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This is a list of crafts in Trails through Daybreak by character.

Types of crafts:

  • Physical: Deals damage based on the character's STR and the target's DEF.
  • Magical: Deals damage based on the character's ATS and the target's ADF.
  • Support: Grants bonuses to allies or inflicts penalties to enemies.

The following units are used on this page:

  • # HP/# EP/# CP: Directly affects a stat
  • # range: Max distance between the user and the skill's main target or set point
  • # radius/width: Skill affects all targets within a circle/cone with a radius of # units or a line # units wide
  • #E: Number of enemies that the craft hits
  • #t: Effect lasts # turns as used by the unit (can be ∞ for indefinite)
  • # atk: Effect lasts until attacked # times
  • # AT: Effect lasts # action time ticks, an internal value tracking relative delay between turns
  • No unit: Power values are internal values and only useful to compare relative intensity, since the damage and healing formulas are more involved.

Delay is an AT value that determines the base time until the user gets their next turn, modified with a formula involving the user's SPD.

Van Arkride[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Stun Slash
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% E Set cone (5 radius, 100 degrees)
Physical - Impede & Side Attack Bonus
A sideways slash capable of overwhelming foes.
Interrupts casting of skills
+50% damage from side
Art (Kuro Skill) Coin Bullets
Initial 20 CP 110 AT Power D+ (Kuro Status) 110% 5×E Set cone (15 degrees)
Magic - DMG Down & Hate Up
Fires off 10 mira coins like bullets, drawing enemy attention.
DMG Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG-10% (3t)
Van: Hate Up (Kuro Status) Hate+90%
Craft (Kuro Skill) Aerial Buster
Level 8 50 CP 125 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% E Circle around target (4 range, 2.5 radius)
Physical - Delay (S), Back Attack Bonus
An acrobatic slash capable of devastating foes.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (3 AT)
+50% damage from back
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Heated Roar
Level 18 40 CP 0 AT User
Self-Buff - Temper, HP Regen on Turn
A Kunlun qigong technique that fills the body with power.
Temper (Kuro Status) Temper (4t)
HP Regen (Kuro Status) HP Regen (10% Max HP/t, 4t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Magna Slash
Level 29 30 CP 115 AT Power C+ (Kuro Status) 140% E Set cone (6 radius, 100 degrees)
Physical - Impede & Side Attack Bonus
A charged sideways slash that leaves foes breathless.
Interrupts casting of skills
+50% damage from side
Craft (Kuro Skill) Heavenly Halter
Level 41 70 CP 135 AT Power A+ (Kuro Status) 240% 2×E Set line (8 length, 4 width)
Physical - Slow
Staggers foes with a Kunlun-style stun caliber combo.
Slow (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Slow S (3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Raging Buster
Level 54 50 CP 125 AT Power B+ (Kuro Status) 180% E Circle around target (4 range, 2.5 radius)
Physical - Delay (M), Back Attack Bonus
A mighty acrobatic slash that crushes foes.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (6 AT)
+50% damage from back
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Take the Grendel
Intermission (11/14) 200 CP 0 AT User
Transformation - Become Grendel, Recover 100 CP
Transforms Van into the Grendel by enveloping him in shards.
Transform into Grendel for 3 turns
100 CP restored
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Vandalize Raid
Prologue 100 CP 150 AT Power S+ (Kuro Status) 320% 11+E Circle around target (8 radius)
A combo attack that leaves foes hopeless.


Grendel can make 2 attacks per turn (3 with S-Boost), but other than Rapid Onslaught and Heavy Spike, attacks can only be used once per turn. The delay applied to Grendel after the turn is the highest delay of all the attacks used.

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Attack (Kuro Skill) Rapid Onslaught
Initial 0 CP 100 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% 1 Single target (3 range)
Physical - RES Down
A series of punches that make full use of the Grendel's agility.
RES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG taken+10% (3t)
Attack (Kuro Skill) Heavy Spike
Initial 10 CP 105 AT Power C+ (Kuro Status) 140% 1 Single target (3 range)
Physical - ADMG Down
An inhuman aerial attack that kicks twice.
ADMG Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) ADMG-10% (3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Savage Blade
Initial 20 CP 110 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% 2×E Set cone (4.5 radius, 100 degrees)
Physical - HP Absorb
Tears through foes with a deadly blade.
Heals for 10% of damage done
Art (Kuro Skill) Howling Roar
Chapter 1 (9/7) 100 EP 115 AT Power B+ (Kuro Status) 180% E Set cone (8 radius, 100 degrees)
Magic - Impede, Hate Up
Terrifies foes with a demonic roar.
Interrupts casting of skills
Van: Hate Up (Kuro Status) Hate+90%
Craft (Kuro Skill) Mortal Raid
Chapter 3 (10/7) 30 CP 115 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% 2×E Circle around target (3 range, 1.5 radius)
Physical - ARES Down
A combo of kicks too fast to be seen by the naked eye.
ARES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) ADMG taken+10% (3t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Limited Blaster
Chapter 4 (10/24) 160 EP 120 AT Power A+ (Kuro Status) 240% 5×E Set line (5 width)
Magic - DMG Down
Fires a high-output shard.
ADMG Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) ADMG-10% (3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Oblivion Fist
Chapter 5 (11/22) 50 CP 125 AT Power S (Kuro Status) 280% 2×E Set line (8 length, 4 width)
Physical - Slow
Traps foes in lightning, then summons a devastating shockwave.
Slow (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Slow S (3t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Regal Beatdown
Chapter 2 (9/21) 100 CP 150 AT Power SS (Kuro Status) 370% 1+22×E Circle around target (6 radius)
A powerful, destructive rush.
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Revert
Intermission (11/14) 0 CP 0 AT User
Transforms into Van

Agnès Claudel[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) White Heal
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Circle around user (5 radius)
Support - HP Recovery & Heal Ailments/Stat Down
Heals and purifies allies with waves of white light.
30% Max HP healed
Cures status effects and stat down
Craft (Kuro Skill) Glow Hammer
Level 4 20 CP 110 AT Power D+ (Kuro Status) 110% E Targeted Circle (M)
Physical - EP Absorb & Back Attack Bonus
Converts damage dealt into EP. Damage increases with higher STR.
Restores EP for 10% of damage done
+50% damage from back
Art (Kuro Skill) Étoile Ray
Level 21 60 CP 130 AT Power B+ (Kuro Status) 180% E Set line (2 width)
Magic - ADMG Down
Blast foes with concentrated rays of orbal interference.
ADMG Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) ADMG-10% (3t)
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Jibril Guard
Level 32 70 CP 135 AT Circle around user (3 radius)
Support - Shield, HP Regen on Turn
Deploys a shield to guard allies.
Shield (Kuro Status) Shield (2000 HP)
HP Regen (Kuro Status) HP Regen (10% Max HP/t, 4t)
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Innocent Heal
Level 42 40 CP 120 AT Circle around user (8 radius)
Support - HP Heal/Heal Ailments & Stat Down
Heals and purifies allies with waves of pure energy.
40% Max HP healed
Cures status effects and stat down
Art (Kuro Skill) Pleiades Ray
Level 57 60 CP 130 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% E Set line (4 width)
Magic - ADMG/ARES Down
Blasts foes with extra-concentrated rays of orbal interference.
ADMG Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) ADMG-10% (3t)
ARES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) ADMG taken+10% (3t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Brilliant Halo
Chapter 1 (9/6) 100 CP 150 AT All
Support - Full HP Heal, HP Regen on Turn
Summons a circle of holy light to fully heal all allies.
100% Max HP healed
Cures K.O.
HP Regen (Kuro Status) HP Regen (10% Max HP/t, 4t)

Feri Al-Fayed[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Rapid Burst
Initial 20 CP 110 AT Power D+ (Kuro Status) 110% 4+E Set cone (7 radius, 60 degrees)
Physical - Slow
Suppresses enemies with rapid fire.
Slow (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Slow S (40% chance, 3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Heat Edge
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power B+ (Kuro Status) 180% E Set line (15 length, 2 width)
Moves user to set point
Physical - Burn, Side Attack Bonus
Cuts through foes with a burning blade.
Burn (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Burn S (40% chance, 2t)
+50% damage from side
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Flaming Prayer
Level 10 40 CP 70 AT Circle around user (5 radius)
Support - DMG Up, CP Regen on Turn
Offers up a prayer that blesses all allies.
DMG Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ADMG Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG+10% (3t)
CP Regen (Kuro Status) CP Regen (10 CP/t, 4t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Bulwark Blade
Level 31 60 CP 130 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% E Set circle (8 range, 4 radius)
Magic - RES/ARES Down
Weakens foes with a knife blessed by the flames.
RES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ARES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG taken+10% (3t)
Adds an instance of Fire (Kuro Element) Fire damage with 25% of the original hit's base damage
Craft (Kuro Skill) Rapid Eruption
Level 40 20 CP 110 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% 4+E Set cone (8 radius, 70 degrees)
Physical - Slow
Uses rapid yet accurate firepower to control the battlefield.
Slow (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Slow S (80% chance, 3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Infernal Edge
Level 55 50 CP 125 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% E Set line (15 length, 3 width)
Moves user to set point
Physical - Burn, Side Attack Bonus
Cuts through foes with an infernal blade.
Burn (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Burn S (40% chance, 2t)
+50% damage from side
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Ignis Rampage
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power S (Kuro Status) 280% 7×E Set circle (20 range, 7 radius)
Physical - Burn
Sets the battlefield alight with the full power of the flames.
Burn (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Burn S (100% chance, 2t)

Aaron Wei[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Myriad Slash
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Power C+ (Kuro Status) 140% 5×E Set cone (5 radius, 80 degrees)
Physical - Delay (S)
Assaults foes with Gekka-style sword strikes from above.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (3 AT)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Falcon Talons
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% 2 Single target (5 range)
Physical - Seal, Back Attack Bonus
The alteration of a Gekka technique which mimics a bird of prey.
Seal (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Seal S (40% chance, 2t)
+50% damage from back
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Bawanggong
Initial 30 CP
30% HP
65 AT User
Self-Buff (Cost HP) - Strait, Insight
Exchanges vitality for heightened spiritual power.
Strait (Kuro Status) Strait (3t)
Insight (Kuro Status) Insight (3t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Shuangxing Huangren
Level 22 60 CP 130 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% E Set line (15 length, 2 width)
Magic - Impede, Mute
Draws out the opposing forces within to decimate foes.
Interrupts casting of skills
Mute (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Mute S (40% chance, 2t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Blazing Slash
Level 41 40 CP 120 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% 6×E Set cone (6.5 radius, 85 degrees)
Physical - Delay (M)
An unceasing bombardment of multiple Gekka-style blows from above.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (6 AT)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Talon Barrage
Level 59 50 CP 125 AT Power A+ (Kuro Status) 240% 3 Single target (5 range)
Physical - Seal, Back Attack Bonus
The perfected mimicry of a striking bird of prey.
Seal (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Seal S (80% chance, 2t)
+50% damage from back
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Phoenix Dance
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power SS (Kuro Status) 370% 4×E Set circle (6 radius)
Overwhelms foes with wild yet breathtaking sword strikes.

Risette Twinings[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Silent Slasher
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% E Set cone (5 radius, 100 degrees)
Physical - Deathblow, Back Attack Bonus
Carves through foes cleanly and quietly.
Deathblow (Kuro Status) Deathblow (50% chance)
+50% damage from back
Art (Kuro Skill) Edel Snipe
Initial 20 CP 110 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% 3+E Set line (15 length, 2.5 width)
Magic - Side Attack Bonus
Elegantly fires a sniper shot with deadly precision.
+50% damage from side
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Cobalt Curtain
Initial 30 CP 65 AT Set circle (5 range, 6 radius)
Support - Shield, RES/ARES Up
Deploys a defensive field that boosts strength.
Shield (Kuro Status) Shield (2000 HP)
RES Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ARES Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG taken-10% (3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Sonic Chaser
Level 36 60 CP 130 AT Power B+ (Kuro Status) 180% 5 Single target (5 range)
Physical - Quick
A series of attacks inconceivable to the naked eye.
Risette: Quick (Kuro Status)Status M (Kuro Status) Quick M (3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Lightning Chaser
Level 60 60 CP 130 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% 5 Single target (5 range)
Physical - Quick
A series of lightning-fast attacks inconceivable to the naked eye.
Risette: Quick (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status) Quick L (3t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Radiant Seeker
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power S (Kuro Status) 280% 2×E Circle around target (10 radius)
Physical - Deathblow
Traps foes, then unleashes a deadly omnidirectional attack.
Deathblow (Kuro Status) Deathblow (100% chance)

Quatre Salision[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Art (Kuro Skill) Optical Cannon
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power C+ (Kuro Status) 140% E Set line (2 width)
Magic - Freeze, Side Attack Bonus
Disables FIO's limiters and fires an ultra-low temperature beam.
Freeze (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Freeze S (40% chance, 2t)
+50% damage from side
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Satellite Cure
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Circle around user (6 radius)
Support - HP Heal (M), CP Boost
Orders FIO to emit a ray that heals allies.
30% Max HP healed
30 CP restored
Craft (Kuro Skill) Procyon Fang
Chapter 4 (10/24) 70 CP 135 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% E Circle around target (8 range, 2.5 radius)
Physical - DMG/ADMG Down
Orders XEROS to tear foes asunder.
DMG Down (Kuro Status)Status M (Kuro Status)ADMG Down (Kuro Status)Status M (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG-20% (3t)
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Laplace Code
Level 44 60 CP 80 AT Set circle (5 range, 3 radius)
Support - Shield, DMG/ADMG Up
Expands FIO's systems, creating a protective shield.
Shield (Kuro Status) Shield (4000 HP)
DMG Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ADMG Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG+10% (3t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Digamma Driver
Chapter 4 (10/25) 100 CP 150 AT Power S (Kuro Status) 280% E Set line (6 width)
Magic - Freeze
While riding XEROS pierce foes with a FIO-made lance of light.
Freeze (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Freeze S (100% chance, 2t)

Judith Lanster[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Art (Kuro Skill) Twilight Kiss
Initial 60 CP 130 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% E Set cone (30 radius, 15 degrees)
Magic - Bewitch/Remove Buffs
Bring foes to their knees with kiss-marked calling cards.
Removes positive effects
Bewitch (Kuro Status) Bewitch (40% chance, 3t) [100% chance transformed]
Craft (Kuro Skill) Swift Larceny
Initial 20 CP 110 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% 1 Single target
Physical - HP Absorb/Gain Sepith
A stylish thieving technique inconceivable to the naked eye.
Heals for 10% of damage done
Adds 10% of target's sepith drops (rounded up) after victory
Craft (Kuro Skill) Criminal Beaut
Initial 70 CP 135 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% E²+E Circle around user (3.5 radius)
Physical - Ailment Res. Down, Side Attack Bonus
Entangles foes, then sends them flying.
Ailment Res Down (Kuro Status) Ailment vulnerability×1.5 (40% chance, 3t) [100% chance transformed]
+50% damage from side
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Go! Go! Grimcat!
Initial 50 CP 5 AT User
Transformation - Add. Magic Damage
Transforms Judith into the phantom thief Grimcat!
Adds a magic damage instance with 90% Power to attacks and crafts
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Revert Initial 0 CP 5 AT User
Transformation - Revert
Reverts Judith's transformation.
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Grimnight Waltz
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power S+ (Kuro Status) 320% E All targets
Physical - Blind/Ailment Res. Down
Leaps through the night sky, catching her prey unawares.
Blind (Kuro Status) Blind (100% chance, 2t) [Untransformed only]
Ailment Res Down (Kuro Status) Ailment vulnerability×1.5 (100% chance, 3t) [Untransformed only]

Bergard Zeman[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Titus Hammer
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% E Set circle (5 range, 3.5 radius)
Physical - Delay (M), Back Attack Bonus
Crushes foes with a powerful strike from above.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (6 AT)
+50% damage from back
Craft (Kuro Skill) King of the Beasts
Initial 70 CP 135 AT Power A+ (Kuro Status) 240% E Circle around target (2 range, 1.5 radius)
Physical - RES/ARES Down
Strikes with a Kunlun-style tetsuzanko, unleashing a lion's aura.
RES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ARES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG taken+10% (3t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Lion's Roar
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power D+ (Kuro Status) 110% E Set cone (7 radius, 100 degrees)
Magic - Self-Buff, Impede, Vigor
A mighty roar that boosts vigor and unleases a deadly shockwave.
Interrupts casting of skills
Removes positive effects
Bergard: Vigor (Kuro Status) Vigor (3t), DMG Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG+10% (3t), RES Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG taken-10% (3t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Celestial Impact
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power SS (Kuro Status) 370% 6+E Circle around target (6 radius)
Combines six forms of the Kunlun style into an attack.

Elaine Auclair[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Lohengrin
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% Set circle (5 range, 3.5 radius)
Physical - Delay (S), Quick
A beautiful yet deadly dance that cuts foes to ribbons.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (3 AT)
Elaine: Quick (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Quick S (2t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Kaleido Fencer
Initial 70 CP 135 AT Power A+ (Kuro Status) 240% Circle around target (5 range, 1.5 radius)
Physical - Delay (M), DMG Up
Halts foes with a thrust, followed by a faster-than-light strike.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (6 AT)
Elaine: DMG Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG+10% (2t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Silvery Cross
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power D+ (Kuro Status) 110% Set line (4 width)
Magic - Seal, Mute, Side Attack Bonus
Disrupts enemy formations with beautiful beams of light.
Seal (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Seal S (100% chance, 2t)
Mute (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Mute S (100% chance, 2t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Knights of Asteria
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power SS (Kuro Status) 370% Circle around target (6 radius)
Unleashes an elegant barrage of light upon foes.

Fie Claussell[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Sweep
Initial 30 CP 110 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% Circle around target (5 range, 3 radius)
Physical - Impede
Suppresses foes with relentless fire.
Interrupts casting of skills
Craft (Kuro Skill) Mirage Raid
Initial 40 CP 110 AT Power B+ (Kuro Status) 180% Set line (15 length, 3 width)
Physical - Stealth, Quick
Strikes with a powerful surprise attack.
Fie: Stealth (Kuro Status) Stealth (2t), Quick (Kuro Status)Status M (Kuro Status) Quick M (3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Glimmering Flash
Initial 60 CP 120 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% Set circle (4 range, 2 radius)
Physical - Seal, Back Attack Bonus
Slices through foes, then showers them with a rain of bullets.
Seal (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Seal S (100% chance, 2t)
+50% damage from back
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Azure Greon
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power S+ (Kuro Status) 320% All targets
Unleashes a barrage of steel and illusions.

Zin Vathek[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Heralding Fist
Initial 50 CP 120 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% Circle around target (2 range, 1.5 radius)
Physical - Delay (M), Back Attack Bonus
Assaults foes with a heavy elbow strike and a deadly punch.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (6 AT)
+50% damage from back
Craft (Kuro Skill) Thundering Kick
Initial 60 CP 125 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% Circle around target (4 range, 2.5 radius)
Physical - Seal
Decimates foes with a lightning-clad kick.
Seal (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Seal S (100% chance, 2t)
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Distend
Initial 40 CP 65 AT User
Self-Buff - HP Heal, DMG/RES Up (L)
A parameter-boosting breathing technique.
40% Max HP healed
DMG Up (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status) DMG+30% (3t)
RES Up (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status) DMG taken-30% (3t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Arhat Palm Strike
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power SS (Kuro Status) 370% Circle around target (6 radius)
Physical - RES/ARES Down
Unleases a shuangzhangda that can shatter mountains.
RES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ARES Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG taken+10% (3t)

René Kincaid[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Art (Kuro Skill) Arc Dominator
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% Single target
Magic - All Stats Down
Fires a magical shot that weakens foes.
STR Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)DEF Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ATS Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ADF Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)SPD Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)MOV Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) STR/DEF/ATS/ADF/SPD-15% (20% chance each, 3t), MOV-1 (20% chance each, 3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Exceed Rain
Initial 70 CP 135 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% Set cone (7 radius, 100 degrees)
Physical - Impede, Ailment RES. Down
Fires a series of pinpoint shots that rain down upon foes.
Interrupts casting of skills
Ailment Res Down (Kuro Status) Ailment vulnerability×1.5 (100% chance, 3t)
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Dualizer
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Single target (5 range)
Support - Haste, DMG/ADMG UP (L)
Uses a special pulse gun to power up a targeted ally.
Targets' turn occurs immediately after
DMG Up (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status)ADMG Up (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG+30% (3t)

Walter Kron[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Razor Hurricane
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Set line (4 width)
Physical - Impede
Bombards foes with kicks too fast for the naked eye to see.
Interrupts casting of skills
Craft (Kuro Skill) Vulgar Claw
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% Set cone (15 degrees)
Physical - Slow
Cleaves foes with claws formed from pure courage.
Slow (Kuro Status)Status M (Kuro Status) Slow M (3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Guijing Luanxi
Initial 70 CP 135 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% Single target (2 range)
Physical - DMG/RES Up, Quick
Lands multiple strikes on foes from their blind spots.
Walter: DMG Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG+10% (3t), RES Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) DMG taken-10% (3t), Quick (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Quick S (3t)
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Alcatraz Blow
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power SS (Kuro Status) 370% Set line (6 width)
Physical - RES/ARES Down
Crushes foes with raw strength and the power of the earth.
RES Down (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status)ARES Down (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status) DMG/ADMG taken+30% (3t)

Lucrezia Isselee[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Gullveig Pierce
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Circle around target (5 range, 2.5 radius)
Physical - Bewitch
Calls forth an otherworldly glaive capable of cutting down foes.
Bewitch (Kuro Status) Bewitch (60% chance, 3t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Golden Butterflies
Initial 60 CP 130 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% All targets
Magical - All Stats Down, Heal Allies
Saps foes' strength with the use of mystical butterflies.
Enemies: STR Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)DEF Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ATS Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ADF Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)SPD Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)MOV Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) STR/DEF/ATS/ADF/SPD-15% (20% chance each, 3t), MOV-1 (20% chance each, 3t)
Allies: Heal for 10% of damage done
Craft (Kuro Skill) Illustrious Dance
Initial 80 CP 140 AT Power A+ (Kuro Status) 240% Circle around target (3 range, 4.5 radius)
Physical - Bewitch
A dance that rends both time and space.
Bewitch (Kuro Status) Bewitch (100% chance, 3t)

Shizuna Rem Misurugi[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Duality
双影 -ふたえ-
Initial 20 CP 110 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Set line (4 width)
Physical - Remove Buffs, Delay (S), Sure Hit
Creates a shadow that can cut through even the bleakest of nights.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (6 AT)
Removes positive effects
Can't miss
Craft (Kuro Skill) Raging Blizzard
嵐雪 -らんせつ-
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power B+ (Kuro Status) 180% Set circle (3 range, 2.5 radius)
Physical - Freeze, Sure Hit
A strike capable of freezing foes' very souls.
Freeze (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Freeze S (100% chance, 2t)
Can't miss
Craft (Kuro Skill) Silver Winds
九十九颯 -つくもはやて-
Initial 80 CP 140 AT Power A+ (Kuro Status) 240% Set circle (4 range, 5 radius)
Physical - Sure Hit, Side Attack Bonus
Slices through enemies with blinding speed.
Can't miss
+50% damage from side
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Zeroth Gleam
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power SS (Kuro Status) 370% All targets
Physical - Delay (L)
Cleaves through everything in the night―even the moon.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (12 AT)


Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Thunderous Rend
Initial 20 CP 110 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Set line (8 length, 4 width)
Moves user to set point
Slices through enemy formations with a storm of slashes.
Craft (Kuro Skill) Shadow Bind
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power B (Kuro Status) 160% Set line (6 width)
Physical - Seal, Slow
Pins foes' shadows to the ground with kunai, halting movement.
Seal (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Seal S (40% chance, 2t)
Slow (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Slow S (40% chance, 3t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Infernal Hades Blade
Initial 80 CP 140 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% All targets
Physical - Stealth
Attacks foes from all sides with the use of a massive shuriken.
Kurogane: Stealth (Kuro Status) Stealth (3t)

Rixia Mao[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Phoenix Moon
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Set line (4 width)
Physical - Delay (M)
Carves a circle in the air that tears foes to shreds.
AT Delay (Kuro Status) AT Delay (6 AT)
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Flame Talisman
Initial 40 CP 70 AT User
Self-Buff - Quick (L), CP Regen on Turn
Quick (Kuro Status)Status L (Kuro Status) Quick L (3t)
CP Regen (Kuro Status) CP Regen (30 CP/t, 4t)
Craft (Kuro Skill) Flying Swallow
Initial 60 CP 130 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% Circle around target (4 range, 3.5 radius)
Catches foes in the air with painful talons.
S Craft (Kuro Skill) Paraselene Pirouette
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Power S+ (Kuro Status) 320% All targets
Physical - Bewitch
Beguiles foes with illusions, then cuts them down under the moonlight.
Bewitch (Kuro Status) Bewitch (100% chance, 3t)

Cao Lee[]

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Craft (Kuro Skill) Anjin Lanhui
Initial 50 CP 125 AT Power A (Kuro Status) 210% Circle around user (2.5 radius)
Decimates foes with a charged palm strike.
Art (Kuro Skill) Fengchangren
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Set line (2 width)
Magic - Impede, Mute
Fires a dart that seals foes' arts.
Interrupts casting of skills
Mute (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Mute S (40% chance, 2t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Feileiren
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Set line (2 width)
Magic - Burn, Seal
Fires a dart that binds foes and sets them ablaze.
Burn (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Burn S (40% chance, 2t)
Seal (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Seal S (40% chance, 2t)
Art (Kuro Skill) Heishiren
Initial 30 CP 115 AT Power C (Kuro Status) 120% Set line (2 width)
Magic - Blind, Rot
Fires a dart that blinds foes and infects them with rot.
Blind (Kuro Status) Blind (40% chance, 2t)
Rot (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Rot S (40% chance, 2t)
Support Craft (Kuro Skill) Yuemen Dunjia
Initial 100 CP 150 AT Circle around user (6 radius)
Support - Buff Allies, Debuff Foes
Calls forth a divination circle to turn the tide of battle.
Allies: STR Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)DEF Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ATS Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ADF Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)SPD Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)MOV Up (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) STR/DEF/ATS/ADF/SPD+10% (3t), MOV+1 (3t), Quick (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) Quick S (2t)
Enemies: STR Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)DEF Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ATS Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)ADF Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)SPD Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status)MOV Down (Kuro Status)Status S (Kuro Status) STR/DEF/ATS/ADF/SPD-15% (3t), MOV-1 (3t), Removes positive effects