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Mainz Mountain Path (マインツ山道) is a road connecting Crossbell City with Mainz Mining Village and Crossbell Cathedral.

Trails from Zero[]


The Special Support Section first travels through the path on their way to Mainz to survey the damage caused by monster attacks and protect the area after the Crossbell Guardian Force is moved away by their commander. However, before they can take the bus, Tio Plato detects a howl coming from the direction of the path, forcing them to investigate on foot.

On the way, they take a detour to the Rosenberg Studio, meeting Renne there, who arouses Lloyd's suspicion. After crossing the tunnel, they meet a white wolf, who communicates with Tio to ask the four to figure out the attackers before leaving. The path to the Moon Temple is not accessible yet.

After deducing Revache was behind the monster attacks, the SSS drives their war hounds away from Mainz, chasing them to their mafioso masters out in the path. The SSS ends up outnumbered by the hounds, but they're saved by the white wolf's pack, forcing the hounds to submit and allowing the SSS to arrest the Revache members.

Afterwards, the Moon Temple path is open, but the Temple itself is not accesible until ghosts are spotted, with Noel Seeker asking for the SSS's assistance investigating it.


Map 1

Map 2

Map 3

Map 4

Side Path


Map 5

Temple Path


Enemy Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4 Side Path Tunnel Map 5 Temple Path
Rock Rat
Humming Gator
Ale Slime
Earth Drome
Abyss Worm
Fall Eagle - 2
Pom W/ Abyss Worm
Shining Pom
Grand Mole - 2 Chapter 4 onwards Chapter 4 onwards Chapter 4 onwards Chapter 4 onwards
Fall Eagle - 1 Quest
Armored Hydra Chest 4
Mafioso - Machete Story
Mafioso - Pistol Story
Doven Kaiser Story
Mottled Killer
Mottled Murder
Killer Cricket
Feathered Mole Quest
Grand Mole - 1 Quest

Treasure Chests[]

Key Contents Chest Quote
1 Wind (Crossbell Quartz) Blind If you promise you'll never open
another chest again, I'll forgive you for this one.
2 Time (Crossbell Sepith)Space (Crossbell Sepith)Mirage (Crossbell Sepith) Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×50 You find a notebook with a gauntlet on it. You
decide to leave it in case the owner comes back.
3 Accessory (Crossbell Item) Luminous Glasses Heh. I'm giving you that for free 'cause I know
before long, you'll come crawlin' back for more.
4 Wind (Crossbell Quartz) Virgo Gem Monsters: Armored Hydra ×2
It is unbecoming for a law enforcer to be this greedy.
You lose 15 DP.
5 Potion (Crossbell Item) EP Charge Chest messaging rates may apply.
6 Potion (Crossbell Item) Teara Balm Inside the chest, you discover the secret city of Chestbell.
7 Earth (Crossbell Sepith)Water (Crossbell Sepith)Fire (Crossbell Sepith)Wind (Crossbell Sepith) Earth, Water, Fire, Wind sepith ×50 Inside the chest, you find a big goose egg.
8 Boots (Crossbell Item) Engineer Boots Monsters: Mottled Killer ×4, Mottled Murder ×2
You took everything from me... Everything!
Well, at least I still have my charming personality.
9 Potion (Crossbell Item) Reviving Balm Your investigation into the theft of this chest comes
up empty, much like the chest itself. You conveniently
ignore the fact that you are the thief.
A Armour (Crossbell Item) Bulletproof Jacket Help! I'm careening off of a cliff!
I think my S-Brakes were cut!
B Potion (Crossbell Item) Teara Balm I had hoped that Phantom Thief B would be the one to
loot me. I guess I'm not beautiful enough. *whimper*



Location Fish Bait
Fishing Spot - Mainz Mountain Path - Waterfall (Zero)
Mainz Mountain Path - Waterfall
Rainbow Trout Roe (50%), Deluxe Dumplings (50%)
Salmon Roe (50%), Deluxe Dumplings (25%)
Snow Crab Earthworm (100%)
Quote I'd be remiss to not fish at such a scenic spot.
Fishing Spot - Mainz Mountain Path Stream (Zero)
Mainz Mountain Path Stream
Rainbow Trout Roe (25%), Deluxe Dumplings (100%)
Raineater Roe (25%), Earthworm (33%)
Rockeater Roe (25%), Earthworm (33%)
Tiger Rockfish Roe (25%), Earthworm (33%)
Quote I almost feel bad reeling fish away from such a perfect view... Almost.

Trails to Azure[]


The reformed SSS is called to Mainz again to investigate strange phenomenons in the Old Mine outside of the village. They can take their new car there directly or take a detour to Rosenberg Studio to find a boy and a professor talking to Joerg Rosenberg.

After speaking with Mayor Bickson the SSS heads to the entrance of the mine, where Gantz is waiting for them. However, after entering the mine, the entrance collapses behind them. Cut off from the outside, the SSS heads deeper inside searching for an alternate exit while Gantz calls for help.

Olivert Reise Arnor - SD (Ao)
Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails to Azure may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

After the Red Constellation's sudden disappearance, they reappear on the Mainz path to attack a Crossbell Guardian Force unit, taking control of the area. While the Guardian Force holds the line waiting for a ransom demand, Randy Orlando decides to leave the SSS on his own and stop the Red Constellation with his old battle rifle, with the rest following his track through an auxiliary tunnel leading to the Old Mine.

They reach Randy as he's fighting against the jaegers, holding his own until Shirley Orlando clashes with him, damaging his rifle. The SSS intervene and force Shirley away, reuniting with Randy. He warns them that the jaegers holding Mainz hostage were only a small fraction, as they notice Crossbell City on the distance, under attack.

After Dieter Crois' declaration of independence and Lloyd's escape, he heads to Mainz to contact the resistance established there, but comes under attack of Gareth and Red Constellation attack monsters. After dealing with the monsters while under his sniper fire, Randy comes to his aid with Mireille, other CGF members and Zeit's wolf pack, driving the Red Constellation away and reuniting again.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!


Map 1

Map 2

Map 3

Map 4

Side Path


Map 5

Temple Path


Enemy Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4 Side Path Tunnel Map 5 Temple Path
Rock Rat
Humming Gator
Ale Slime
Earth Drome
Neon Abyss Worm Quest
Shining Pom
Abyss Worm
Fall Eagle
Pom W/ Abyss Worm & Fall Eagle
Red Constellation - Mach. Gun Story
Shirley Story
Blade Cougar Story
Jaeger Gareth Story
Blade Cougar Story
Grand Mole Finale Finale Finale Finale
Mottled Killer
Mottled Murder
Killer Cricket
Versalamander Quest
Hydra Plant - 3 Finale
Plant Arm - 3 Finale
Elon Ark - 2 Finale

Treasure Chests[]

Key Contents Chest Quote
1 Accessory (Crossbell Item) Luminous Glasses [7/61] When he kissed her after her 'I do,' her lips made
no effort to return it. He'd shielded the cold scene from
their blushing reception by cupping her cheeks in his
hands and tugging her tightened hair out of its bun.
2 Fire (Crossbell Quartz) Seal Any reference to that other big Falcom
series would be a great Yster Egg.
3 Earth (Crossbell Sepith)Water (Crossbell Sepith)Fire (Crossbell Sepith)Wind (Crossbell Sepith)Time (Crossbell Sepith)Space (Crossbell Sepith)Mirage (Crossbell Sepith) All sepith ×40 Did you know chests are natural-born boxers?
It's no surprise, really. We're always squared up.
4 Potion (Crossbell Item) EP Charge [8/61] It had certainly not been the wedding of his dreams.
Yet Cyril held deep sympathy for the woman, for from the
moment he met her father, he had seen that he loved his
daughter in the way the nobility loved fine jewelry.
5 Fire (Crossbell Quartz) Attack 2 Monsters: Humming Gator ×8
This chest has a content respawn rate of zero percent.
6 Boots (Crossbell Item) Country Gear [9/61] 'What do I do...?' he moaned yet again, this time
gently massaging the hoods of his eyes--which again
eased nothing. For he was aware: he stood in the way
of true love between Genevieve and Jubilee.
7 Accessory (Crossbell Item) Holy Chain [10/61] This was not the first letter Jubilee had sent,
but it was one that marked one year since their parting.
His staff had intercepted them all on her father's orders--
not that it pleased Cyril to know they were coming.
8 Time (Crossbell Quartz) Impede 1 Monsters: Mottled Murder ×8
You rummage around and see dozens of rejected chest messages
where 'azure' was used as a pun on 'assure.'
9 Earth (Crossbell Sepith)Water (Crossbell Sepith)Fire (Crossbell Sepith)Wind (Crossbell Sepith)Time (Crossbell Sepith)Space (Crossbell Sepith)Mirage (Crossbell Sepith) All sepith ×60 You know you're a Kiseki fan when you're watching sports
and you hear '...trails at the half' very differently.
10 Accessory (Crossbell Item) Protective Helmet That item's used. As in, it used to be
mine before you took it.
11 Key (Crossbell Item) U-Material [11/61] True love! Something out of fairy tales, yes, but
Cyril's heart always did pang with longing while reading
them. He was a romantic at heart, and now here he sat,
the key villain in one seemingly penned to life.
12 Potion (Crossbell Item) EP Charge Thank you, Pockle.
A Armour (Crossbell Item) Rune Robe [47/61] This perplexed Genevieve all the more.
'You've always kept your anger over this whole
arrangement in. You've been so cold...and now look
at you. I can't even ACT angry with you like this.'
B Fishing Rod (Crossbell Item) Bamboo Rod Use that rod to give the Imperial Fishing Club a taste of their
own medicine. They're so snobby, and they never allow my
Erebonian chest buddies to get a word in edgewise.



Location Fish Bait
Fishing Spot - Mainz Mountain Path - Waterfall (Ao)
Mainz Mountain Path - Waterfall
Snow Crab Earthworm (100%)
Rainbow Trout Roe (33%), Deluxe Dumplings (4%/8%)
Trout Roe (33%), Deluxe Dumplings (4%/8%)
Salmon Roe (33%), Deluxe Dumplings (4%/8%)
Gold Salmon Deluxe Dumplings (43%/77%), Rainbow Gem EX (20%/100%)
Emeraude [note 1] Deluxe Dumplings (43%), Rainbow Gem EX (80%)
Quote When it comes to excellent places to fish, the Mainz Mountain Path doesn't miss.
Fishing Spot - Mainz Mountain Path Stream (Ao)
Mainz Mountain Path Stream
Tiger Rockfish Roe (17%), Earthworm (33%)
Rockeater Roe (17%), Earthworm (33%)
Rainbow Trout Roe (17%), Deluxe Dumplings (33%)
Trout Roe (17%), Deluxe Dumplings (33%)
Raineater Roe (17%), Earthworm (33%)
Salmon Roe (17%), Deluxe Dumplings (33%)
Quote It looks like septium isn't the only treasure the Mainz Mountains are hiding.
  1. Only after defeating Narses the Crazy Wave in a fishing duel.