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Nike Marceau (ニケ.マルソ), also known as the Goddess of Victory, is a Calvardian actress and also a character in Gambler Jack II.



Nike is described as a woman in her late twenties with delicate youthful features yet the allure of a much more mature woman. She has wavy platinum blonde hair. She wears a glamorous red dress open at the front and Halle Coleman believes she has a level of seductiveness that Hal herself cannot achieve.


The Nike portrayed in the novel is very capable of feigning aspects of her personality and hiding her true intentions. She is not cautious about using trickery or unusual methods to obtain her objectives.


Nike is initially portrayed as a well known actress. In the novel, she is also revealed to be an agent of the Rocksmith Agency. She has a romantic history with Jack Trevor from when they both working in the criminal underworld. However, when Jack had his climatic battle with King, he lost his passion and Nike subsequently left him.

She has the title, 'Goddess of Victory' from her unusual success rate and from her reputation as someone who lets others close by succeed in all endeavours.

Gambler Jack II[]

Nike approaches Jack after he and Hal watch a romantic film, which Nike happens to star in. Leonard, a gambler and politician is accompanying her and he invites Jack to a race. jack subconsciously holds back from winning when he sees Nike at the finish line, as he didn't want to embarrass Leonard in front of his girlfriend.

Hal is later visited by Nike who takes her hostage. She wants the 'Joker' a memory quartz contained in Hal's pendant that contains information on Calvard's criminal underworld. Jack is forced to bet on races to beat Leonard and get Hal back safely, which he eventually does. Leonard refuses to accept this but Nike reveals her true identity as an agent of the Rocksmith agency and arrests him. Later Nike visits Hal and Jack again in more casual attire and they give her the Joker as it is not worth so much trouble. Jack speculates this is what she wanted all along.

Trails through Daybreak[]

Nike Marceau is revealed to be the name of a real actress working in Calvard. She does not appear in person, but she is well known as the actress of Sober Curious, a film where the protagonist has dissociative personalities. An image of her playing the role can be found on promotional material for the film.

Van Arkride can see Sober Curious at a late night showing where he will meet another character. The topic of Nike's acting skill will come up in these conversations. Dingo Brad will mention hearing a lot about her from Jack Trevor. Elaine Auclair will sympathize with her, René Kincaid will express a fascination with a woman so shrouded in secrets and as having an interest in the film even before its release. Van had heard rumours and it is suggested he has made a link between Nike and an unknown person who was 'an old friend of his' possibly referring to Jack.
