Marielle Aymé (マリエル·エーメ) is a reporter working for the Tyrell Times, introduced in Trails through Daybreak.
Marielle is a short young woman with light brown hair and bright green eyes. He long hair is gathered to the side and banded with a white scrunchie over her shoulder. Marielle wears a light blue buttoned shirt with auburn leggings and chequered shorts and dove grey boots. She also wears a khaki and brown coat. A lanyard can be seen hanging around her neck.
Marielle envisions herself as a journalists of justice, seeing it as her duty. When she sets her mind to something, she pursues it with extreme vigor and tenacity, even though it often lands her in precarious situations. She never loses heart, even when she faces setbacks.
Marielle is described as having an extreme amount of luck, sticking her neck into troublesome situations but coming out no worse for wear. She has a great intuition for when there is a story or potential for interesting situations to develop.
When Marielle was just starting out as a reporter, she recklessly laid into rumours about a shady politician. They caught on to her and threatened her in lots of different ways. Dingo Brad was investigating the same politician and handed over all his info to her and she published it all. The politicians assumed Marielle was withholding even bigger information and reached out with a deal. Since this case, she has been obsessed with Dingo and was shocked to hear he worked for a gossip magazine. She then made it her mission to rehabilitate Dingo as a proper journalist and became even more clingy.
Trails through Daybreak[]
Van Arkride first meets Marielle when leaving the Calvard National Police station in Edith. She asks him for information about a case so Van redirects her to head inside and question the officers in order to 'get the newbie reporter' to keep the police occupied. This leads to a circumstance where Marielle gets herself into danger, all in a bid to out do her 'rival', Dingo. Dingo asks for Van's help in retrieving her from the subways, where they find her ensnared by a viscous goopy monster pleading for help. After the battle, Marielle tries to regain her dignity but recognizes Van and blames him for getting her in trouble with the police and missing out on the resolution to the Giacomo Conte case.
Marielle is next seen in Langport gathering information for the culture page. After she finished gathering what she needed, she had a sense a case was building and used her paid holiday to extend her time in the city. She decides to stay around Van because interesting things always happen around him, but Van distracts her by pointing out Maxim Lugan is around and redirects her attention to investigating his activities. She later pesters them about the fog, but does provide an interesting piece of information about the presence of a ghost ship in the harbor. Heiyue eventually pressure her into leaving the city. Back in Edith, Van manipulates Dingo and Marielle into going into the movies together when she comes asking for information.
Marielle is next seen in Tharbad, having gained permission to come and cover the film festival, and also to chase after Dingo. She chases dingo all over the city, but eventually gets herself captured alongside Shaheena after trying to protect her. The pair are driven out into the desert. Van and the party rescue her and bring her back to safety. She is able to cover the rest of the film festival but is caught up in the riots caused by the orbal hookahs. She receives a great evaluation for her report and later even even wins a 1,000th customer prize on the same day.
Van runs into Marielle in the capital before his trip to Longlai. She had just been to the sauna with Dingo and then continued on to win several milk bottles in a random prize. It appears Dingo and Marielle are getting closer, and Van later meets with Dingo with Marielle very drunk and half-asleep. later after the events of Creil and Dingo's death, Marielle sought after Van and begged him for hope and information regarding Dingo, alerting him to the fact something had happened. Marielle becomes more withdrawn and desperate. She heads into the Blacklight district where she is cornered by men with a grudge. Bergard Zeman and the party come to her aid and help console her. She decides to act in Dingo's place and do everything she can to save people from the threat of Almata. She helps Agnès Claudel and Sherid Asval to evacuate the children of Oración during the threat.
After Oración, Marielle is proud to have exposed the truth and gotten closer to Dingo's level. Van comes looking for her to get assistance in searching for Dingo's black notebook. With her help, they locate it and van copies the notes from it, letting Marielle keep the original. Marielle is invited the party in the Montmart Bistro and decides to go for further drinks afterwards, with van finding her asleep mumbling about Dingo. On Revolution Day, Marielle is put in charge of interviews and is spending time with Nina Fenly, Judith Lanster, and Saara. She is caught up in Pandemonium when it envelops the city and takes shelter with Sarah and Nina in the hotel. She interviews the people who have been evacuated.
In the New Year, Marielle can be seen drinking in a bar with Van, Elaine, and René Kincaid nearby.