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Bring to me the boy with eyes of amber and the princess with an indomitable will. Only then shall the door open...
The threat of the Aureole over, a feast is held at Grancel Castle, and Joshua takes the chance to thank everyone who helped him.

The Banquet (祝賀会の夜) is the third Star Door in Trails in the Sky the 3rd.


Star Door 3 can be found on the Grancel Castle Terrace. Joshua Bright and Klaudia von Auslese are required to open this door.


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Princess Klaudia holds a banquet in celebration of the efforts made in saving Liberl from the threat of the Liber Ark and Ouroboros. Dorothy Hyatt and Nial Burns hurry to report on it so that they will not be late, making it just as Klaudia's speech concludes.

Estelle muses that Joshua has calmed down in the recent days and rushes off to find something to eat. Joshua catches up with Nial and Dorothy before he notices Estelle and Josette have gotten into a fight near the buffet table. Joshua uses this time to wander around thanking everyone for their support. Free control of Joshua is given during this point.

After Joshua has spoken to everyone of note, There is a scene on the stairs with Dorothy and Nial. Princess Klaudia approaches Joshua and they go to the terrace edge where Klaudia confesses her attraction to him, despite acknowledging his bond with Estelle. Joshua states that he wants to go on a journey of his own, but can't think of a way to express his feelings to Estelle. Klaudia states he will find a way. Estelle then arrives, having taken Josette's Goggles as 'spoils of war'. Klaudia excuses herself while Joshua explains his thoughts to Estelle.


  • Josette does not wear goggles on her person in any subsequent artwork in later games, suggesting Estelle really did keep them as a trophy and never returned them.

