Kiseki Wiki
Kiseki Wiki
See also: List of trophies (Daybreak II)

This is a list of in-game achievements in Trails through Daybreak II.


Name Condition Reward
Law Alignment Lv. 4
Raise the Law LGC alignment to level 4. Vitality Droplet ×2
Law Alignment Lv. 5
Raise the Law LGC alignment to level 5. Vitality Droplet ×4
Law Alignment Maxed
Raise the Law LGC alignment to level 6. Sapphirl Gem
Gray Alignment Lv. 4
Raise the Gray LGC alignment to level 4. Fortitude Droplet ×2
Gray Alignment Lv. 5
Raise the Gray LGC alignment to level 5. Fortitude Droplet ×4
Gray Alignment Maxed
Raise the Gray LGC alignment to level 6. Amberl Gem
Chaos Alignment Lv. 4
Raise the Chaos LGC alignment to level 4. Power Droplet ×2
Chaos Alignment Lv. 5
Raise the Chaos LGC alignment to level 5. Power Droplet ×4
Chaos Alignment Maxed
Raise the Chaos LGC alignment to level 6. Carnelia Gem
All Alignments Maxed
Raise all alignments to level 6. Twilit Jewel


Name Condition Reward
1 Bond Maxed
Max out 1 Connection Stage. Spirit Droplet
5 Bond Maxed
Max out 5 Connection Stage. Spirit Droplet ×2
10 Bond Maxed
Max out 10 Connection Stage. Spirit Droplet ×3
15 Bond Maxed
Max out 15 Connection Stage. Spirit Droplet ×4
All Bonds Maxed
Max out all 19 Connection Stages. Fortune Amulet
25 Enemies Logged
Register 25 types of enemies (excluding EX). Vitality Droplet
50 Enemies Logged
Register 50 types of enemies (excluding EX). Vitality Droplet ×2
100 Enemies Logged
Register 100 types of enemies (excluding EX). Vitality Droplet ×3
200 Enemies Logged
Register 200 types of enemies (excluding EX). Vitality Droplet ×4
300 Enemies Logged
Register 300 types of enemies (excluding EX). [[File:Space R ( Quartz).png link=]] Goldia Gem
All Enemies Logged
Register all 394 types of enemies (excluding EX). Agnagarn
15 Dishes Sampled
Register 15 different dishes in the gourmet notebook. U-Material+
25 Dishes Sampled
Register 25 different dishes in the gourmet notebook. U-Material+ ×2
50 Dishes Sampled
Register 50 different dishes in the gourmet notebook. U-Material+ ×3
75 Dishes Sampled
Register 75 different dishes in the gourmet notebook. U-Material+ ×4
100 Dishes Sampled
Register 100 different dishes in the gourmet notebook. U-Material+ ×5
EX: All Dishes Sampled
EX: 全ての料理をグルメノートに登録しよう
Register all 161 different dishes in the gourmet notebook. Golden Dish
3 Papers Collected
Obtain 3 editions of the Tyrell Times. U-Material ×2
6 Papers Collected
Obtain 6 editions of the Tyrell Times. U-Material ×4
All Papers Collected
Obtain all 8 editions of the Tyrell Times. U-Material ×6
3 Movie Brochures Acquired
Obtain 3 different movie brochures. Reviving Balm ×2
6 Movie Brochures Acquired
Obtain 6 different movie brochures. Celestial Balm ×2
All Movie Brochures Acquired
Obtain all 9 movie brochures. Celestial Balm EX ×2


Name Condition Reward
25 Chests Plundered
Open 25 treasure chests (excluding those in the Märchen Garten). Vitality Droplet
50 Chests Plundered
Open 50 treasure chests (excluding those in the Märchen Garten). Vitality Droplet ×2
100 Chests Plundered
Open 100 treasure chests (excluding those in the Märchen Garten). Vitality Droplet ×3
150 Chests Plundered
Open 150 treasure chests (excluding those in the Märchen Garten). Yatagarasu
EX: All Chests Plundered
EX: 宝箱を全て開けよう
Open all 163 treasure chests (excluding those in the Märchen Garten). Quetzalcoatl
5 4SPG Cases Closed
Solve 5 4SPG quests. Septith Mass ×200
10 4SPG Cases Closed
Solve 10 4SPG quests. Septith Mass ×400
20 4SPG Cases Closed
Solve 20 4SPG quests. Septith Mass ×800
30 4SPG Cases Closed
Solve 30 4SPG quests. Bai Ze
All 4SPG Cases Closed
Solve all 36 4SPG quests. Hyperion
10 Gifts Given
Give 10 different gifts (excluding gem cards). Septith Mass ×200
20 Gifts Given
Give 20 different gifts (excluding gem cards). Septith Mass ×400
30 Gifts Given
Give 30 different gifts (excluding gem cards). Lindbaum
EX: All Gifts Given
EX: 全てのギフトを贈ろう
Give all 48 types of gift (excluding gem cards). Grendel Skill Stone ×5
3 Topics Broached
Utilize topics 3 times in negotiations. Septith Mass ×100
6 Topics Broached
Utilize topics 6 times in negotiations. Septith Mass ×150
9 Topics Broached
Utilize topics 9 times in negotiations. Septith Mass ×200
12 Topics Broached
Utilize topics 12 times in negotiations. Septith Mass ×250
15 Topics Broached
Utilize topics 15 times in negotiations. Septith Mass ×300
1 Onyx Weapon Crafted
Craft 1 Onyx Steel weapon. U-Material+ ×2
3 Onyx Weapon Crafted
Craft 3 Onyx Steel weapons. U-Material+ ×6
EX: All Onyx Weapons Crafted
EX: 全員の黒玉鋼製武器を作成しよう
Craft all 15 Onyx Steel weapons. Lion King's Seal
3 Movies Watched
Watch 3 movies at movie theaters in Edith or other regions. U-Material+
6 Movies Watched
Watch 6 movies at movie theaters in Edith or other regions. U-Material+ ×2
All Movies Watched
Watch all 9 movies at movie theaters in Edith or other regions. Elegant Gown
EX: Sauna Visited (Prologue)
EX: サウナに入ろう(プロローグ)
Use the sauna at the Laguna Bathhouse in the Prologue. Vitality Droplet
EX: Sauna Visited (Act I-A)
EX: サウナに入ろう(I部 sideA)
Use the sauna in Messeldam in Act I. Vitality Droplet
EX: Sauna Visited (Act I-B)
EX: サウナに入ろう(I部 sideB)
Use the sauna at the Laguna Bathhouse in Act I. Vitality Droplet
EX: Sauna Visited (Act II-A)
EX: サウナに入ろう(II部 sideA)
Use the sauna in Langport in Act II. Vitality Droplet
EX: Sauna Visited (Act II-B)
EX: サウナに入ろう(II部 sideB)
Use the sauna at the Laguna Bathhouse in Act II. Vitality Droplet
EX: Sauna Visited (Act 3)
EX: サウナに入ろう(III部)
Use the sauna at the Laguna Bathhouse in Act III. Vitality Droplet
EX: Sauna Visited (Finale)
EX: サウナに入ろう(最終幕)
Use the sauna at the Laguna Bathhouse in the Finale. Vitality Droplet
EX: Hot Spring Visited
EX: 温泉に入ろう(断章)
Use the hot spring on Nemeth Island. Vitality Droplet
100,000 Mira Earned
Acquire 100,000 mira in total. Spirit Droplet
250,000 Mira Earned
Acquire 250,000 mira in total. Spirit Droplet ×2
500,000 Mira Earned
Acquire 500,000 mira in total. Crystal Eden
1,000,000 Mira Earned
Acquire 1,000,000 mira in total. Grendel Skill Stone ×5
1,000 S-Tokens Obtained with Shard Search
Use shard search to obtain a total of 1,000 S-Tokens. Vitality Droplet
2,000 S-Tokens Obtained with Shard Search
Use shard search to obtain a total of 2,000 S-Tokens. Vitality Droplet ×2
5,000 S-Tokens Obtained with Shard Search
Use shard search to obtain a total of 5,000 S-Tokens. Vitality Droplet ×4
10,000 S-Tokens Obtained with Shard Search
Use shard search to obtain a total of 10,000 S-Tokens. Vitality Droplet ×10
10 Mystic Cubes Analyzed
Analyze 10 mystic cubes in the Märchen Garten. Grendel Skill Stone
50 Mystic Cubes Analyzed
Analyze 50 mystic cubes in the Märchen Garten. Grendel Skill Stone ×2
100 Mystic Cubes Analyzed
Analyze 100 mystic cubes in the Märchen Garten. Grendel Skill Stone ×4
300 Mystic Cubes Analyzed
Analyze 300 mystic cubes in the Märchen Garten. Grendel Skill Stone ×8
Portal Found With Shard Search
Use shard search to find a portal. U-Material
5 Portals Found With Shard Search
Use shard search to find 5 portals. U-Material ×2
10 Portals Found With Shard Search
Use shard search to find 10 portals. U-Material ×4
15 Portals Found With Shard Search
Use shard search to find 15 portals. U-Material ×10
All Portals Found With Shard Search
use shard search to find 18 portals. Tamamo
Cleared a Märchen Garten Area Twice
Clear an Area of the Märchen Garten 2 times. U-Material ×2
Cleared a Märchen Garten Area Thrice
Clear an Area of the Märchen Garten 3 times. U-Material+ ×2
3 Types of Fish Caught
Reel in 3 different types of fish while fishing. U-Material
6 Types of Fish Caught
Reel in 6 different types of fish while fishing. U-Material ×2
10 Types of Fish Caught
Reel in 10 different types of fish while fishing. U-Material ×4
15 Types of Fish Caught
Reel in 15 different types of fish while fishing. U-Material+
20 Types of Fish Caught
Reel in 20 different types of fish while fishing. U-Material+ ×2
25 Types of Fish Caught
Reel in 25 different types of fish while fishing. Alter Raym
All Types of Fish Caught
Reel in all types of fish while fishing. Okeanos
Size Rank A Fish Caught
Reel in 1 type of fish with a size rank of A while fishing. Septith Mass ×100

Reel in 5 types of fish with a size rank of A while fishing. Septith Mass ×200

Reel in 10 types of fish with a size rank of A while fishing. Septith Mass ×300

Reel in 20 types of fish with a size rank of A while fishing. Septith Mass ×400

EX: 全ての魚のサイズランク”A”を釣り上げよう
Reel in all types of fish with ranks of A while fishing. Septith Mass ×1000
Custom Fishing Gear Part Obtained
Obtain 1 piece of fishing gear (excluding EX). Tear Balm ×2
3 Custom Fishing Gear Parts Obtained
Obtain 3 pieces of fishing gear (excluding EX). Teara Balm ×2
6 Custom Fishing Gear Parts Obtained
Obtain 6 pieces of fishing gear (excluding EX). Tearal Balm ×2

EX: 全て釣りのカスタマイズパーツを入手しよう
Obtain all pieces of fishing gear (excluding EX). Tear All Balm ×2
3 Treasure Chests With Orbal Locks Opened
Hack 3 treasure chests with orbal locks. Gaap Gaap
6 Treasure Chests With Orbal Locks Opened
Hack 6 treasure chests with orbal locks. Phobos
9 Treasure Chests With Orbal Locks Opened
Hack 9 treasure chests with orbal locks. Pluto's Nova

EX: 全ての導力ロックのかかった宝箱を開けよう
Hack all treasure chests with orbal locks. Recluse
EX: Seven Hearts Win
EX: セブンスハーツで勝利しよう
Win a game of Seven Hearts. Septith Mass ×50
EX: 5 Seven Hearts Wins
EX: セブンスハーツで5回勝利しよう
Win 5 games of Seven Hearts Septith Mass ×200
EX: Basketball Win
EX: バスケで勝利しよう
Win a game of basketball. Septith Mass ×50
EX: 3 Basketball Wins
EX: バスケで3回勝利しよう
Win 3 games of Basketball. Septith Mass ×200
EX: Seven Hearts Played With Party Members
EX: セブンスハーツで仲間達と遊ぼう
Play Seven Hearts with your party members in the Märchen Garten. Septith Mass ×50
EX: Seven Hearts With Party Members Win
EX: セブンスハーツで仲間と遊んで勝利しよう
Play Seven Hearts with your party members in the Märchen Garten and win. Alter Otis
EX: Win Activity Support: One-on-One
EX: アクティビティサポート「1 on 1」で勝利しよう
Win a game of One-on-One with a party member in the Märchen Garten. U-Material

EX: アクティビティサポート「1 on 1」3回勝利しよう
Win 3 games of One-on-One with a party member in the Märchen Garten. Celestial Balm

EX: アクティビティサポート「1 on 1」5回勝利しよう
Win 5 games of One-on-One with a party member in the Märchen Garten. Celestial Balm EX


Name Condition Reward
10 Drivers Gained
Obtain 10 different arts drivers. EP Charge IV
20 Drivers Gained
Obtain 20 different arts drivers. EP Charge IV ×2
30 Drivers Gained
Obtain 30 different arts drivers. EP Charge IV ×3
All Drivers Gained
Obtain all 34 arts drivers. Esmelas Gem
1 Holo Core Maxed
Raise 1 type of holo core to level 5. U-Material+ ×
10 Holo Cores Maxed
Raise 10 types of holo cores to level 5. U-Material+ ×2
20 Holo Cores Maxed
Raise 20 types of holo cores to level 5. Volglyph
All Holo Cores Maxed
EX: 全てのホロウコアのレベルをMAXにしよう
EX: Raise all 32 types of holo cores to level 5. Grendel Skill Stone ×5
5 Plugins Procured
Obtain 5 different arts plugins. Magic Droplet
15 Plugins Procured
Obtain 15 different arts plugins. Magic Droplet ×2
30 Plugins Procured
Obtain 30 different arts plugins. Magic Droplet ×4
All Plugins Procured
Obtail all 52 arts plugins. Argem Gem
Van's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Van's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Agnès' Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Agnès' orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Feri's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Feri' orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Aaron's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Aaron's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Risette's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Risette's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Quatre's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Quatre's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Judith's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Judith's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Elaine's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Elaine's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Kincaid's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Kincaid's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Swin's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Swin's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Nadia's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Nadia's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Celis' Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Celis' orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Leon's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Leon's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Renne's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Renne's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
Shizuna's Xipha Unlocked
Open all of Shizuna's orbment slots. U-Material+ ×2
All Xiphas Unlocked
Open every orbment slot on all 15 characters. Ratatoskr


Name Condition Reward
50 SCLM Chains Activated
Launch 50 SCLM Chains during command battles. Septith Mass ×50
100 SCLM Chains Activated
Launch 100 SCLM Chains during command battles. Septith Mass ×100
300 SCLM Chains Activated
Launch 300 SCLM Chains during command battles. Septith Mass ×200
600 SCLM Chains Activated
Launch 600 SCLM Chains during command battles. Septith Mass ×300
1,000 SCLM Chains Activated
Launch 1,000 SCLM Chains during command battles. Heidrun
EX: 2,000 SCLM Chains Activated
EX: 「S.C.L.Mチェイン」を2000回発動しよう
Launch 2,000 SCLM Chains during command battles. Grendel Skill Stone ×5
20 SCLM Supports Activated
Use 20 SCLM Supports during command battles. Septith Mass ×50
50 SCLM Supports Activated
Use 50 SCLM Supports during command battles. Septith Mass ×100
150 SCLM Supports Activated
Use 150 SCLM Supports during command battles. Septith Mass ×200
300 SCLM Supports Activated
Use 300 SCLM Supports during command battles. Septith Mass ×300
500 SCLM Supports Activated
Use 500 SCLM Supports during command battles. Lorelei
EX: 1,000 SCLM Supports Activated
EX: 「S.C.L.Mサポート」を1000回発動しよう
Use 1,000 SCLM Supports during command battles. Grendel Skill Stone ×5
50 S-Boost Moves Made
Perform 50 actions while S-Boosting during command battles. Septith Mass ×50
100 S-Boost Moves Made
Perform 100 actions while S-Boosting during command battles. Septith Mass ×100
150 S-Boost Moves Made
Perform 150 actions while S-Boosting during command battles. Septith Mass ×200
250 S-Boost Moves Made
Perform 250 actions while S-Boosting during command battles. Septith Mass ×300
500 S-Boost Moves Made
Perform 500 actions while S-Boosting during command battles. Taurus
20 S-Crafts Popped
Activate 20 S-Crafts in command battles. Septith Mass ×50
50 S-Crafts Popped
Activate 50 S-Crafts in command battles. Septith Mass ×100
100 S-Crafts Popped
Activate 100 S-Crafts in command battles. Septith Mass ×200
150 S-Crafts Popped
Activate 150 S-Crafts in command battles. Septith Mass ×300
250 S-Crafts Popped
Activate 250 S-Crafts in command battles. Rusalka
10-Hit Chain
Rack up a chain of 10 hits during a command battle. Septith Mass ×50
25-Hit Chain
Rack up a chain of 25 hits during a command battle. Septith Mass ×100
50-Hit Chain
Rack up a chain of 50 hits during a command battle. Septith Mass ×200
100-Hit Chain
Rack up a chain of 100 hits during a command battle. Grail Locket
Double Tactical Bonus
Achieve a tactical bonus of x2.0 or greater. Septith Mass ×50
Triple Tactical Bonus
Achieve a tactical bonus of x3.0 or greater. Septith Mass ×100
Quadruple Tactical Bonus
Achieve a tactical bonus of x4.0 or greater. Carbuncle
EX: Pentuple Tactical Bonus
EX: タクティカルボーナスを×5.0以上にしよう
Achieve a tactical bonus of x5.0 or greater. Grendel Skill Stone ×5
20 Ambushes Landed
Launch 20 preemptive shard attacks. Septith Mass ×50
50 Ambushes Landed
Launch 50 preemptive shard attacks. Septith Mass ×100
100 Ambushes Landed
Launch 100 preemptive shard attacks. Septith Mass ×200
250 Ambushes Landed
Launch 250 preemptive shard attacks. Nohval Gem
EX: 500 Ambushes Landed
EX: 先制シャードアタックを500回発動しよう
Launch 500 preemptive shard attacks. Grendel Skill Stone ×5
10,000 Damage Dealt
Deal 10,000 damage or more. Septith Mass ×50
20,000 Damage Dealt
Deal 20,000 damage or more. Septith Mass ×100
50,000 Damage Dealt
Deal 50,000 damage or more. Septith Mass ×200
100,000 Damage Dealt
Deal 100,000 damage or more. Regulus Caliber
EX: 150,000 Damage Dealt
EX: トータルダメージ150000以上を達成しよう
Deal 150,000 damage or more. Septith Mass ×300
EX: 200,000 Damage Dealt
EX: トータルダメージ200000以上を達成しよう
Deal 200,000 damage or more. Septith Mass ×400
EX: 300,000 Damage Dealt
EX: トータルダメージ300000以上を達成しよう
Deal 300,000 damage or more. Septith Mass ×500
EX: 500,000 Damage Dealt
EX: トータルダメージ500000以上を達成しよう
Deal 500,000 damage or more. Fafnir
100 Enemies Slain
Defeat 100 enemies in field or command battles. U-Material ×2
250 Enemies Slain
Defeat 250 enemies in field or command battles. U-Material ×4
500 Enemies Slain
Defeat 500 enemies in field or command battles. U-Material ×8
1,000 Enemies Slain
Defeat 1000 enemies in field or command battles. Amalthea
EX: 2,000 Enemies Slain
EX: 総計2000体の敵を倒そう
Defeat 2,000 enemies in field or command battles. Grendel Skill Stone ×5
EX: 5,000 Enemies Slain
EX: 総計5000体の敵を倒そう
Defeat 5,000 enemies in field or command battles. Azazel
50 Enemies Felled on the Field
Defeat 50 enemies in field battles. U-Material ×2
100 Enemies Felled on the Field
Defeat 100 enemies in field battles. U-Material ×4
300 Enemies Felled on the Field
Defeat 300 enemies in field battles. Thanatos Jail
EX: 600 Enemies Felled on the Field
EX: フィールドバトルで総計600体の敵を倒そう
Defeat 600 enemies in field battles. Hecatoncheires
Sextuple Kill
Defeat 6 enemies at once in a command battle. U-Material ×2
Septuple Kill
Defeat 7 enemies at once in a command battle. U-Material ×4
Octuple Kill
Defeat 8 enemies at once in a command battle. Celestial
50 Shard Skills Activated
Use 50 Shard Skills during command battles. U-Material ×2
150 Shard Skills Activated
Use 150 Shard Skills during command battles. U-Material ×4
300 Shard Skills Activated
Use 300 Shard Skills during command battles. U-Material ×6
500 Shard Skills Activated
Use 500 Shard Skills during command battles. U-Material ×8
1,000 Shard Skills Activated
Use 1,000 Shard Skills during command battles. U-Material ×10
2,000 Shard Skills Activated
Use 2,000 Shard Skills during command battles. Tyrant Storm
EX: 4,000 Shard Skills Activated
EX: シャードスキルを4000回発動させよう
Use 4,000 Shard Skills during command battles. rendel Skill Stone ×5
EX: 20 Attacks Perfectly Evaded
EX: フィールドバトルでジャスト回避を20回決めよう
Performs 20 perfect dodges during field battles. Septith Mass ×200
EX: 50 Attacks Perfectly Evaded
EX: フィールドバトルでジャスト回避を50回決めよう
Performs 50 perfect dodges during field battles. Septith Mass ×400
EX: 100 Attacks Perfectly Evaded
EX: フィールドバトルでジャスト回避を100回決めよう
Performs 100 perfect dodges during field battles. Decoy
Dual Art Used
Use a Dual Art during a command battle. Magic Droplet
All Dual Arts Used
Use all attributes' Dual Arts during command battles. Magic Panaceax
10 EX Chains Activated
Activate 10 EX Chains during command battles. Power Droplet
50 EX Chains Activated
Activate 50 EX Chains during command battles. Power Droplet ×2
100 EX Chains Activated
Activate 100 EX Chains during command battles. Power Droplet ×4
200 EX Chains Activated
Activate 200 EX Chains during command battles. Jabberwock Arm
Quick Arts Damage Dealt 50 Times
Attack enemies using Quick Arts 50 times during field battles. Magic Droplet
Quick Arts Damage Dealt 100 Times
Attack enemies using Quick Arts 100 times during field battles. Magic Droplet ×2
Quick Arts Damage Dealt 300 Times
Attack enemies using Quick Arts 300 times during field battles. Magic Droplet ×4
Quick Arts Damage Dealt 500 Times
Attack enemies using Quick Arts 500 times during field battles. Zodiac Sign
All 7 Quick Art Attributes Used
Attack enemies using a Quick Art of all attributes during field battles. Spirit Panaceax
5 Cross Strikes Used
Attack enemies using Cross Strikes 5 times during field battles. Fortitude Droplet
20 Cross Strikes Used
Attack enemies using Cross Strikes 20 times during field battles. Fortitude Droplet ×2
50 Cross Strikes Used
Attack enemies using Cross Strikes 50 times during field battles. Fortitude Droplet ×4
100 Cross Strikes Used
Attack enemies using Cross Strikes 100 times during field battles. Ark of El Dorado
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 1
"お伽の庭城" Floor1の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 1 of the Märchen Garten. Firestorm
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 2
"お伽の庭城" Floor2の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 2 of the Märchen Garten. Abyss
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 3
"お伽の庭城" Floor3の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 3 of the Märchen Garten. Scent
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 4
"お伽の庭城" Floor4の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 4 of the Märchen Garten. Ivy Frost
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 5
"お伽の庭城" Floor5の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 5 of the Märchen Garten. Serendipity
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 6
"お伽の庭城" Floor6の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 6 of the Märchen Garten. Nebulous Cannon
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 7
"お伽の庭城" Floor7の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 7 of the Märchen Garten. Indomitability
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 8
"お伽の庭城" Floor8の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 8 of the Märchen Garten. Innocence
Defeated all Monsters on Floor 9
"お伽の庭城" Floor9の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 9 of the Märchen Garten. Oracle
EX: Defeated all Monsters on Floor 10
EX: "お伽の庭城" Floor10の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 10 of the Märchen Garten. U-Material+ ×2
EX: Defeated all Monsters on Floor 11
EX: "お伽の庭城" Floor11の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 11 of the Märchen Garten. U-Material+ ×4
EX: Defeated all Monsters on Floor 12
EX: "お伽の庭城" Floor12の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 12 of the Märchen Garten. U-Material+ ×6
EX: Defeated all Monsters on Floor 13
EX: "お伽の庭城" Floor13の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 13 of the Märchen Garten. U-Material+ ×8
EX: Defeated all Monsters on Floor 14
EX: "お伽の庭城" Floor14の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 14 of the Märchen Garten. U-Material+ ×10
EX: Defeated all Monsters on Floor 15
EX: "お伽の庭城" Floor15の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 15 of the Märchen Garten. Onyx Steel ×2
EX: Defeated all Monsters on Floor 16
EX: "お伽の庭城" Floor16の全種類の魔獣を倒そう
Defeat all types of monsters that appear on Floor 16 of the Märchen Garten. Onyx Steel ×5
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Van
EX: ヴァンで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Van achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Van's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Agnès
EX: アニエスで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Agnès achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Agnès' Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Feri
EX: フェリで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Feri achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Feri's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Aaron
EX: アーロンで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Aaron achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Aaron's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Risette
EX: リゼットで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Risette achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Risette's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Quatre
EX: カトルで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Quatre achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Quatre's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Judith
EX: ジュディスで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Judith achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Judith's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Elaine
EX: エレインで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Elaine achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Elaine's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Kincaid
EX: キンケイドで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Kincaid achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Kincaid's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Swin
EX: スウィンで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Swin achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Swin's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Nadia
EX: ナーディアで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Nadia achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Nadia's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Celis
EX: セリスで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Celis achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Celis' Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Leon
EX: リオンで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Leon achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Leon's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Renne
EX: レンで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Renne achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Renne's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Shizuna
EX: シズナで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Shizuna achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Shizuna's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Fie
EX: フィーで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Fie achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Fie's Skill Stone ×15
EX: Märchen Garten MVP Obtained as Zin
EX: ジンで"お伽の庭城"攻略のMVPを取ろう
Have Zin achieve MVP when clearing a Floor of the Märchen Garten. Zin's Skill Stone ×15