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This is a list of all treasure chests in Trails of Cold Steel IV.

Prologue: "Nightfall"[]


Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm Orchis Tower
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Soul
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder

Act 1: "The Trials of Class VII"[]

August 2nd[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge II
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
Saint-Gral Labyrinth - Phase 1
Accessory (Sen III Item) Silver Chain
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Water (Sen III Quartz) HP 2
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Accessory (Sen III Item) Proxy Puppet

August 7th[]

Contents Location
Accessory (Sen III Item) Luminous Glasses Eerie Woods - South
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Time R (Sen III Quartz) Soul Blur R
Accessory (Sen III Item) Force Seal Isthmia Great Forest
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Egg x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Milk x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Mature Cheese x5
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Curia R
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
West Sutherland Highway
Accessory (Sen III Item) Green Pendulum
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Herb x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Crisp Onion x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Flaky Potato x5
South Sutherland Highway 1
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Breath R
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Fire Bolt R
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Earth R (Sen III Quartz) Earth Pulse R South Sutherland Highway 2
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Accessory (Sen III Item) Blue Pendulum
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Air Strike R Old Agria Road
Earth (Sen III Quartz) Poison
Accessory (Sen III Item) Cooling Belt
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Starberry x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Acerbic Tomato x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Honey Syrup x5
Beowulf (Sen III MQ) Beowulf
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder (NG+)
Draco Shrine
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Accessory (Sen III Item) Soft Stole
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Nemesis Arrow R
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5 Parm Byroad 1
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Aqua Bleed R
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge II
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Accessory (Sen III Item) Holy Sphere Parm Byroad 2
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Curia Balm x3
Potion (Sen III Item) S-Tablet x3
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Coarse Rock Salt x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Assorted Grains x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Healthy Liquor x5
Space R (Sen III Quartz) Golden Sphere R
Space (Sen III Quartz) Impede 1 Hamel Road 1
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Accessory (Sen III Item) Orange Cape
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Mirage R (Sen III Quartz) Saintly Force R
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
Hamel Road 2
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Heat Up R
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder

August 9th[]

Contents Location
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5 Saint-Gral Labyrinth - Phase 2
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion
Accessory (Sen III Item) Yellow Pendulum
Potion (Sen III Item) Curia Balm x5
Potion (Sen III Item) S-Tablet x5
Space R (Sen III Quartz) Fortuna R
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50

August 10th[]

Contents Location
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Forte R Eerie Woods - North
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge II
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) Smoke Grenade x5
Potion (Sen III Item) Battle Scope x5
Time (Sen III Quartz) Nightmare
Accessory (Sen III Item) Coral Bracelet Avon Hills
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Egg x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Milk x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Mature Cheese x5
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Venom Flame R
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50 Milsante Byroad 1
Accessory (Sen III Item) Prismatic Cape
Time R (Sen III Quartz) Chrono Drive R
Mirage (Sen III Quartz) Confuse
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Herb x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Crisp Onion x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Flaky Potato x5
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Spirit Breaker II Lake Gala Byroad
Earth R (Sen III Quartz) Ivy Nail R Milsante Byroad 2
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Potion (Sen III Item) Curia Balm x5
Potion (Sen III Item) S-Tablet x5
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge II
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
North Languedoc Canyon Road 1
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Teara R
Earth R (Sen III Quartz) La Crest R North Languedoc Canyon Road 2
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Gloom (Sen III MQ) Gloom
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense (NG+)
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5 Old Lamare Road 1
Time R (Sen III Quartz) Chrono Break R
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Crystal Edge R
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Starberry x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Acerbic Tomato x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Honey Syrup x5
Old Lamare Road 2
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Recuria R
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Coarse Rock Salt x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Assorted Grains x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Healthy Liquor x5
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Seal II Osgiliath Basin
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder

August 13th[]

Contents Location
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5 Saint-Gral Labyrinth - Phase 3
Time R (Sen III Quartz) Chrono Burst R
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge II
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
Accessory (Sen III Item) Dark Pendulum
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50

August 14th[]

Contents Location
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50 East Crossbell Highway 3
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Egg x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Milk x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Mature Cheese x5
East Crossbell Highway 2
Water R (Sen Quartz) Mute II
Accessory (Sen III Item) Emergency Puppet
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Impassion R East Crossbell Highway 1
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Herb x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Crisp Onion x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Flaky Potato x5

August 15th[]

Contents Location
Space R (Sen III Quartz) Faint II Geofront X Sector 1
Potion (Sen III Item) Curia Balm x5
Potion (Sen III Item) S-Tablet x5
Earth R (Sen III Quartz) Adamantine Shield R
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50 Geofront X Sector 2
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Blue Ascension R
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Sleep II Ursula Road 1
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) La Forte R
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge II
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Starberry x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Acerbic Tomato x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Honey Syrup x5
Ursula Road 2
Earth (Sen III Quartz) Defense 3
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Holy Breath R
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion
Earth R (Sen III Quartz) Megalith Fall R Stella Shrine
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Water (Sen III Quartz) Shield 3
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Athelas R Ursula Road 3
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Coarse Rock Salt x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Assorted Grains x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Healthy Liquor x5
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Sword Breaker II
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Accessory (Sen III Item) Cozy Socks Lake Elm Wetlands 2
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
Mirage R (Sen III Quartz) Crescent Mirror R
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder

Fragments: "A Shattered Blade"[]

Saint-Gral Labyrinth[]

Contents Location
Mirage (Sen III Quartz) EP 3 Phase 4
Time (Sen III Quartz) Cast 3
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Flare Butterfly R
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×50
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed

Black Workshop[]

Contents Location
Armour (Sen III Item) Black Dress Route A1
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Wind (Sen III Quartz) Evade 3
Earth (Sen III Quartz) Break 3
Boots (Sen III Item) Jagd Girder Route B1
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm
Accessory (Sen III Item) Blue Emblem
Time (Sen III Quartz) Action 3
Water (Sen III Quartz) HP 3 Route C1
Fire (Sen III Quartz) Attack 3
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Accessory (Sen III Item) Green Emblem
Accessory (Sen III Item) Dark Emblem
Wind (Sen III Quartz) Move 3
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder
Accessory (Sen III Item) Yellow Emblem Route A2
Boots (Sen III Item) Nacht Heel
Mirage (Sen III Quartz) Mind 3
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule
Armour (Sen III Item) Dark Mail Route B2
Space (Sen III Quartz) Hit 3
Space (Sen III Quartz) EP Cut 3
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense
Fire (Sen III Quartz) Strike 3 Route C2
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
Accessory (Sen III Item) Red Emblem
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Soul

Act 2: "Guiding Starlight"[]

August 19th[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
Bryonia Island
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Aerial Dust R
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Freeze II

August 20th[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Teara Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge II
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm
Bryonia Island
Cosmetic Hair (Sen III Item) Blonde Hair - Duvalie
Time R (Sen III Quartz) Calvary Edge R

August 21st[]

Contents Location
Wind SR (Sen III Quartz) Leg Breaker III West Lamare Highway 2
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Egg x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Milk x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Mature Cheese x5
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5 West Lamare Highway 1
Space R (Sen III Quartz) Cross Crusade R
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Herb x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Crisp Onion x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Flaky Potato x5
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100 Ordis Waterway 1
Accessory (Sen III Item) Energy Bandana
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Mirage R (Sen III Quartz) Galion Fort R
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense Ordis Waterway 2
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Tearal R
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Blind II
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder

August 22nd[]

Contents Location
Cosmetic Hair (Sen III Item) Dark Hair - Angelica Osgiliath Basin
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Coarse Rock Salt x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Assorted Grains x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Healthy Liquor x5
Accessory (Sen III Item) Solemn Buckle

August 23rd[]

Contents Location
Accessory (Sen III Item) Coral Charm North Sutherland Highway 1
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Starberry x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Acerbic Tomato x5
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Honey Syrup x5
North Sutherland Highway 2
Fire R (Sen III Quartz) Zeruel Cannon R
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Space (Sen III Quartz) Impede 3
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100 Dreknor Fortress 1
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
Wind R (Sen III Quartz) Ixion Volt R
Accessory (Sen III Item) Orange Corsage Dreknor Fortress 2
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm

August 24th[]

Contents Location
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Egg x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Milk x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Mature Cheese x10
West Languedoc Canyon Road
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Time SR (Sen III Quartz) Speed Breaker III
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100 Rock Patio
Boots (Sen III Item) Stealth Boots
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Fresh Herb x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Crisp Onion x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Flaky Potato x10
Armour (Sen III Item) Stealth Vest

August 25th[]

Contents Location
Earth R (Sen III Quartz) Gravion Hammer R Lake Gala Byroad
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Water R (Sen III Quartz) Diamond Nova R Thors Branch Campus
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX Thors Branch Campus - Main Building
Cosmetic Hair (Sen III Item) Green Hair - Tita
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm Thors Branch Campus - Rooftop
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Coarse Rock Salt x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Assorted Grains x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Healthy Liquor x10
Thors Branch Campus - Clubhouse
Emblem (Sen III MQ) Emblem
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed (NG+)
Thors Branch Campus - Pool / Training Ground
Space R (Sen III Quartz) Seraphic Ring R
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Starberry x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Acerbic Tomato x10
Food Ingredient (Sen III Item) Honey Syrup x10
Thors Branch Campus - Cafetaria
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100 Thors Branch Campus - Platform
Wind SR (Sen III Quartz) Sleep III
Accessory (Sen III Item) Panzer Goggles Thors Branch Campus - Hangar
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5 Einhel LVX
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Accessory (Sen III Item) Cherry Corsage
Mirage SR (Sen III Quartz) Confuse III
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×100 Einhel LVX - Midpoint
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder
Time R (Sen III Quartz) Lost Genesis R
Accessory (Sen III Item) Marble Charm

August 26th[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed Pantagruel 1 - Team A
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense Pantagruel 2 - Team B

Act 3: "Seekers of the Dawn"[]

August 27th[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Soul Luna Sanctuary
Armour (Sen III Item) Aurora Garment
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule
Mirage R (Sen III Quartz) Albion Wolf R
Boots (Sen III Item) Phantom Moon Shoes
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense
Accessory (Sen III Item) Silver Charm Avon Hills
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×150
Earth SR (Sen III Quartz) Shield Breaker III
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Fire SR (Sen III Quartz) Burn III Auros Coastal Road 1
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Space R (Sen III Quartz) Seventh Caliber R
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm Auros Coastal Road 2
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×150
Aegis (Sen III MQ) Aegis
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder (NG+)
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX

August 28th[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion II
Space SR (Sen III Quartz) Shining SR
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed Gargantua - Corridor
Fire SR (Sen III Quartz) Sword Breaker III
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder
Accessory (Sen III Item) Passion Leggings Draco Sanctuary
Armour (Sen III Item) White Night Garment
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense
Accessory (Sen III Item) Composure Shawl
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
Boots (Sen III Item) Crimson Sun Shoes
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule
Water SR (Sen III Quartz) Seiryuu

August 29th[]

Contents Location
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×150 Languedoc Canyon - North
Time SR (Sen III Quartz) Nightmare III

August 30th[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX Orchis Tower - Lower Level
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×150
Armour (Sen III Item) Gyrfalcon Armor
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×150
Boots (Sen III Item) Sirius Armored Boots
Cosmetic Hair (Sen III Item) Silver Hair - Sharon
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion II
Orchis Tower - Middle Level
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Wind SR (Sen III Quartz) Byakko
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Water SR (Sen III Quartz) Spirit Breaker III
Accessory (Sen III Item) Deep Ocher
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder Orchis Tower - Upper Level
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Fire SR (Sen III Quartz) Suzaku Lake Elm Wetlands 1
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Soul
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×150
Water SR (Sen III Quartz) Tearal SR
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule Stella Sanctuary
Armour (Sen III Item) Black Panther Armor
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
Boots (Sen III Item) Demon Armored Boots
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Wind SR (Sen III Quartz) Esmelas Gem
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense

Finale: "Scattered Petals, Dying Flames"[]


Contents Location
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×200 Geofront F Sector 1
Earth SR (Sen III Quartz) Amberl Gem
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm
Accessory (Sen III Item) Abyss Shadow
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX Geofront F Sector 2
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Space SR (Sen III Quartz) Solar Gyre
Accessory (Sen III Item) Emergency Puppet
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed Stargazer's Tower 1
Earth SR (Sen III Quartz) Genbu
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×200
Accessory (Sen III Item) Passionate Rouge
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×5 Stargazer's Tower 2
Time SR (Sen III Quartz) Umbral Gyre
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder Stargazer's Tower 3

Salt Pale[]

Contents Location
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×10 Salt Pale A
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion II
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×200 Salt Pale B
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV Salt Pale C
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
5 types of droplets
Earth (Sen III Sepith)Water (Sen III Sepith)Fire (Sen III Sepith)Wind (Sen III Sepith)Time (Sen III Sepith)Space (Sen III Sepith)Mirage (Sen III Sepith) All Sepith ×200 Salt Pale D
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Soul
Potion (Sen III Item) Power Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Shield Potion II
Potion (Sen III Item) Mind Potion II
U-Material (Sen III Item) U-Material ×10 Salt Pale E
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm
5 types of droplets
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense

Tuatha De Danann[]

Contents Location
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense Entrance
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Time SR (Sen III Quartz) Diabolos Gem Hall A
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX
Boots (Sen III Item) Arkas
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm Hall B
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
Armour (Sen III Item) Radiant Armor Norun
Accessory (Sen III Item) Grail Locket
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule
Armour (Sen III Item) Flash Armor Oze Hall C
Potion (Sen III Item) Tear All Balm
Space SR (Sen III Quartz) Sevenfold Gem
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense
Boots (Sen III Item) Callisto
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Soul Hall C - Tower
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Spirit Incense
Mirage SR (Sen III Quartz) Fenrir Gem
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule
Potion (Sen III Item) Celestial Balm EX Core
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Powder
Potion (Sen III Item) EP Charge IV
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Seed
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Soul Core Depths
Potion (Sen III Item) Zeram Capsule
Potion (Sen III Item) Dragon Incense
Potion (Sen III Item) Repair Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Rise Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Brave Stone
Potion (Sen III Item) Resurrect Stone

Trial Chests[]

# Required characters Location
1 Juna and Kurt South Sutherland Highway 2
2 Altina and Juna Parm Byroad 1
3 Rean and Crow Draco Shrine
4 Kurt and Altina Avon Hills
5 Rean, Elliot, Machias, and Sara Milsante Byroad 2
6 Ash and Altina Osgiliath Basin
7 Musse and Ash Saint-Gral Labyrinth - Phase 3
8 Rean, Musse, Emma, and Duvalie Stella Shrine
9 Rean and Juna Bryonia Island
10 Fie and Laura Bryonia Island
11 Rean and Kurt Bryonia Island
12 Jusis and Machias Bryonia Island
13 Rean and Altina West Lamare Highway 2
14 Ash, Kurt, Emma, and Sara West Lamare Highway 1
15 Machias and Crow Ordis Underground Waterway 1
16 Laura and Emma Osgiliath Basin
17 Sara and Fie Osgiliath Basin
18 Kurt, Musse, Fie, and Crow North Sutherland Highway 1
19 Elliot and Gaius North Sutherland Highway 2
20 Musse, Juna, Laura, and Sara West Languedoc Canyon Road
21 Crow and Angelica Rock Patio
22 Altina, Musse, Tita, and Alisa Lake Gala Byroad
23 Emma and Alisa Luna Sanctuary
24 Rean, Alisa, Fie, and Jusis Auros Coastal Road 2
25 Gaius and Jusis Draco Sanctuary
26 Alisa and Sharon North Languedoc Canyon Road 2
27 Juna, Ash, Elliot, and Randy Stella Sanctuary
28 Rean, Ash, Laura, and Gaius Stargazer's Tower