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This is a list of 96 Shard Skills in Trails through Daybreak.


Name Elemental Value Effect Chance
Earth Impact
×2 Adds Earth damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Earth damage with 20% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Earth Impact II
×8 Adds Earth damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Earth damage with 50% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Aqua Impact
×2 Adds Water damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Water damage with 20% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Aqua Impact II
×8 Adds Water damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Water damage with 50% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Flare Impact
×2 Adds Fire damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Fire damage with 20% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Flare Impact II
×8 Adds Fire damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Fire damage with 50% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Gale Impact
×2 Adds Wind damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Wind damage with 20% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Gale Impact II
×8 Adds Wind damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Wind damage with 50% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chrono Impact
×2 Adds Time damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Time damage with 20% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chrono Impact II
×8 Adds Time damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Time damage with 50% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Cosmic Impact
×2 Adds Space damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Space damage with 20% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Cosmic Impact II
×8 Adds Space damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Space damage with 50% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chaos Impact
×2 Adds Mirage damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Mirage damage with 20% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chaos Impact II
×8 Adds Mirage damage to normal attacks and crafts.
Adds a second instance of Mirage damage with 50% of the attack/craft's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Sword Breaker
Normal attacks and crafts inflict STR Down.
Inflicts STR Down S for 2 turns.
20% (Base)
40% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Shield Breaker
Normal attacks and crafts inflict DEF Down.
Inflicts DEF Down S for 2 turns.
20% (Base)
40% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Sword Breaker Barrage
Inflicts STR Down on all enemies when performing a shard attack.
Inflicts STR Down S for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Stunned enemy)
Shield Breaker Barrage
Inflicts DEF Down on all enemies when performing a shard attack.
Inflicts DEF Down S for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Stunned enemy)
Fatal Lance
Performs a follow-up attack on the area around enemies who are low on HP after an attack.
Triggers if the enemy has less than 15% HP and less HP than 80% of a normal attack's damage. Deals an attack with 80% Power in an area of 5 radius around the target.
Deadly Lance
Performs a follow-up attack on the area around enemies who are low on HP after an attack.
Triggers if the enemy has less than 15% HP and less HP than a normal attack's damage. Deals an attack with 100% Power in an area of 5 radius around the target.
Burst Gain
Recovers HP/CP based on damage from normal attacks and crafts.
Recovers 10% of damage done as HP and 10 CP.
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Performs a follow-up attack on enemies that are already stunned or that were stunned by your attack.
Deals an attack with 150% Power to the target.
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 The second instance doesn't take into account most damage modifiers (Critical, Stun, S-Boost bonuses, etc) but does take into account elemental vulnerabilities.


Name Elemental Value Effect Chance
Resist Rot
×2 Nullify Rot effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Rot II
×7 Nullify Rot effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 75% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Freeze
×2 Nullify Freeze effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Freeze II
×7 Nullify Freeze effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 75% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Burn
×2 Nullify Burn effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Burn II
×7 Nullify Burn effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 75% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Seal
×2 Nullify Seal effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Seal II
×7 Nullify Seal effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 75% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Blind
×2 Nullify Blind effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Blind II
×7 Nullify Blind effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 75% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Mute
×2 Nullify Mute effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Mute II
×7 Nullify Mute effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 75% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Fear
×2 Nullify Fear effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Resist Fear II
×7 Nullify Fear effect from enemies and resist KO with 1 HP. 75% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Regen Guard
Small recovery of HP when the Defend command is used.
Casts Tear on self and makes Defend reduce damage to 1/3.
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Impassion Guard
CP regen on each turn when the Defend command is used.
Grants CP Regen 10 CP/t for 3 turns and makes Defend reduce damage to 1/3.
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Forte Guard
Attack power increases when the Defend command is used.
Grants DMG Up S for 3 turns and makes Defend reduce damage to 1/3.
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Crest Guard
Defensive power increases when the Defend command is used.
Grants RES Up S for 3 turns and makes Defend reduce damage to 1/3.
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
×2 Deploys a shield to lower damage when an ally is attacked.
Reduces damage ally takes by half and makes them resist K.O. with 1 HP.
10% (Base)
20% (SCLM or S-Boost)
40% (SCLM and S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Guardian II
×8 Deploys a shield to lower damage when an ally is attacked.
Reduces damage ally takes to 1/4 and makes them resist K.O. with 1 HP.
20% (Base)
40% (SCLM or S-Boost)
80% (SCLM and S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Avenging Arrow
Use shards to counter when an ally is attacked.
Deals a normal attack with 100% Power at any distance.
20% (Base)
40% (SCLM or S-Boost)
80% (SCLM and S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Seraphic Force
Resist KO with 1 HP and then receive medium HP/EP/CP recovery.
Recovers 50% HP, 50% EP and 50 CP once per battle.


Name Elemental Value Effect Chance
Earth Boost
×2 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Earth arts.
Adds a second instance of Earth damage with 50% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Earth Boost II
×8 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Earth arts.
Adds a second instance of Earth damage with 100% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Aqua Boost
×2 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Water arts.
Adds a second instance of Water damage with 50% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Aqua Boost II
×8 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Water arts.
Adds a second instance of Water damage with 100% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Flare Boost
×2 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Fire arts.
Adds a second instance of Fire damage with 50% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Flare Boost II
×8 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Fire arts.
Adds a second instance of Fire damage with 100% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Gale Boost
×2 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Wind arts.
Adds a second instance of Wind damage with 50% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Gale Boost II
×8 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Wind arts.
Adds a second instance of Wind damage with 100% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chrono Boost
×2 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Time arts.
Adds a second instance of Time damage with 50% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chrono Boost II
×8 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Time arts.
Adds a second instance of Time damage with 100% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Cosmic Boost
×2 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Space arts.
Adds a second instance of Space damage with 50% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Cosmic Boost II
×8 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Space arts.
Adds a second instance of Space damage with 100% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chaos Boost
×2 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Mirage arts.
Adds a second instance of Mirage damage with 50% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Chaos Boost II
×8 Adds additional damage of the same element when attacking with Mirage arts.
Adds a second instance of Mirage damage with 100% of the art's base damage. [note 1]
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Mind Breaker
Inflict ATS Down on target when using attack arts.
Inflicts ATS Down S for 2 turns.
20% (Base)
40% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Spirit Breaker
Inficts ADF Down on target when using attack arts.
Inflicts ADF Down S for 2 turns.
20% (Base)
40% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Mind Breaker Barrage
Inflicts ATS Down on all enemies when performing a shard attack.
Inflicts ATS Down S for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Stunned enemy)
Spirit Breaker Barrage
Inflicts ADF Down on all enemies when performing a shard attack.
Inflicts ADF Down S for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Stunned enemy)
Ark Feather
Performs a delaying follow-up attack using shards after using attacks arts.
Deals a magic attack with 125% Power and 6 hits that inflicts 5 AT Delay.
40% (Base)
80% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Judgment Feather
Performs a medium-damage delaying follow-up attack using shards after using attack arts.
Deals a magic attack with 150% Power and 6 hits that inflicts 5 AT Delay.
50% (Base)
90% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Absorbing Arts
Absorb EP based on damage when using attack arts.
Recovers 2% of damage dealt as EP.
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Avenging Arts
Counter with possessed arts after successfully evading an attack art (no EP usage).
Uses the first available attack art against the triggering enemy with no delay or EP use.
50% (Base)
75% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 The second instance doesn't take into account most damage modifiers (Critical, Stun, S-Boost bonuses, etc) but does take into account elemental vulnerabilities.


Name Elemental Value Effect Chance
Guarded Start
×4 DEF/ADF Up on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants DEF/ADF Up S for 2 turns.
25% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Guarded Start II
×8 DEF/ADF Up (M) on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants DEF/ADF Up M for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Healing Start
×4 HP regen each turn on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants HP Regen 10%/t for 2 turns.
25% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Healing Start II
×8 HP regen (M) on each turn on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants HP Regen 20%/t for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Powerful Start
×4 STR Up on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants STR Up S for 2 turns.
25% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Powerful Start II
×8 STR Up (M) on each turn on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants STR Up M for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Gifted Start
×4 Insight on self when deploying shards. (1 turn)
Grants Insight for 1 turn.
25% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Gifted Start II
×8 Insight on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants Insight for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Quick Start
×4 Quick on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants Quick S for 2 turns.
25% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Quick Start II
×8 Quick (M) on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants Quick M for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Mystical Start
×4 ATS Up when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants ATS Up S for 2 turns.
25% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Mystical Start II
×8 ATS Up (M) on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants ATS Up M for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Phantom Start
×4 Stealth on self when deploying shards. (1 turn)
Grants Stealth for 1 turn.
25% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Phantom Start II
×8 Stealth on self when deploying shards. (2 turns)
Grants Stealth for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Preemptive)
Treasure Hunter
×2 Shows all treasure chests in the current field on the minimap. Passive
×2 Shows all enemies in the current field on the minimap. Passive
Leg Breaker
Inflicts Slow on target when using normal attacks or crafts.
Inflicts Slow S for 2 turns.
25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Leg Breaker Barrage
Inflicts Slow on all enemies when using a shard attack.
Inflicts Slow S for 2 turns.
50% (Base)
100% (Stunned enemy)
Auto Forte
Attack power up when taking an action during a Command Battle.
Before taking an action, grants STR Up S for 1 turn.
10% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Auto Crest
Defensive power up when taking an action during a Command Battle.
Before taking an action, grants DEF Up S for 1 turn.
10% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
Auto Quick
Gain Quick when taking an action during a Command Battle.
Before taking an action, grants Quick S for 1 turn.
10% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)
HP Charger
Regenerate a small amount of HP after a Command Battle.
Recovers 5% HP after winning a command battle.
HP Charger II
Regenerate a medium amount of HP after a Command Battle.
Recovers 10% HP after winning a command battle.
EP Charger
Regenerate a small amount of EP after a Command Battle.
Recovers 5% EP after winning a command battle.
EP Charger II
Regenerate a medium amount of EP after a Command Battle.
Recovers 10% EP after winning a command battle.
CP Charger
Regenerate a small amount of CP after a Command Battle.
Recovers 25 CP after winning a command battle.
CP Charger II
Regenerate a medium amount of CP after a Command Battle.
Recovers 50 CP after winning a command battle.
SCLM Boost
SCLM radius is larger during Command Battles.
Increases radius by 100% (additive with Full Boost's +50%).
Crisis Force
All parameters up when Command Battle is started while low on HP.
Grants STR/ATS/DEF/ADF/SPD/MOV Up S for 1 turn when starting a command battle below 30% HP.
Mighty Thievery
Steal target AT bonus when using a normal attack or craft. 25% (Base)
50% (S-Boost)
100% (Full Boost)