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This is a list of fish that can be caught in Trails of Cold Steel II. Fish have a 40% chance to be within the small size range, 40% chance to be within the medium size range, and 20% chance to be within the large size range.

The bolded location is the first location where each fish appears first. The fish won't appear in earlier locations until the location where it appears first becomes available, except on New Game +.

Name Rarity Rewards Description
Kasagin (Sen)

100 (D) +5 CP / First Catch: 10pt An attractive small fish with distinctive glistening scales. Able to adapt to a variety of water types and environments. Widely loved by fishermen for the pleasant way it tugs on the line.
Feather Rod: 100 4 - 7.9 Rege:
Mirage (Sen Sepith) Mirage Sepith ×10, 3pt
Excellent Rod: 50 8 - 11.9 Rege:
Mirage (Sen Sepith) Mirage Sepith ×20, 4pt
Lakelord Star II: 10 12 - 14 Rege:
Mirage (Sen Sepith) Mirage Sepith ×30, 5pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Trista Highway 1 East Celdic Highway 3 Legram, the Lakeside Town Ebel Highway 3
Twin Dragons Bridge - Garrelia Side Nortia Highway 3 North Kreuzen Highway 2 Academy - Pond
Swordtail (Sen)

100 (D) +5 CP / First Catch: 15pt A small fish known for its sharp, sword-like tail fin. It's very aggressive by nature and will try to repel even the largest intruders from its territory. Popular in aquariums due to its beautiful color.
Feather Rod: 100 6 - 9.9 Rege:
Water (Sen Sepith) Water Sepith ×10, 3pt
Excellent Rod: 50 10 - 13.9 Rege:
Water (Sen Sepith) Water Sepith ×20, 4pt
Lakelord Star II: 10 14 - 16 Rege:
Water (Sen Sepith) Water Sepith ×30, 5pt
Ymir Valley 1 Lunaria Nature Park 2 East Celdic Highway 1 Ebel Highway 1 South Kreuzen Highway
Spina Byroad Nortia Highway 3 North Kreuzen Highway 2 Trista - River
Fighter (Sen II)

100 (D) +5 CP / First Catch: 20pt A small fish known for its beautiful fins. Known as the nobles of the aquatic world for their graceful swimming and low-key coloring. Very competitive and will attack other fish without mercy, especially similar-natured swordtails.
Feather Rod: 100 8 - 11.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×5, 3pt
Excellent Rod: 50 12 - 15.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×10, 4pt
Lakelord Star II: 10 16 - 18 Rege:
Key (Sen Item) U-Material ×1, 5pt
Ymir Valley 1 Lunaria Nature Park 2 East Trista Highway 1 Nord Highlands - Northeast Ebel Highway 3
Spina Byroad Sachsen Mountain Path 2 North Kreuzen Highway 1 Academy - Pond
Grey Crab (Sen)

Gray Crab
100 (D) +10 CP / First Catch: 25pt A small crab with a gray carapace. Spends much of its time hidden in the shadows of rocks disguised as a small stone, making it difficult to find. Also popular as a cooking ingredient, as its shell makes a delicious, mellow stock.
Feather Rod: 100 10 - 13.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Chitinous Shell ×1, 3pt
Excellent Rod: 50 14 - 17.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Chitinous Shell ×2, 4pt
Lakelord Star II: 10 18 - 20 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Chitinous Shell ×3, 5pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Celdic Highway 1 Highlands - Lake Lacrima Ebel Highway 3
South Kreuzen Highway Aqua Shrine - Depths North Kreuzen Highway 1 Trista - River
Crayfish (Sen)

100 (D) +15 CP / First Catch: 30pt A crustacean with a distinctive red carapace. It rarely lets go of bait, making it an extremely easy fish to catch. Most Erebonian men have been crayfish fishing at least once when they were younger.
Feather Rod: 100 12 - 15.9 Rege:
Fire (Sen Sepith) Fire Sepith ×10, 3pt
Excellent Rod: 50 16 - 19.9 Rege:
Fire (Sen Sepith) Fire Sepith ×20, 4pt
Lakelord Star II: 10 20 - 22 Rege:
Fire (Sen Sepith) Fire Sepith ×30, 5pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Celdic Highway 3 Nord Highlands - North Legram, the Lakeside Town
Twin Dragons Bridge - Celdic Side Sachsen Mountain Path 2 Aurochs Canyon Path 1 Academy - Pond
Anor Carp (Sen)

Anor Carp
100 (D) +5 CP / First Catch: 35pt A small fish said to be native to the Anor River. A tactical approach is needed to catch one, making it a fun experience for both beginners and experts. Many rate it as the most fun fish of all to catch.
Feather Rod: 100 14 - 17.9 Rege:
Wind (Sen Sepith) Wind Sepith ×15, 3pt
Excellent Rod: 50 18 - 21.9 Rege:
Wind (Sen Sepith) Wind Sepith ×30, 4pt
Lakelord Star II: 10 22 - 24 Rege:
Wind (Sen Sepith) Wind Sepith ×45, 5pt
Ymir Valley 1 Highlands - Lake Lacrima Nord Highlands - Northeast South Kreuzen Highway
Twin Dragons Bridge - Celdic Side Nortia Highway 3 Aurochs Canyon Path 1 Academy - Pond
Rockeater (Sen)

60 (C) +20 CP / First Catch: 40pt An overly cautious fish that requires a careful approach to catch. It is believed to swallow rocks to stabilize itself when water levels rise and is often found with amberls in its stomach when caught.
Feather Rod: 60 16 - 19.9 Rege:
Earth (Sen Sepith) Earth Sepith ×15, 5pt
Excellent Rod: 30 20 - 22.9 Rege:
Earth (Sen Sepith) Earth Sepith ×30, 6pt
Lakelord Star II: 6 24 - 26 Rege:
Earth (Sen Sepith) Earth Sepith ×45, 7pt
Ymir Valley 1 Nord Highlands - North Ebel Highway 1 Twin Dragons Bridge - Garrelia Side
Aqua Shrine - Depths Aurochs Canyon Path 1 Trista - River
Carp (Sen)

60 (C) +10 CP / First Catch: 45pt A freshwater fish known for its longevity. There are seven officially reported cases of carp living for over a hundred years, as well as unconfirmed reports of some having lived since the Middle Ages.
Feather Rod: 30 30 - 36.9 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) Tear Balm ×1, 5pt
Excellent Rod: 60 37 - 43.9 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) Teara Balm ×1, 6pt
Lakelord Star II: 30 44 - 50 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) Tearal Balm ×1, 7pt
Ymir Valley 1 Lunaria Nature Park 2 Nord Highlands - Northeast Legram, the Lakeside Town
Twin Dragons Bridge - Celdic Side Spina Byroad Trista - River
Warrior (Sen II)

60 (C) +10 CP / First Catch: 50pt A medium-sized fish that is red and blue in color. Fighters who grow to a certain size become known as warriors. Roughly half of all fighters die before becoming warriors due to their fearless nature, however.
Feather Rod: 30 34 - 40.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×10, 5pt
Excellent Rod: 60 41 - 47.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×20, 6pt
Lakelord Star II: 30 48 - 54 Rege:
Key (Sen Item) U-Material ×2, 7pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Trista Highway 1 Nord Highlands - North Ebel Highway 1
Sachsen Mountain Path 2 North Kreuzen Highway 1 Academy - Pond
Gluttonous Bass (Sen)

Gluttonous Bass
60 (C) +10 CP / First Catch: 60pt A fish that feeds on other fish and has a very large mouth relative to its body. Flails wildly when hooked on a line, resisting until it has no strength to do so, making it ideal for fishermen who love a battle.
Feather Rod: 30 38 - 44.9 Rege:
Accessory (Sen Item) Silver Earring, 5pt
Excellent Rod: 60 45 - 51.9 Rege:
Accessory (Sen Item) Black Bangle, 6pt
Lakelord Star II: 30 52 - 58 Rege:
Accessory (Sen Item) Holy Chain, 7pt
Ymir Valley 1 Lunaria Nature Park 2 East Celdic Highway 1 Legram, the Lakeside Town
Twin Dragons Bridge - Garrelia Side Nortia Highway 3 Academy - Pond
Salamander (Sen)

60 (C) +30 CP / First Catch: 55pt A medium-sized amphibian that loves to live in stagnant water. Some food connoisseurs praise its taste, but it hasn't caught on with the general population because of its scarcity and unpleasant appearance.
Feather Rod: 30 42 - 48.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Clear Gelatin ×1, 5pt
Excellent Rod: 60 49 - 55.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Clear Gelatin ×2, 6pt
Lakelord Star II: 30 56 - 62 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Clear Gelatin ×3, 7pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Trista Highway 1 East Celdic Highway 3 Nord Highlands - North
South Kreuzen Highway Spina Byroad Academy - Pond
Trout (Sen)

60 (C) +15 CP / First Catch: 65pt A medium-sized fish covered with steel-blue scales. Some say that it is a subspecies of landlocked salmon. Its features differ depending on the region it lives in, and some even find their way to the sea.
Feather Rod: 30 46 - 52.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) White Beast Flesh ×1, 5pt
Excellent Rod: 60 53 - 59.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) White Beast Flesh ×2, 6pt
Lakelord Star II: 30 60 - 66 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) White Beast Flesh ×3, 7pt
Ymir Valley 1 Highlands - Lake Lacrima Nord Highlands - Northeast
Ebel Highway 3 Aqua Shrine - Depths Trista - River
Rainbow Trout (Sen)

Rainbow Trout
40 (B) +15 CP / First Catch: 70pt A medium-sized fish that shines with all the colors of the rainbow when light reflects off it at the right angle. It has all seven types of sepith in its body, making it possible to get rich by catching a really big one.
Feather Rod: 20 50 - 56.9 Rege:
Earth (Sen Sepith)Water (Sen Sepith)Fire (Sen Sepith)Wind (Sen Sepith)Time (Sen Sepith)Space (Sen Sepith)Mirage (Sen Sepith) All Sepith ×10, 7pt
Excellent Rod: 40 57 - 63.9 Rege:
Earth (Sen Sepith)Water (Sen Sepith)Fire (Sen Sepith)Wind (Sen Sepith)Time (Sen Sepith)Space (Sen Sepith)Mirage (Sen Sepith) All Sepith ×20, 8pt
Lakelord Star II: 20 64 - 70 Rege:
Earth (Sen Sepith)Water (Sen Sepith)Fire (Sen Sepith)Wind (Sen Sepith)Time (Sen Sepith)Space (Sen Sepith)Mirage (Sen Sepith) All Sepith ×30, 9pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Celdic Highway 3 Ebel Highway 1
Twin Dragons Bridge - Celdic Side North Kreuzen Highway 2 Trista - River
Arowana (Sen)

40 (B) +10 CP / First Catch: 75pt A beautiful, medium-sized fish with a red and gold coloring. Far more savage than its appearance would suggest, it targets prey that flies above the water's surface, jumping dynamically through the air.
Feather Rod: 20 54 - 60.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×30, 7pt
Excellent Rod: 40 61 - 67.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×60, 8pt
Lakelord Star II: 20 68 - 74 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×90, 9pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Celdic Highway 1 Highlands - Lake Lacrima
Twin Dragons Bridge - Garrelia Side Aqua Shrine - Depths Academy - Pond
Salmon (Sen I)

60 (B) +30 CP / First Catch: 80pt An anadromous fish that is born in a river and then migrates to the ocean. When hooked, it uses the strength it has acquired living in the sea to great effect, tugging on the line with considerable force.
Feather Rod: 6 60 - 69.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Red Beast Flesh ×2, 7pt
Excellent Rod: 30 70 - 79.9 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Red Beast Flesh ×3, 8pt
Lakelord Star II: 60 80 - 90 Rege:
Food Ingredient (Sen Item) Red Beast Flesh ×4, 9pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Celdic Highway 3 Legram, the Lakeside Town
South Kreuzen Highway Spina Byroad Trista - River
Eel (Sen)

60 (B) +50 CP / First Catch: 85pt A rare fish with an unpleasant appearance that resembles a snake. It is covered in a mucous layer that makes it hard to hold barehanded. Regarded as having energizing properties in Eastern medicine, and effective in fighting off heat.
Feather Rod: 6 70 - 79.9 Rege:
Time (Sen Sepith) Time Sepith ×30, 7pt
Excellent Rod: 30 80 - 89.9 Rege:
Time (Sen Sepith) Time Sepith ×60, 8pt
Lakelord Star II: 60 90 - 100 Rege:
Time (Sen Sepith) Time Sepith ×90, 9pt
Ymir Valley 1 Lunaria Nature Park 2 Ebel Highway 3
Sachsen Mountain Path 2 Aurochs Canyon Path 1 Trista - River
Gladiator (Sen II)

60 (B) +20 CP / First Catch: 90pt A large fish with big, colorful fins that is the result of a fighter winning countless battles over time and living to tell the tale.
Feather Rod: 6 80 - 89.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×15, 7pt
Excellent Rod: 30 90 - 99.9 Rege:
Mass (Sen Sepith) Sepith Mass ×30, 8pt
Lakelord Star II: 60 100 - 110 Rege:
Key (Sen Item) U-Material ×3, 9pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Trista Highway 1 Nord Highlands - North
Nortia Highway 3 North Kreuzen Highway 1 Academy - Pond
Queen Crab (Sen)

Queen Crab
60 (B) +40 CP / First Catch: 95pt A large crab with a pale red carapace. Far more agile than its appearance would suggest, it can catch swimming fish in its claws while they are in motion. Its claws are very sharp, requiring careful handling even after catching.
Feather Rod: 6 90 - 99.9 Rege:
Fire (Sen Sepith) Fire Sepith ×30, 7pt
Excellent Rod: 30 100 - 109.9 Rege:
Fire (Sen Sepith) Fire Sepith ×60, 8pt
Lakelord Star II: 60 110 - 120 Rege:
Fire (Sen Sepith) Fire Sepith ×90, 9pt
Ymir Valley 1 East Celdic Highway 1 Twin Dragons Bridge - Celdic Side
Aqua Shrine - Depths North Kreuzen Highway 2 Trista - River
Pale Salamander (Sen)

Pale Salamander
40 (A) +100 CP / First Catch: 105pt A large amphibian with a glistening pale blue body. Said to have healing powers due to its mystical appearance and speed in recovering from injuries. While some think it a mutated salamander, too few are caught to be sure.
Feather Rod: 4 100 - 109.9 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) EP Charge I ×1, 10pt
Excellent Rod: 20 110 - 119.9 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) EP Charge II ×1, 11pt
Lakelord Star II: 40 120 - 130 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) EP Charge III ×1, 12pt
Ymir Valley 1 Highlands - Lake Lacrima Aurochs Canyon Path 1 Academy - Pond
Catfish (Sen)

40 (A) +20 CP / First Catch: 110pt A large, savage fish that inhabits stagnant waters. Its long whiskers act as sensors, allowing it to supposedly detect a septium vein's flow. Known for causing an uproar just before earthquakes hit.
Feather Rod: 4 110 - 119.9 Rege:
Accessory (Sen Item) Coral Bracelet, 10pt
Excellent Rod: 20 120 - 129.9 Rege:
Accessory (Sen Item) Marble Bracelet, 11pt
Lakelord Star II: 40 130 - 140 Rege:
Accessory (Sen Item) Yellow Pendulum, 12pt
Ymir Valley 1 Twin Dragons Bridge - Garrelia Side North Kreuzen Highway 1 Trista - River
Gold Salmon (Sen)

Gold Salmon
40 (A) +80 CP / First Catch: 100pt A subspecies of salmon with a glistening gold body. Its appearance symbolizes wealth and good fortune, making it prized by more than just fishermen. It is also said to be delicious, but it is so rare that few can confirm this.
Feather Rod: 4 120 - 129.9 Rege:
Space (Sen Sepith) Space Sepith ×40, 10pt
Excellent Rod: 20 130 - 139.9 Rege:
Space (Sen Sepith) Space Sepith ×80, 11pt
Lakelord Star II: 40 140 - 150 Rege:
Space (Sen Sepith) Space Sepith ×120, 12pt
Ymir Valley 1 Ebel Highway 1 North Kreuzen Highway 2 Trista - River
Invisible Crayfish (Sen)

Invisible Crayfish
20 (S) +30 CP / First Catch: 115pt A large crustacean that looks like it has been frozen in ice. It is extremely difficult to spot in water, perhaps due to the water sepith in its body. As a result, despite its large size, barely any have ever been caught.
Feather Rod: 2 130 - 139.9 Rege:
Water (Sen Sepith) Water Sepith ×50, 14pt
Excellent Rod: 10 140 - 149.9 Rege:
Water (Sen Sepith) Water Sepith ×100, 15pt
Lakelord Star II: 20 150 - 160 Rege:
Water (Sen Sepith) Water Sepith ×150, 16pt
Ymir Valley 1 Nord Highlands - Northeast Academy - Pond
Noble Carp (Sen II)

Noble Carp
20 (S) +30 CP / First Catch: 120pt A rarer, more beautiful form of carp with an elegant vermillion and white coloring. Poets who saw it praised its beauty as 'more noble than the finest knight; more elegant than the most stunning noblewoman.
Feather Rod: 2 140 - 149.9 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) Teara Balm ×1, 14pt
Excellent Rod: 10 150 - 159.9 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) Tearal Balm ×1, 15pt
Lakelord Star II: 20 160 - 170 Rege:
Potion (Sen Item) Tear All Balm ×1, 16pt
Ymir Valley 1 Sachsen Mountain Path 2 Trista - River
Arch Tyrant (Sen II)

Arch Tyrant
One only (SS) First Catch: 250pt A mutation of gladiator with a noble radiance and aura of royal dignity. Cheated death countless times to attain its great size and majesty, and now rules the waters of Ymir. Never defeated, it has become a legend among fishermen.
Feather Rod: —
Excellent Rod: — 300 Rege:
Key (Sen Item) U-Material ×10, 50pt
Lakelord Star II: 100%
Ymir Valley 1 (After fishing all other types)