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All is one, and one is all...All begins with one, and in the end, it returns to one...
Only when you have released all of the other doors shall this one open...

After the Liber Ark's collapse, Campanella returns to the Glorious with a clear purpose...

Phantasmal Blaze (幻焔計画) is the fourteenth (but effectively final) Star Door in Trails in the Sky the 3rd.


The final memory door that can be accessed, including after the fifteenth, Star Door 14 can only be opened once all other doors' requirements have been completed and opened. It can be found in the Sanctuary of the Black Ark, where the warp to the Farewell Arena stood.


Fall of the Liber Ark[]

In the aftermath of the events of Trails in the Sky SC, Ouroboros' remaining forces watch as the floating city crumbles and falls from the sky. Bleublanc and Walter watch from the deck of the Glorious. Walter implores Bleublanc to break the silence, which he does as he states the beauty of what he is witnessing. He states Renne has fled the region and Luciola is missing.

Gilbert Stein has a moment of existential crisis as he wonders what he has gotten himself into. Campanella continues to the core of the ship, dismissing two of the enhanced jaegars as he enters the Sanctuary.he walks up to the organ and requests access to the Celestial Globe and space warps as he is granted entry.

The Celestial Globe[]

Campanella arrives in a large phase space with nebulae, stars and floating platforms. Seven pillars rise from below to greet him, each glowing with an orb that represents one of the societies' Anguis (the one marked III is inactive- denoting Georg Weissmann's death). Several of the Anguis comment on the Third's demise, bringing up the Salt Pale and the work of Kevin Graham, a dominion occupying the seta of Fifth Dominion- previously believed vacant. This sparks interest from the Second Anguis.

The conversation turns to Leonhardt as the Fourth berates the Second for setting her sights on a new guy so soon. She states she will never forget him, and the Fifth Angius brings up how he was the only one who could cross blades with the Seventh. The Sixth states that the loss of the Bladelord is a small loss in comparison with the departure of Renne and the Gordias Class Unit. The First cautions the Sixth about letting the enforcers have their free will and what may happen as a result of fixating on someone. The Sixth accepts this and states that as long as the Thirteen Factories are in his care, the Gordias series will be of unparalleled importance to him, and drops the issue.

It is then time for the Grandmaster's advent as a large pillar descends from above. She thanks Campanella for acting as her representative and he responds with saying that she is without saying, already aware of the events that have transpired. As part of his 'most important duty' he delivers Weissmann's staff unto the Grandmaster, transferring the Aureole. The Grandmaster takes a moment to mourn the loss of all the lives consumed by the plan, taking the responsibility onto herself. The other Anguis try to console her, but she states it was all within her foresight and she deemed it necessary for the world that Weissmann should direct the plan.

The Grandmaster states there will undoubtedly be a reaction to what has happened in time, but that they can leave that to the Church. She declares the Gospel Plan over and the Phantasmal Blaze Plan to start, as the second part of the Orpheus Final Plan. The Anguis pledge their support and the Grandmaster ends with the cryptic line "The bells in the west have rung and the first pact is no more."

The scene shifts back to the Sanctuary and Campanella who bemuses himself with the idea of the Phantasmal Blaze plan being both larger in scale and scope than the Gospel Plan. He then, in a moment of seemingly having Fourth Wall awareness, addresses the screen (mysterious stranger) to stop snooping and the cutscene ends.


  • The Voice Actors do not always match up with their incarnation in the 3rd EVO version of the game.

