A ferocious monster has been sighted along the trail behind Ravennue Village. It must be sought out and exterminated ASAP.
For details, please see me in the village.
Ravennue Monster (山道の魔獣捜索) is an optional quest that occurs during Chapter 1: "Disappearance of the Linde" in Trails in the Sky FC.
This quest is available after entering the Bracer Guild in the City of Bose at the start of Chapter 1.
This quest expires after speaking with Nial in Kirsche's Bar during Missing Airliner.
- Travel to Ravennue Village following the southern Ravennue Trail.
- Head into the Elder's House and speak with Elder Reisen.
- Travel to the northern Ravennue Trail Map 2.
- Walk into the second fork towards the Abandoned Mine for a battle.
- According to the village elder, the monster has been sighted along the trail to the north of the village.
- It seems as though the monster lurks in a specific area along the trail.
- Let's hit up the trail to the north of the village, and leave no stone unturned until we find it!
- Exterminated monster!