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This is a list of 397 treasure chests in Trails in the Sky the 3rd. Treasure chests only have chest messages (text that appears when the chests are reexamined) in the English releases. Opening every chest and obtaining its item gives an achievement.


Location Contents Message
1st Floor Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm The treasure chest reveals itself to be a crafty mimic, and licks your
unsuspecting hand. Better break out the disinfectant.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge The message: Remember, there is but one truth: Love is ETERNAL.
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Mmm. Pine fresh!
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge We need to talk.

First Plane[]

Location Contents Message
Jade Corridor - Map 1 Mirage (Sora Quartz) Information Did you know? It's true that Zin's name was once written as 'Zane', but
another name change considered was Olivier's. The original suggestion
was 'Oliver'. This chest is glad that request never went through.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm I'm here because they ran out of jokes.
300 mira A chest, a chest! My kingdom for a chest!
Jade Corridor - Map Jade Corridor 2 Accessory (Sora Item) Glam Choker [11/36] The face greeted customers with an aged brick that had long
eroded to the point of holes; the cracked windows, taped for stability
and adorned with cobwebs and insect droppings, were repugnant.
Accessory (Sora Item) Black Bangle Do you really have nothing better to do than open all of us a second time?
Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm [27/36] With one particularly obnoxious clink, she set down her utensils
then glared at him with an uncomfortable firmness that would have a
lesser man avert his eyes in shame. She bit her bottom lip before asking:
Food To Go (Sora Item) Extra Spicy Fries Don't you hate it when someone opens your door and doesn't close it
when they leave? *stares menacingly*
Potion (Sora Item) Smelling Salts Why is Deen called the Spinach Fiend, anyway? Does he just really like
Arseille Boots (Sora Item) Royal Spikes You took all my loot. How am I supposed to pay my room and board now?
Food Sit Down (Sora Item) Easy Paella (recipe) Do you have any idea how old that dish was?
Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm You found the greatest gift of all: love.
300 mira Did you know? The Trails in the Sky games now have a nifty 'Skip S-Craft'
feature on PC. That's not even in the original Japanese version! Isn't that
neato torpedo?
Mirage (Sora Quartz) Hit 2 [23/36] 'Sure, but selling it won't help you escape from your father's
shadow.' Ouch. There was that sharp tongue of hers. He did really adore
it...when his old man wasn't the topic of discussion. 'We're keeping it.'
Jade Corridor - Map 3 Food To Go (Sora Item) Fresh Water Empty chest? Why not fill it up again at Bose Market? --Maybelle
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind sepith ×50 I hear Olivier makes his pack Mueller carry all of his belongings for him.
Jade Corridor - Map 4 Food To Go (Sora Item) Fishy Finale I really should have ordered that security orbment from ZCF.
Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×50 A forgotten chest
Despoiled and left behind
Its sad lot in life

Second Plane[]

Location Contents Message
Grancel - South Block Water (Sora Quartz) HP 2 Day:
[12/36] The place looked less like a shop and more like the newest
secret playground for the local children, long abandoned after the
passing of its owner. But no; to clarify, it was very much 'in business.'
[30/36] No, he mentally panicked. No, no, no! There was nothing in this
world that would have him budge--not even sweet Jubilee. Not this time!
Rapier (Sora Weapon) Akashic Heart Day:
[17/36] 'Good riddance,' the son coldly muttered as he turned the key to
lock the shop. This would be the last time he would be forced to ever
step inside. 'I'll bet I can fetch a pretty mira for his tools at the market.'
My father wanted me to be a cabinet when I grew up. I should have
Potion (Sora Item) Smelling Salts Day:
Sorry, but the magic Pom that restocks all the chests hasn't come by
here yet. Try again in another game.
I've been told I have a nice chest.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Fried Phoenix Day:
[9/36] The story truly begins neither with Genevieve nor with Jubilee,
but with the shop in the letter. Located in Bose, cramped between two
of the most popular shops on the block, was a tiny, tiny building.
You should treasure every moment.
Potion (Sora Item) Insulating Tape Day:
Wait, Father! I haven't finished my confession yet!
Well, at least it's not another Abbadon Potluck.
Grancel - North Block Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind sepith ×50 Day:
If you stare into this chest and say 'Ouroboros' five times, Blueblanc will
visit you this night.
You don't understand! I coulda had items. I coulda been a treasure.
I could've been something...instead of empty.
500 mira Day:
You gaze deeply into the empty chest, hoping for enlightenment.
...You feel hungry.
[10/36] There was a time when it had the polish of its products---and, oh,
if only that continued to be the case! One might quip that it had character
now, but that was only the polite way of saying it was in shambles.
500 mira Day:
[1/36] You remember reading the teaser in Trails in the Sky Second
Chapter for 'Trails in the Chest,' but you didn't feel like reading it then.
Yet suddenly, you have a craving for more the Chest.
Roses are red, violets are blue.
A tear I have just shed, since I've got nothing more for you.
500 mira Day:
(1/12) 'Hmm-hmm-hmm, la la la!' ♪, Hideko hummed, barely audible over
the sound of the vacuum. Suddenly, ding-dong went the doorbell. 'My!',
she exclaimed. 'Who could that be?'
(9/12) And this was in spite of a messy divorce with her spouse eating
up what little she had. Her children were taken from her as a result, and
her life took a turn for the worse. Now, she lived in a tiny one-room...
Accessory (Sora Item) White Bracelet Day:
Inside the chest is an ancient note hinting at the location of the eighth
Sept-Terrion. It crumbles to dust before you can read it.
[5/36] 'My Dearest Genevieve,' the letter within began, the handwriting
noticeably delicate and imperfect from what must have been nerves,
'I present two gifts: this chest, of which there is no other, and my love.
Grancel - East Block Accessory (Sora Item) Proxy Puppet Day:
Did you know? Walter the Direwolf's original name is the Lankywolf,
but this isn't quite as---intimidating in English. The name change came
with the original team's blessing.
Potion (Sora Item) Softening Balm Day:
(12/12) Hideko didn't even wait for an answer; she just flung open the
door without a care. And there, standing before her, was...
[20/36] Clack, clack, clack! Their silverware played an awful musical
number with every smack on their plates, each note ringing with a hint
more irritation than the last.
Food Attack (Sora Item) Septium Drops Day:
There's some green hair inside. The chest prays to Aidios this sinful
priest gets his just desserts.
Forgive this sinful chest, Father, for I have nothing more to give.
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Day:
You are the *real* treasure.
You're...not going to kidnap me, are you?
Armour (Sora Item) Bestia Coat Day:
I'm empty, you say? What a Liberlous statement!
(10/12) ...apartment and kept to herself most days. *sigh*
She wasn't sure why she sighed. Probably just life catching up with her.
Then, suddenly...
Grancel - West Block Accessory (Sora Item) Black Bangle+ Day:
Did you know? Early concepts had Joshua as the protagonist while Estelle
had Joshua's current role. Over time, however, the team believed it made
more sense if the roles were switched.
Imagine how much more you'd have earned if you'd left this closed and
let the interest accrue.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Brain Roast Day:
(7/12) Each time Hideko reflected on these events, feelings of remorse
would wash over her. If only I'd had the courage to refuse that door-to-
door bargain all those years ago...
You'll get not one sepith more from me, you fiend!
Food To Go (Sora Item) Swingwich Day:
The chest is empty.
Look, YOU try coming up with hundreds of these across three games.
I'm still empty. What were you expecting, a MIRAcle?
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Day:
Hey! My eyes are up here.
[2/36] This is the story of a chest so finely carved, words alone cannot
hope to illustrate a worthy picture. Many have certainly made attempts,
of course, but each usurped the crown as a greater failure than the last.
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet Day:
[15/36] Buildings, furniture, instruments, wedding rings... No matter the
job, he carved each and every piece handsomely, and each one showed
more heart than the last.
[32/36] Jubilee, had turned twenty just last month. She was a clumsy girl
with broad shoulders, a stunning height that dwarfed most women her
age, and the widest, goofiest, most sincere smile seen on Bose's streets.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind sepith ×50 Day:
Pssst... Your survival hinges on what I have to say. Run! Run now!
Did you know? Trails in the Sky takes place in Liberl, but there are other
Trails games that take place beyond the kingdom's borders. For example,
Trails of Cold Steel happens in the Erebonian Empire (buy it).
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Day:
Beware! This chest is full of salt.
*fart* Oh, my... Excuse me. Heehee.
Orbal Cannon (Sora Weapon) Stun GB Day:
You mean two games full of these cheesy phrases wasn't enough?
...Then the other chest told me, 'How many quartz does it take to make a
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm Day:
[35/36] 'S-So...' the son began cautiously, '...what would you say if I
told you I was thinking of selling Grandpa's shop?'
Grancel - Port Accessory (Sora Item) Long Barrel 2 Day:
[18/36] The shop and its contents was now his to do with as he pleased,
and as far as he was concerned, he would be a happier man if he never
had to experience the nauseating smell of freshly cut wood ever again.
Ries-king your life only to run all the way back to an empty chest?
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Day:
[19/36] His wife, however, disagreed. She was never one to keep quiet--
a trait of hers he normally adored--and tonight, she was no different than
usual as she voiced her concerns over dinner.
So you're back, Rean Quartze--!! Wait. Wrong game.
Accessory (Sora Item) Crimson Eye Day:
I had a heart of gold until you STOLE it.
do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
dodododododododododododododododo... ... ... DO DO DO DOOOOOO ♪
Potion (Sora Item) Purging Balm Day:
(4/12) 'Hey, Hideko! Nice to see you again. Would you like me to show
you what I've got today?' Hideko had always been a bit attracted to Sato,
so her answer was unsurprising.
Hey, do you know a doctor? I am feeling a deep pain in my chest.
Oh, wait. I AM a chest!
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge Day:
My favorite character is Chester from Ys: The Oath in Felghana.
[28/36] 'Have you asked Jubilee what SHE wants?'
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Day:
(2/12) 'I'll be right there!', she yelled, switching off the vacuum and
running to the door.
'Hello. My name is Sato, and I'm going door-to-door with a special offer.'
Didn't you know? Repetition is my favorite form of humor!
Didn't you know? Repetition is my favorite form of humor!
Potion (Sora Item) Purging Balm Day:
[33/36] Her candor had won over everyone she met; she may have been
an unusual sort, but she had won over both peers and elders alike. She
was a source of pride of her parents, and that would never, ever change.
There is a 'Beware of Chest' sign. You reach to open the chest anyway
and it tries to bite your hand.
Wind (Sora Quartz) Scent Day:
Trails in the Sky the 3rd was delayed for five years to come up with more
treasure chest phrases.
[25/36] 'You say to think about the history. What about the mira? Think
about THAT. I'll bet we could go live it up at the casinos in Crossbell City
for weeks off of one brick!'
Grancel Castle Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Have you had a good meal in you? Got your weapons polished? Taken a
bath...? No. No, you haven't taken a bath.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Repellent Dish In an infinite number of parallel universes, I have more treasure to give
to you. Not in this one, though.
Food Attack (Sora Item) Queenly Cookie This is a nice chest
This is also a haiku
Chest chest chest chest chest
Food To Go (Sora Item) Fluffy Crepe [8/36] 'I shall await your answer at midnight.
From my heart to yours,
Wind (Sora Quartz) Shield 2 What were you hoping to find? One of the Sept-Terrions?
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm How many chests could a chest checker check if a chest checker could
check chests?
Accessory (Sora Item) Pearl Earring [3/36] At best, most choose to describe its features in simple terms:
a dark, cherry-red wood framed with a steel that was painstakingly
etched end to end with florae.
Accessory (Sora Item) Glam Choker+ [14/36] Before it fell into such a state, its owner was known far and wide
even before the Orbal Revolution. He was a carpenter of unparalleled skill,
and he was frequently commissioned to bring life to all manner of things.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder There's a crab in there. You stole its home. You monster.
Fire (Sora Quartz) Attack 2 Hey, Father! I have some new Stregas inside. Would you kindly come in
and try them on?
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm What are you still doing here?! You're a priest, for Aidios' sake!
Mirage (Sora Quartz) Haze You've really opened me up to new possibilites.

Third Plane[]

Location Contents Message
Golden Road - Map 1 Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm The chest appreciates your concern, but it's doing okay.
Variable[note 1] [24/36] 'No, we aren't. That place is mine, and I can do whatever I want
with it. And what I want to do is wash my hands of the thing for good!'
He swallowed another healthy chunk of lamb, then clack! went his knife.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×100 Did you know? Halle from Gambler Jack's name was originally translated
accurately as 'Haru,' but it turns out that the official Japanese spelling wasn't
that, but 'Halle.' This was revealed in Gambler Jack's sequel.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Amar Spiritus [21/36] 'And I say we keep it,' she said, her stiff tone implying that any
other plans he dared to present would be, to put it delicately, stupid.
'Think of all the history you're abandoning. Fifty years!'
Variable[note 1] Please do not take without permission. Thank you.
1000 mira Congratulations! It's a girl!
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×100 Looking into the void inside the empty chest, you start questioning the
nature of life itself.
Variable[note 1] Could ya spare a Tear Balm or two for these rusty hinges?
Accessory (Sora Item) White Bracelet+ You open the lid. A piercing scream fills the air.
You quickly shut the lid and walk away.
Golden Road - Map 2 Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm *lid creaks* TEN THOUSAND YEARS WILL GIVE YOU SUCH A CRICK IN
Accessory (Sora Item) Skull Pendant It's a shining pom! Wait. That's a the promise of more treasure.
Bowgun (Sora Weapon) Aion Bow [29/36] The son scoffed upon hearing Jubilee's name. His wife always
had a habit of biting her lip before playing her ace in the hole, and there
was no finer ace against him than their daughter's opinion.
Boots (Sora Item) Gaia Greaves Bet you 50 mira that item is still in your inventory during the final battle.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind sepith ×100; Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×50 If this empty chest were filled to the brim with food, it still wouldn't be
enough to satisfy Ries.
Silver Road - Map 1 Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm givemeblood
Boots (Sora Item) Gaia Greaves [34/36] That was quite unfortunate for the son. A single glance at her
curious, simple smile and he knew he would cave to whatever she said.
Doubly unfortunate since he also knew who she would side with...
Food To Go (Sora Item) Miso Fish You took all I had to give. Happy now?
Food To Go (Sora Item) Castel Castella This empty chest was brought to you
Water (Sora Quartz) HP 3 [13/36] Despite first impressions, it was as much a shop as any other
along the same street. A shop was still a shop even after it was no
longer full to bursting with wealthy customers. Or any customers, really.
Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm Enforcer No. XX: The Empty Chest.
Variable[note 1] [31/36] Or so he believed. There was a pause in noise after the question
was raised, and seconds later, they both heard the flat-footed thumping
of their daughter's steps coming towards them. 'Did you call me, Mom?'
Variable[note 1] If you were looking for gold, you'll find not one Graham.
Accessory (Sora Item) Skull Pendant Did you know? 'Arteria' supposedly comes from the English word 'Artery.'
Silver Road - Map 2 Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind sepith ×50; Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×100 You again? At least Phantom Thief B is a gentleman!
Fire (Sora Quartz) Attack 3 (8/12) But that would never have happened. Hideko would never have
denied Sato back then. See, she didn't have much money in those days,
yet she paid cash for the machine.
Templar Sword (Sora Weapon) Silvahn Here's a crossbow for a CROSS BRO... Ahahaha... I don't actually have a
crossbow for you, Father. Sorry.
Variable[note 1] [4/36] It is yet to be spoken of in legend, for its mother was a modest
carpenter who carved it with no other purpose than to hold a confession.
It was never meant for a grand display, but for a quiet, sincere love.
Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm An empty coffer
Devoid of any treasure.
Go seek another.
Regroup Area Key (Sora Item) Entrance Exam Results [22/36] 'And for thirty-three of those years, I hated that damn place,'
he snapped between chewing cuts of lamb. After swallowing, he added,
'Who's going to run it? I sure ain't, and you're no carpenter.'
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The content of these chests changes depending on the members of the active party.
Party Member Tita Julia Mueller Josette Joshua Kloe
Contents Accessory (Sora Item) Tiger Heart Accessory (Sora Item) Pearl Earring+ Greatsword (Sora Weapon) Kumo no Tachi Orbal Gun (Sora Weapon) Stinger-M Twin Swords (Sora Weapon) Sting Edges Accessory (Sora Item) Silver Earring

Fourth Plane[]

Location Contents Message
Le Locle Guild Lodge Water (Sora Quartz) Mind 4 Mr. Tiddles looks up with an annoyed expression. You disturbed his nap.
Food Attack (Sora Item) Freezing Meatballs Empty? No, my friend. I'm filled with artisan-style voidness.
Accessory (Sora Item) Carnelia Bracelet (Will write flavor text for food)
Time (Sora Quartz) Luck (6/12) [50 years later...] The 'Dangling Health-o-tron' swung limply in
Hideko's house, forgotten and neglected. It had been purchased 50 years
before, purely on Sato's recommendation.
Balstar Channel - Map 2 Boots (Sora Item) Heat-Resistant Boots Don't spend it all in one place! Run along, now!
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge There is nothing left in this chest, mon ami. Am I sure? Tres sure!
Balstar Channel - Map 3 Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm Congratulations! You're the second adventurer to open this chest! This is
why there's nothing left in it.
Boots (Sora Item) Heat-Resistant Boots[note 1] Judge a dungeon not by the color of its textures, but by the content of
its treasure chests.
Accessory (Sora Item) Skull Pendant+[note 1] And I thought letting you rob me would have been enough to get rid of
Boots (Sora Item) Heat-Resistant Boots[note 1] Didn't Sunday school teach you not to steal? I bet you were one of those
kids who slept through lessons...
Food To Go (Sora Item) UF Pie I am content without my contents.
Balstar Channel - Map 4 Boots (Sora Item) Heat-Resistant Boots[note 1] Would you also like a coffee? By the way, that was a rhetorical question.
Armour (Sora Item) Dragon Tree Jumpsuit[note 1] Warning: Do not store children or other living creatures in chest.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Fragrant Juice Joke's on you. This treasure wasn't tax deductible.
Fire (Sora Quartz) Attack 4 Oh, gosh! I usually only open up to my therapist.
Accessory (Sora Item) Feather Brooch Chest will remember that...
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge Ohhh, you found my treasure. What, you want a medal? Perhaps in
another chest.
Gauntlets (Sora Weapon) Kaiser Knuckles I'm glad I'm not a pirate chest. Those ARRR usually buried underground.
Balstar Channel - Map 5 Accessory (Sora Item) Crimson Eye I see you enjoy finding empty spaces.
Saint-Croix Forest - Map 4 Accessory (Sora Item) Lily Necklace Please, save us from these treasure chest messages. We're out of ideas---
Food To Go (Sora Item) Triplet Ice Give it back! That wasn't yours!
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm Can't even sleep in peace...
Water (Sora Quartz) HP 4 This chest is empty. And it smells like old people.
Saint-Croix Forest - Map 3 Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm You know, I'm worth a hell lot more sepith than that lousy trinket you just
Food Attack (Sora Item) Sludgy Cookie The aromatic hickory lining of this chest permeated the Sludgy Cookies
with a mouth-watering flavor.
Rapier (Sora Weapon) Calvary Cross You found a plank of wood, but it seems to be nailed down.
Saint-Croix Forest - Map 2 Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm Not really sure what you expected from me. I'm a box...
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind sepith ×100 Say, what year is this? I've lost count...
Space (Sora Quartz) EP Cut 4 This chest was made with state-of-the-art air freshener technology.
Orbal Cannon (Sora Weapon) Gatling Gear The first step towards beating kleptomania is admitting that there's a
Saint-Croix Forest - Map 1 Twin Swords (Sora Weapon) Kidney Daggers I hope my contents were speedrun-worthy.
Grimsel Fortress - 1st Floor Food To Go (Sora Item) Spiral Grill Hey again. Wait. Where's that guy you were with before?
Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm There is no greater void than the one between your ears.
Key (Sora Item) ID Card[note 2] We'd tell you to have a barrel of fun, but come on. We don't call 'em
treasure BARRELS.
Grimsel Fortress - 2nd Floor Bowgun (Sora Weapon) Juggernaut I should move to a palace. That way I could be a...court chester.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder Back for more items? What am I, a shop?
Key (Sora Item) ID Card 2[note 2] After cleaning the inside, you decide to polish the outside as well.
Grimsel Fortress - 3rd Floor Accessory (Sora Item) Night Goggles This... This is not what it looks like!
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Your luscious locks of hair are NOTHING compared to my lovely locks of
Accessory (Sora Item) Moonglasses I'm gonna have to start charging at this rate.
Grimsel Fortress - 4th Floor Accessory (Sora Item) Silver Earring+ I thought we could be friends...
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 These chests only appear when levers are interacted with in a certain way.
  2. 2.0 2.1 These chests are required to complete The Fourth Plane.

Fifth Plane[]

Location Contents Message
Luminous Labyrinth - Map 1 Accessory (Sora Item) Feather Brooch+ [16/36] His passing brought great sorrow to all but one: his son, who was
acutely aware that no one could surpass his father's talent. More than he
despised carpentry, he despised the crushing weight of his father's name.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge II You're next.
Accessory (Sora Item) Lighter Someone used to keep his magazine stash in here.
Accessory (Sora Item) Mirage Ring Your secrets are safe with me.
Accessory (Sora Item) Long Barrel 3 I'll give ya 1,000 mira if you give back what ya took.
Luminous Labyrinth - Map 2 Sword (Sora Weapon) Ugetsu Zanshin You hear some funky music playing from within the chest, but you do not
see any instruments.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 Their was wants an air too a kingdom who aloud everyone a peace of
meet from a bore and up of whine; provided, of coarse, they found the
quay to his secret seller underground. Finding it was know mein feet.
Orbal Gun (Sora Weapon) Phantom S Cry into my chest.
Umbral Labyrinth - Map 1 Accessory (Sora Item) Crest Charm [6/36] 'Perhaps the second gift will be unwelcome, and should it come
to that, I would still dearly wish to be your friend. The days we've spent in
that shop are and will always remain precious no matter the answer.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 START A NEW GAME?
               EASY                  NORMAL
               HARD                 NIGHTMARE              OTHER NIGHTMARE
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm I know I don't have hands, but I want to hold yours...
Umbral Labyrinth - Map 2 Accessory (Sora Item) Lily Necklace+ (3/12) 'Oh, my! Sato! Is it really you?' Sato was Hideko's senior in college,
and belonged to the same club as her.
Accessory (Sora Item) Destiny Card Can you tell this treasure was outsourced?
Greatsword (Sora Weapon) Apeiron dlfkjdsl;gjdslfgjdflsjghld;sfmgldms'lgqjprewoutowrjyrjhlkfjgkbhrt;fihj'r;w
jqtgewyquterpluixmnbcvx,mzbdsfhb v/;dzsbh ;sd'ghoihjiszhdihasindlnas
Accessory (Sora Item) Moonglasses+ This treasure chest was supposed to have a witty saying, but we drew a
Boots (Sora Item) Strega-O Have you seen those chests from Erebonia? They're the strong, silent type.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Springed Egg *hack* *sputter* Sorry, I've got a bit of a chesty cough!
Luminous Labyrinth 2 - Map 2 Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm We are both empty.
Accessory (Sora Item) Amberl Bracelet You're the sister here. Does 'Thou shall not steal' ring any bells?
Templar Sword (Sora Weapon) Giardino [26/36] She sighed in a way that was half frustrated, half disappointed.
She never cared about money. Why would he try to win an argument with
it? She could only say quietly in her mind, 'My husband is an idiot.'
3000 mira Empty. Someone must have taken the chest phrase that used to be in here.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 (5/12) 'Certainly! Come on in.' Hideko would listen to anything Sato had
to say. But no one could know the horrible fate that awaited Hideko this day...

Sixth Plane[]

Location Contents Message
Erbe Scenic Route Mirage (Sora Quartz) Silver Gem Don't you have better things to do?
Fire (Sora Quartz) Ruby Gem Isn't this the part where you give me something in exchange? Y'know...
like a decent human being?
Water (Sora Quartz) Sapphire Gem I don't see your name on that item, so why are you taking it?
The Monochrome Schoolhouse 10000 mira [7/36] 'I ask you this: do you love me? I have the only key that locks the
chest. Should you return my love, I wish for us to meet once more in that
shop, and together, we will forever secure our love inside.
10000 mira Step right up, step right up! Grab your free item today! Not you, sir--
you've already got yours. Leave some for others.
10000 mira Think outside the box. Er, chest.
Earth (Sora Quartz) Mute 2 Your excuse for thievery is as wooden as I am.
Accessory (Sora Item) Tornado Fan We ran out of ideas for messages, so take this treasure instead.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule Victim's Memoirs: I ate my friend today. What else was I supposed to do?
I was starving. We both were. And there's no food here. So we decided,
together, that one of us should try to live just a little bit longer.
10000 mira Someone carved a smiley face at the bottom... It was you.
Armour (Sora Item) Gargan Armor I was filled with something once, but now there's nothing. All because of
Rapier (Sora Weapon) Sigrdrifa I have some ideas for you but I'm keeping 'em close to my chest, sorry.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Fish Skewers A spider looks at you angrily for disturbing its living room.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Tomato Fondue Did you know? Trails in the Sky's Japanese name is 'Sora no Kiseki,'
but the Japanese team has fully endorsed the English name to the point
where it's used on the cover of the Sora no Kiseki manga in Japan!
The Monochrome Schoolhouse - Old Schoolhouse Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule (11/12) Ding-dong!
The cheap chime of her door-bell echoed through the empty apartment.
'Who's there?'
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 The words 'Renne,' 'Rend,' and 'End' combine to make...what, exactly?
Be sure to keep this hint in mind.
Accessory (Sora Item) T-Anklet Did you know? Ein's name was originally translated as 'Anne' in the novel
Carnelia, but this name dropped the meaning to her name, which is 'One'
in German. That's why it's respectfully back to 'Ein' now.
Bowgun (Sora Weapon) Punisher [36/36] That was how Jubilee, who adored her grandfather and took
every chance to spend her days with him as a child, became the new
owner of a little carpentry shop on Bose. [Trails in the Chest, Pt. I, END?]
The Looking Glass - 1st Floor Sword (Sora Weapon) Mumei Jittetsu You take my stuff, I take your stuff!
Earth (Sora Quartz) Poison 2 Be thankful this chest doesn't have teeth.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Napalm Meat Merchant accidentally dropped me here. Please don't leave me alone!!
Food To Go (Sora Item) Cased-in-Jelly When I said, 'Give me some space,' this isn't exactly what I had in
Gauntlets (Sora Weapon) Gold Crests It is said that ignorance is bliss. Tell me, is that true?
Fire (Sora Quartz) Ingenuity Tempting. But the chest is too heavy to take with you.
Wind (Sora Quartz) Sleep 2 You briefly imagine what it would be like to be stuck in a box for
decades, only to be stolen by an adventuring treasure hunter.
Armour (Sora Item) Gargan Armor I rusted shut a long time ago! You must be really working out.
The Looking Glass - 2nd Floor Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule Thank you, but your treasure is in another chest.
Mirage (Sora Quartz) Mirage Gem Warning: Chest must be filled past this line in order to operate properly!
Wind (Sora Quartz) Wood Gem Hey, there's an echo in here! ...Echo in here... ...Echo in here... here...
Mirage (Sora Quartz) Confuse 2 The chest secretly admires you, but it'll never admit its feelings.
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm The bottom of this chest is a lovely mahogany.
The Looking Glass - 3rd Floor Water (Sora Quartz) Water Gem People say I lack substance...
Food To Go (Sora Item) Tasty Medicine You got something with your eyes? Because this is the second time
you're checking my contents.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm I'm locked with a combination that hasn't been used in over a century!
How did you unlock me?
Key (Sora Item) Tournament Invitation What do a shirtless guy and what you're looking at now have in common?
A bare chest.
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm Congratulations. By opening me, you missed out on the best weapon in
the game.
Orbal Cannon (Sora Weapon) Grand Slam Maybe the one who is actually empty is the person double checking
open chests all over the place!
The Impregnable Fortress Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule You've taken away my one purpose in life.
Accessory (Sora Item) Master Beads No, you can't return it. You don't even have the receipt!
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm There's some green hair inside. The chest prays to Aidios this sinful
priest gets his just desserts.
Key (Sora Item) B-01 Key[note 1] Monsters: Bloody Saber, Solid Dozer (x2), Attack Doberman (x2)
What if the world you live in is actually a gigantic chest?
Bo Staff (Sora Weapon) Force Flag Isn't it convenient that you always find weapons that someone in your
group specializes in? You're welcome, by the way.
Accessory (Sora Item) Super Gladiator Headband I'm telling my mommy on you!
Accessory (Sora Item) Super Gladiator Belt They say it's what's on the inside that counts. Now look what you've
The Impregnable Fortress - Command Center 1F Food To Go (Sora Item) Amazing & Sparkling You see a human skeleton that wasn't in there before.
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Excuse me! Could you scratch my back, please?
Time (Sora Quartz) Blind 2 You're causing terrible, terrible damage across this kingdom. How does
it feel?
Earth (Sora Quartz) Topaz Gem Thieving attempt failed! -20 Charisma
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III Kevin briefly considers taking the chest as a new weapon, but it's not
quite bow-y enough.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Fruity Temptation You realize that was in my stomach until just now, right? Yuck!
Key (Sora Item) C-01 Key[note 1] A small plate of windowglass lies on the bottom of the empty box. Alas,
another unexpected chest pane!
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder Nice job, Pandora.
Potion (Sora Item) Tearal Balm If I didn't want to be opened, I would have taken a job as a coffin.
Wind (Sora Quartz) Wind Gem Did you hear about the two bracers in high school? They went to Shining
Prom together.
Accessory (Sora Item) Long Barrel 3 ACERBIC TOMATOES ARE PEOPLE
The Impregnable Fortress - Command Center 2F Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III My vocal instructor told me I should use my chest voice more...
Key (Sora Item) C-02 Key[note 1] Fine. Take it! I don't even want it anymore!
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 I should have listened to my parents and become a cupboard instead.
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm This chest is empty, but it smells pleasantly minty.
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Y'know what song I have stuck in my head? Neither do I.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 This chest contains the meaning of life.
Accessory (Sora Item) Crest Charm+ This chest is covered with a thick layer of funky-smelling mildew.
But you're gonna wear the Crest Charm anyway, aren't you?
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet Now that I'm empty, have you considered depositing all your mira inside?
The Impregnable Fortress - Command Center 3F Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder If only I'd come with an explosive trap...
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm You find a torn note that says: 'chest No. 53 wuz here'
Time (Sora Quartz) Onyx Gem I hope you at least made sure to not leave fingerprints on the crime scene.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 Did you know, the average human body contains enough bones to make
an entire human skeleton?
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm There are mustard stains in this chest.
Water (Sora Quartz) Yin-Yang I have a cousin in Erebonia. He doesn't talk much.
Key (Sora Item) C-03 Key[note 1] Give me loot or give me death.
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Nope. Joshua isn't in here.
The Black Ark - Stern 1F Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm It's you! It's really you! I'm such a huge fan!! Will you sign my chest?!
Potion (Sora Item) Insulating Tape Look behind you.
Armour (Sora Item) Gargan Armor Hey! I stole this first!
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule Please do not disturb the sleeping mimics.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 Guess what my favorite tree is? Chestnut! Get it? Hahaha... I hate my life.
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet Were you the one who made me feel empty inside?
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm hash tag treasure chest life
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm A cascade of freshly-hatched spiders pours from the chest.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Crab Special Wood are you looking at?
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III There's a note: 'Beware the carnivorous bookshelf.'
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 This chest has cursed you with the insatiable urge to check all the other
empty chests.
Accessory (Sora Item) Gladiator Belt Why are you leaving me open? I'm starting to be cold!
Orbal Gun (Sora Weapon) Olibanum Ray No worries! I won't tell anyone about your theft. After all, chests do not
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet I get the feeling we've already met... Say, you got a twin by any chance?
The Black Ark - Stern 2F Accessory (Sora Item) Lebensborn If you're going to take all that out, the least you could do is take care of
the dust, too.
Wind (Sora Quartz) Emerald Gem Have you met my cousin, Chester? Last I heard, he was living a few
dungeons over.
Potion (Sora Item) Insulating Tape Kyaaa! You've seen the most secretive part of my body! It's so
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Gary was here
Ash is a loser
Space (Sora Quartz) Gold Gem Don't you know greed is one of the seven deadly sins?
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge II Making changes from the Japanese script? How treasureous!
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm When I was told I needed to lose weight, this was not what I had in mind.
Accessory (Sora Item) Lighter+ Anyone need a storage chest? I charge cheap.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm You think I could use an inner paint job?
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge II The eternal abyss mocks you.
Scythe (Sora Weapon) Bloody Slaughter Oh, why was I born a wooden container?!
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm There was a treasure here. It's gone now.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm Well, an empty chest is good for sitting and resting. Come, sit down.
Sit down and rest.
Accessory (Sora Item) Gladiator Headband I hope the next chest locks you up and throws away the key!
5000 mira This chest's interior was professionally decorated.
Fire (Sora Quartz) Seal 2 I'll see you in court!
The Black Ark - Forecastle 1F Space (Sora Quartz) Strike 2 If a treasure chest is opened in a forest and there's no adventurer there
to check it, is it still empty?
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm At least buy me dinner first!
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
Accessory (Sora Item) Emergency Puppet My brethren warned me of your arrival. You are 'The One Who Checks All
Chests Twice,' yes?
Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm By the way, where did you find the key to open me?
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 I have no vocal cords, and I must scream.
Mirage (Sora Quartz) Cloak There is one thing I wanna know at this time: is Oliversic being an idiot again?
5000 mira Mirror, mirror on the wall, where's my loot? Who took it all?
Accessory (Sora Item) Super Gladiator Belt Hey! Nice to see you again!
Space (Sora Quartz) Heaven's Eye I-I... I can't think of anything to say!
The Black Ark - Forecastle 2F Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 ...But the real treasure is KNOWLEDGE.
Water (Sora Quartz) Freeze 2 Inside the chest was absolutely nothing. Nothing after nothing came
bursting out.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×200 There's a picture of you looting this treasure chest inside. You decide
to leave it alone.
5000 mira The dust in this chest is centuries old. You feel a very historical sneeze
coming on.

Seventh Plane[]

Location Contents Message
Gehenna Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm The chest is empty.
Templar Sword (Sora Weapon) Tabernaculum The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III The chest is empty.
Armour (Sora Item) Cosmic Gear The chest is empty.
Accessory (Sora Item) Vajra The chest is empty.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Beastly Stew The chest is empty.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Wobbly Rainbow The chest is empty.
Food To Go (Sora Item) Blood Extract The chest is empty.
Accessory (Sora Item) Shine Sphere The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III The chest is empty.
Bowgun (Sora Weapon) Purgatorio The chest is empty.
Boots (Sora Item) Dragon Boots The chest is empty.
Accessory (Sora Item) Sapphirl Necklace The chest is empty.
Accessory (Sora Item) Grail Locket The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm The chest is empty.
Abyss - Set 1 Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm The chest is empty.
5000 mira The chest is empty.
Accessory (Sora Item) Tiger Heart The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm The chest is empty.
Abyss - Set 2 Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm The chest is empty.
Fire (Sora Quartz) Carnage The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III The chest is empty.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×500 The chest is empty.
Abyss - Set 3 Accessory (Sora Item) Quinty Ribbon The chest is empty.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×500 The chest is empty.
5000 mira The chest is empty.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule The chest is empty.
Abyss - Set 4 Food Sit Down (Sora Item) Master's Hotpot (recipe) The chest is empty.
Key (Sora Item) Tournament Invitation The chest is empty.
Accessory (Sora Item) Lebensborn+ The chest is empty.
Earth (Sora Sepith)Water (Sora Sepith)Fire (Sora Sepith)Wind (Sora Sepith)Time (Sora Sepith)Space (Sora Sepith)Mirage (Sora Sepith) All sepith ×1000 The chest is empty.

Moon Door 2[]

Location Contents Message
Grancel Sewers - East Block Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm I'm empty now, but when I was younger? Adventurers couldn't keep
their hands off me!
Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm So tell me, how effective was that expired medicine?
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder Awesome! Let's chest bump!
Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm So I heard you like chests... YOU PERVERT!
Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm Do you take joy in yanking out others' insides?
Grancel Sewers - West Block Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm If you want it that badly, you could've asked.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear Balm Sorry, but the legendary item drop is in another chest.

Star Door 6[]

Location Contents Message
Ancient Dragon's Dwelling Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm The treasure was you all along!
Accessory (Sora Item) Feather Brooch Someone scrawled a limerick on the inside of the chest...oh. OH. Okay.
Wow. That's not gonna pass a T-rating.
Accessory (Sora Item) Lighter All that's left at the bottom is the tiny glimmer of hope.
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Do you know the name of Estelle Bright? The thief without equal. In her
lifetime, she stole many treasures and left behind over a thousand chests.
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm The lock on the front of the chest is just painted on.
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm I have a somewhat unfavorable premonition about this.
Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm What makes the chests of Liberl so talkative, anyway? Most other
countries prefer strong, silent chests.
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm You've stolen my treasure...and my heart.
Potion (Sora Item) Teara Balm Excuse me. I got lost... Can you take me with you?
Potion (Sora Item) Reviving Balm Unfortunately, what you stole from me won't help relieve you of your
kleptomaniac issues.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder Thanks for lifting that guilt off of me.

Moon Door 5[]

Location Contents Message
Gull Seaside Way Nothing Much to Mary and Polly's dismay, this chest is empty as can be.

Castle Phantasmagoria[]

Location Contents Message
Right Gate - Map 1 Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III I hope you find your happy ending.
Variable (Armor)[note 2] The chest itsic than it was, like, a second ago.
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] If things seem too difficult and you feel like giving up, take a quick break
and then keep going. You've already made it this far, right?
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Go on. Get outta here!
Accessory (Sora Item) Grail Locket Maybe I should take a little journey of my own. What do you think?
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] Think I can get a stained glass window installed on me?
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet I hope you took away a lot of happy memories from this.
Accessory (Sora Item) Master Beads+ Thank you!
Right Gate - Map 2 Variable (Weapon)[note 3] You were so patient. Was it worth the wait?
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] No shame in reaching for seconds here! Afraid I'm all out, though.
Variable (Armor)[note 2] I wonder how many treasure chests have helped you out?
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm ...Could it be? A FRIEND?
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm <INSERT>
Variable (Armor)[note 2] Congratulations! You won our special prize: absolutely nothing.
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm This wasn't easy, but you persevered.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder My heart is full to bursting with so many wonderful thoughts right now.
Variable (Armor)[note 2] High five! Down low! ...Oh, no! I don't have hands!
Left Gate - Map 1 Variable (Armor)[note 2] *squeak*
Variable (Armor)[note 2] I see you've found the my heart. *kiss*
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm You'll always be my hero, you know?
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III Thank you for your patronage. Please come again!
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] You're near the end. I'm sure you're strong enough to overcome!
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] Nice to meet you! Let's be friends.
Variable (Armor)[note 2] Bye-bye. I'll miss you.
Accessory (Sora Item) Grail Locket There's a certain air of royalty about this chest. Maybe this is the chest
Left Gate - Map 2 Variable (Weapon)[note 3] I hope we can meet again someday.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder Keep your chin up. The only thing standing in your way is you.
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet Thanks for giving me purpose in life. Best of luck!
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm This has been quite a journey for you, hasn't it?
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III You deserve a win. I'll be right here and cheering you on every step of
the way.
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] The cute chest is empty...but still cute.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III Until next time, see ya.
Accessory (Sora Item) Tornado Fan+ I love you!
Variable (Armor)[note 2] No time like the present, right? Go get 'em!
Main Gate - Map 1 Variable (Armor)[note 2] Good luck!
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet Trails means the world to me. I'm happy I could share my world with you.
Thank you for giving this wonderful series a chance. -- 'B'
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder I'm normally not one for sappy goodbyes, but man... Who knew a chest
could shed tears?
Variable (Armor)[note 2] See you, space priestboy...
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Thanks for saying hello!
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] I used to be an evil chest aboard the Glorious. Thanks for inspiring me.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm The chest seems displeased.
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] Don't give up, okay?
Main Gate - Map 2 Variable (Armor)[note 2] These are the kinds of stories that turn into legends.
Variable (Armor)[note 2] Promise me we'll meet again!
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] Empty. Oops.
Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet The chest seems shy. You give it a modest pat-pat on the top of its lid,
then a quiet giggle in response.
Accessory (Sora Item) T-Anklet+ The chest glares as if it wants to say, 'You got any special reason for
taking that? It's okay. I'll wait.'
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] All the items here are pretty amazing, aren't they? Use them well.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III The chest presents to you an invitation to its birthday party.
Potion (Sora Item) Tear All Balm You're almost there! Keep going!
Giant Gate - Map 1 Variable (Armor)[note 2] You took the time to talk to me even when you're this busy? Heehee.
You're so sweet.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III I feel blessed to have gotten the chance to work on this series. I feel like
it was a lot of luck to get this chance. -- 'S'
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] I'll pray to Aidios for your success.
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm I'm rooting for you!
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm I hope that item helps!
Earth (Sora Quartz) Petrify 2 Long time no see! Is that a new haircut?
Giant Gate - Map 2 Variable (Weapon)[note 3] I've never seen so many heroes up close and personal before...
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Powder Go kick some butt!
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm Do you feel like you're a stronger person now?
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III I only wish I could give more, but you'll have to wait until New Game+.
Variable (Armor)[note 2] Your friends will always stand by you. When you're happy, they're happy.
And when you're hurt, they'll hurt, too. Try to share all your feelings with
your friends so you can be happy and cry together.
Accessory (Sora Item) Vajra+ I'm really proud of you for making it this far.
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] You're good to go!
Giant Gate - Map 3 Potion (Sora Item) S-Tablet Thanks for playing these games. My coding fingers are going numb!
Potion (Sora Item) Curia Balm The chest is appearssic honored that you have taken its contents.
Potion (Sora Item) EP Charge III Phew! Thanks. It was getting a little cluttered in here.
Potion (Sora Item) Zeram Capsule The chest isn't empty; it's full of hope.
Potion (Sora Item) Insulating Tape. Everything good?
Variable (Armor)[note 2] Keep dreaming of a wonderful future.
Potion (Sora Item) Celestial Balm You're doing it! You're doing it!
Accessory (Sora Item) Shine Sphere+ Nya-go.
Variable (Weapon)[note 3] Not much farther, now!
Variable (Armor)[note 2] Aww. I had an extra item in here, but you just missed it!
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 These chests are required to complete The Sixth Plane.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 These chests contain different armor depending on the members of the active party. In total, these contain Armour (Sora Item) Raphael's Halo ×3, Boots (Sora Item) Titan's Sandals ×3, Armour (Sora Item) Gabriel's Aura ×5 and Boots (Sora Item) Artemis Heels ×5
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 These chests contain different weapons depending on the members of the active party.
Party Member Kevin Ries Estelle Joshua Scherazard Olivier/Josette
Contents Bowgun (Sora Weapon) Cherished Bow Templar Sword (Sora Weapon) Agnus Dei Bo Staff (Sora Weapon) Amanomadra Twin Swords (Sora Weapon) Swallow Tails Whip (Sora Weapon) Gorgon's Terror Orbal Gun (Sora Weapon) Akashic R
Party Member Agate/Mueller Kloe/Julia Tita Zin Anelace/Richard Renne
Contents Greatsword (Sora Weapon) Apocrypha Rapier (Sora Weapon) Celeste Blue Orbal Cannon (Sora Weapon) Vritra-han Gauntlets (Sora Weapon) Acalanatha Sword (Sora Weapon) Hakuryuu Scythe (Sora Weapon) Crimson Scythe