Minnith (ミンネス) is a notorious swindler claiming to be a merchant who is active across Western Zemuria.
Minnith appears to be a middle aged man with combed-back brown hair and matching eyes and wispy moustache. He wears an emerald-green suit with a golden hem, as well as a blue collared shirt complete with brown waistcoat and olive-green tie. He also wears a golden monocle over his right eye, with a little golden chain.
Whilst on the surface appearing just to be a shrewd and opportunistic businessman and merchant, Minnith hides an extremely conniving and sometimes sadistic side to his personality. He sees no shame in his efforts to oust ordinary people out of their homes and livelihoods if it results in the chance of gaining a profit. He is also not above unleashing military monsters on those he views as threats to his ambitions. The fact that he has been caught and is known for his deeds barely even hinders his future ambitions. When caught in a unfavourable situation, he does start to whimper and act cowardly, despite his sharp wit for conning and deceiving people. He claims it is 'nature' to 'turn everything into a profit' and has no qualms about taking down his foes with him. He is capable of assuming a charming and genial front, successfully fooling a number of residents of Armorica Village into believing his a good man and even ingratiating himself with the village's children.
Trails in the Sky FC, SC, and the 3rd[]
While Minnith is not mentioned by name, Don Capua tells the story of how the Capua Family became sky bandits in the first place after losing their ancestral lands to a conman. The Capuas had originally been planning to just sell their mansion (which would later become the branch campus dormitory in Leeves), but they inadvertently signed over the deeds to all their wealth and lands. This swindler was later revealed to have been Minnith.
Trails to Azure[]
The Special Support Section foil Minnith's attempts to seize control over Armorica Village after he almost gets Derrick to sign over the documents. Minnith was claiming to be an executive of a famous confectionery company, the Quincy Company, and intending to capitalise on Armorica's famous honey to convert Armorica's lush fields into factories for producing sweets using it, ousting the villagers to obtain their properties in the process as part of a subsidiary of his business - "The Armorica Honey Company".
The SSS confront Minnith with their suspicions, who states that his own personal dislike of sweets is no reason he cannot be a company executive. Lloyd, however, stymies him with information that they discovered a company brochure: that the Qucincy Company prides itself on having its executives personally taste all sweets developed by them. After they have thoroughly discredited him, he threatens them with several military monsters under his control and escapes. Later, Minnith relishes the thought that they won't be able to stop him from selling stolen Remiferian medical goods in Calvard. When his plot is detected by the SSS once again, he attempts to flee, but is hindered by the actions of the Stahlritter. He again releases his military monsters, but the SSS successfully defeat the monsters and apprehend him to the best of their ability, since he is partially protected by the law due to being an Calvardian citizen. It is suggested he has a link to the Red Constellation who had been active in Armorica's area and use similar types of creatures. Due to his failure at Armorica, he claims he is now a wanted man.
Trails into Reverie[]
Minnith is apparently active once again, returning to Crossbell, a place he deems as having 'unpleasant memories' in reference to his prior encounter with the SSS to conduct business with a fellow swindler - the sweet old lady brand counterfeiter from Calvard (who had also been apprehended by the SSS on a separate occasion in the past). With their business partnership, they are joyful at the prospect of an independent Crossbell being prime for their schemes. The two would con businesses into believing they were buying genuine renowned goods at a discount price, but they were actually cheap-knockoffs.
The plot was mostly successful until they began branching out into other high-end products, which included coffee supplies to a local café that both Alex Dudley and Machias Regnitz were frequenting. The two worked together to find the culprits, learning about them from some passerby and help from Pete, learned about Minnith and the counterfeit merchant from the files left behind from the SSS. Minnith and the swindler met by one of the Geofront entrances where they relished the prospect of continuing their business, only to be surprised by Alex and Machias. Despite having hired some muscle to protect them, they were all defeated. Minnith refused to go quietly and drew out an orbal pistol, managing to shoot Alex's pistol out of his hands. Alex charged at him, prompting Minnith to fire more shots, but all missed and he was met with a punch to the face and detained soon after to face trial in Crossbell's own legal system as foreigners. The disrupted shipments are then restored.