Part 1: The actual Aureole itself, is somewhere in the floating city...
If we can find it, we should be able to do something about the danger Liberl is in.
Aboard the Arseille...for the flying city!!
Part 2: I can't help but be overwhelmed by the size of the park block, Calmare, and residential block, Cradle...
We still don't have any clues regarding the Aureole. Let's continue with our investigation.
Part 3: The Axis Pillar is before us.
Loewe, the professor, and the rest should all be inside the tower. Once we are utterly prepared, let's strike.
Investigate the City (浮遊都市の探索) is a required story quest that occurs during the Finale: "Trails in the Sky" in Trails in the Sky SC.
The quest is automatically acquired at the beginning of the Finale.
Part 1[]
- In the airship, climb down to the bottom floor and exit through the south door.
- Climb the scrap and head to Calmare Park Block Map 2.
- Step on the central elevator to West Calmare Station.
- Examine the terminal, select Halo Rail Service Information to activate the station, and Gate Lock Release to open the tunnels.
- Head back down on the elevator and enter the door to the Liber Ark Tunnels 1.
- Head to Map 3 and follow the path for a battle.
- Follow the path to the exit to Cradle Residential Block, and head to Map 2 to the east for a battle.
- PARTY: Josette joins after the battle and can be switched in.
- Enter the eastmost building and examine the east terminal.
- Kloe must be in the party to make the request. Introduce the name Celeste D. Auslese to obtain Original Gospel.
- Step on the elevator to the southwest to Cradle Station #35.
- Examine the terminal, select Halo Rail Service Information to activate the station.
- Use the Original Gospel in front of the terminal to open the tunnels.
- Head back down on the elevator and enter the door to the Liber Ark Tunnels 2.
- Head to Map 3 and follow the path for a battle.
- Follow the path to the exit to Factoria Industrial Block.
Part 2[]
- Head to the north to Map 2 and step on the elevator to the east to Factoria Station #7.
- Examine the terminal, select Halo Rail Service Information to activate the station, and Gate Lock Release to learn about a password.
- Head back down on the elevator, head to the east to Map 3 and walk to the east for a scene.
- Walk again to the east for a battle. Josette must be in the party to progress.
- In the Glorious, head south through the central path and enter the second most southern door on the east side. Climb down the stairs, enter the Brig and approach the barrier for a scene.
- Climb up to the central path and head all the way north to the elevator to the Stern's 1st floor.
- Head all the way south, climb the stairs to the Deck and walk north for a battle.
- Head north into the Forecastle's 1st floor and head all the way north to the elevator to the 2nd floor.
- Enter the west corridor and open the chest in the southmost room to obtain Security Card.
- Head back to the Stern's 1st floor and head north for a battle.
- Head north to the elevator to the Stern's 2nd floor and return to the Brig.
- Examine the terminal and open barrier #1 for a scene.
- NOTE: The area will be unavailable after opening barrier #1.
- At Cradle Residential Block, exit the building, enter the Bobcat and speak with Kyle to learn the password.
- Return to Factoria Station #7 and use the Original Gospel in front of the terminal. Select ORPHEUS to open the tunnels.
- Head back down on the elevator and enter the door to the Liber Ark Tunnels 3.
- Head to Map 3 and follow the path for a battle.
- Follow the path to the exit to the Axis Pillar.
Part 3[]
- (Optional) Step on the central elevator to Axis Pillar Station, examine the terminal and select Halo Rail Service Information to activate the station.
- Head towards the Axis Pillar for a battle, then enter Axis Pillar.
- Follow the path west to the elevator to the 2nd floor.
- Follow the path until the room with the locked door and head north for a battle.
- Examine the terminal, then follow the path through the previously locked door to the elevator to the 3rd floor.
- Follow the path until the room with the locked door and head west for a battle.
- Examine the terminal, then follow the path through the previously locked door to the elevator to the 4th floor.
- Follow the path until the room with the locked door and head north for a battle.
- Examine the terminal, then follow the path through the previously locked door to the elevator to the 5th floor.
- Follow the path until the room with the locked door and head north for a battle.
- Examine the terminal, then follow the path through the previously locked door to the elevator to the 6th floor.
- Follow the path to the elevator to the Pinnacle and walk onto it for two battles.
- NOTE: After walking onto the elevator to the Pinnacle, it's not possible to turn back.
- Estelle Bright, Joshua Bright, two of: Scherazard Harvey, Agate Crosner, Kloe Rinz, Olivier Lenheim, Tita Russell, Zin Vathek, Kevin Graham
- + Josette Capua
- + Julia Schwarz, Mueller Vander (Optional)
Part 1[]
- Phenomenon, Weatherseed - 1 ×2, Dark Lamp ×3
- Leor Gun-EZ, Vogel 235 - 3 ×4
- Ebony Scale ×3, Brute Angler ×2
Part 2[]
- Enhanced Jaeger - Greatsword ×2, Enhanced Jaeger - Machinegun, Steel Cougar - 2 ×2
- Pale Apache - 3 ×3
- Riot Arms, New Gilbert
- Kailash Gray ×8
Part 3[]
- Riot Claw, Solid Seeker ×2
- Bleublanc (Enforcer X) - 2, Balancing Clown - 4 ×2
- Walter (Enforcer VIII) - 2, Shadow Cougar ×2
- Luciola (Enforcer VI) - 2, Jubokko - 2, Zaqqum - 2, Alraune - 2 ×2
- Renne (Enforcer XV) - 2, Pater-Mater - 2
- Loewe (Enforcer II), Riot Saber ×2
- T.M. Dragion
Part 1[]
- Crashed on some kind of park area. Let's get to it.
- The exploration team will be 4 people. The rest will help with the repairs. We'll swap out as needed.
- It seems like our orbments work aboard the floating city.
- If we go to the shipboard factory, we can upgrade them.
- Rails appeared at the station.
- This Halo Rail that travels the sky... Maybe we can ride it?
- Opened the tunnel below Calmare.
- We ran into Josette! We've agreed to search for the other bandits.
- Rails have come to Cradle.
- Apparently we'll need a Gospel to unlock the underground gate.
- Gained an Original Gospel!
- We opened the lock on the underground gate at Cradle.
Part 2[]
- Rails have come to Factoria.
- We'll need a password to open the gate forward.
- Located in Glorious...! Let's call Josette. (If Josette was in the party)
- Located in Glorious...! Best be prepared. (If Josette wasn't in the party)
- The bandits should be in an isolation brig. Let's look for a small set of stairs downwards.
- Found the brig and bandits! To rescue them, we'll need the most recent security card.
- The security cards are held on Forecastle 2F. Let's head back to the entrance and use the elevators on the opposite side.
- Card gained! Back to the brig.
- Rescued the bandits successfully!
- Is this the password to the locked terminal? 'O-R-P-H-E-U-S'
- Removed the gate lock on the underground route from Factoria.
- The central sector at last...
- We will need to be absolutely ready for this. First let's look for a station.
Part 3[]
- Rails are going through the Axis Pillar Station.
- That means we've got a route from the Axis Pillar back to Calmare!
- Defeated Bleublanc! Let's unlock the terminal in the back.
- Lock removed! Let's keep moving.
- Walter's down! Let's use the terminal in the back.
- Lock removed! Next floor!
- Luciola sent packing! Let's use the terminal and head up.
- Terminal stopped! Lock cleared!
- Renne left...
- Loewe should be on the roof. We ready?
- Stopped the terminal!
- Somehow managed to fight off Loewe.