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Naje Berka[1] (ナージェ・ベルカ) is the secretary and bodyguard of Prince Sherid Asval. She was introduced in Trails through Daybreak.



Naje has smooth white hair, light-blue eyes, and tan skin. She wears a black open business suit with a dark-purple tie, white shirt underneath, black pants, gloves, and a belt with a gold buckle. She wears round, gold earrings with small green ornaments at the base.

Naje is armed with a gun shamshir.[JP 1]


Naje maintains a constant air of professional and attention to her duty. Although ultimately deferential to the whims of the prince, she is not afraid of calling out his antics or threatening to inform his sister. She is used to the prince's personality, regarding it as an honor and a privilege to serve such a unique individual.


As a member of the Principality Guard, Naje is regarded as one of the best swordfighters in Elsaim.[2]

Trails through Daybreak[]

Naje is first seen accompanying Sherid in his visit to Tharbad for the upcoming film festival. After threatening letters are delivered to many of the sponsors and high-profile participants of the festival, Sherid included, Naje conducts her own investigation of the matter but is unable to come up anything, and so the Prince consults with the Arkride Solutions Office who are doing the same. She helps to clear up some disruptive crowds gathered by.

Naje and Sherid arrive at the aloe plant just as Van Arkride and the party do. They challenge the party to test their strength but refrain from going too far when Fie Claussell intervenes. After Naje acknowledges their strength for discovering Vegas Films' role in the recent events, the groups cooperate more often. Naje accompanies the women to the baths, stating that the men should be much more harsh upon Sherid when he acts up. Naje and Sherid attempt to fight off Almata when they accost the guests at the Al-Jumeirah Hotel, but they are overwhelmed and force fed the drug that forces them to follow Dantès' will. They fight the party, with Naje forced to merge with Verethragna, a fairy-tale creature and servant of Arusha through the power of the Genesis. She is beaten and transforms back and recovered quickly after the ordeal.

Naje accompanies the prince when he enlists the Solutions Office for a job in Basel. When Sherid sneaks off from his entourage, Naje allows it because Van was with him, stating this to be the minimum requirement for his safety.

She is not seen again until the finale, where the Revolution Day celebrations in Edith are approaching and she wanders the Blacklight District with the prince. She, Rixia Mao, and Shizuna Rem Misurugi knock out some lecherous men with the prince interested to see the girls fight each other afterwards. On Revolution Day itself, Naje is separated from the prince, having been convinced by him to take a break and leaving it to other capable guards whilst she spends time with Kaela MacMillan and Esmeray Archette. During this time, the city is enveloped by Pandemonium and Naje heads off to look for the prince. She, Sherid, and Fan Lu come to the party's aid in the Seiden District. She and the prince join the group as guest members and help to save Judith Lanster and Maxim Lugan. She will help destroy the demon pillars so that Van can breach Genesis Tower.


Trails through Daybreak[]

Trails through Daybreak II[]


  • One of Naje's crafts is called 'Verethragna' - an allusion to the creature she transformed to in Tharbad.
  • She turns into Verethragna again in Trails through Daybreak II without the Genesis.



  1. 1.0 1.1 湾曲銃刀(ガンシャムシール)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Trails through Daybreak, Character Data File, p.120-121.
  2. Trails through Daybreak, Chapter 3: "Pleasure in Delirium", 10/05.