waltz スパイラルアーツ |
4 | 8 turns | Arts EP Cost -80% |
Greatly raises ATF & ADF and eliminates EP consumption in a defensive formation. | (2t) | |||
Victor S. Arseid |
Valiant Moon 洸月の陣 |
3 | 4 turns | Break Damage 300% |
Greatly increases break damage dealt and attack power in an offensive formation. | (1t) | |||
Aurelia Le Guin |
Golden Aura 天光陣《黄龍》 |
4 | 4 turns | Critical rate +80% |
Increases critical hit rate and CP in an offensive formation. | 50 CP restored | |||
Vita Clotilde |
Azure Feathers 秘術《蒼孔雀》 |
5 | 4 turns | Damage dealt +100% |
Greatly increases damage dealt through secret azure techniques in an offensive formation. | — | |||
McBurn |
Oblivion Blaze オブリビオン・ブレイズ |
8 | 7 turns | Critical rate +100% |
Drastically increases CP gain and maximizes critical hit rate in an offensive formation. | 100 CP restored | |||
KeA Bannings |
Cherubic Smile プレジャースマイル |
5 | 4 turns | Critical rate +100% |
Targets enemies' weak points to the max with a great cheer in a strategic formation. | 20 CP restored | |||
Scherazard Arnor |
Heaven's Kiss ヘブンズキス |
5 | 1 turn | Critical rate +100% |
Targets enemies' weak points and grants acceleration in a fast-paced formation. | Party's turns occur immediately after |