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The North Ambria State (ノーザンブリア自治州(じちしゅう)), formerly known as the Principality of North Ambria (ノーザンブリア大公国(たいこうこく)), is a state located in north Zemuria.

It is known as the least developed country in Zemuria. The combination of cold and proverty make the state virtually inhospitable. For the sake of surviving, many of its citizens have moved abroad.

Like Leman and Ored, Arteria diplomatically recognises North Ambria as a Zemurian state.


Pillar of Salt

North Ambrian Disaster

Also see Pillar of Salt

The North Ambrian Disaster is a large-scale incident that lay ruin to the Principality of North Ambria and affected the economies of the western half of Zemuria.

In S.1178, an unknown object referred to as the Pillar of Salt suddenly appeared in the capital City of Haliask and turned everything in the vicinity of the capital into salt. Its ruler, archduke Balmond, fled the country and admist the destruction and chaos, the government was overthrown.

In the following year, a parliament was elected and North Ambria was acknowledged as a state by the Septian Church. Prior to the incident, however, North Ambria had already been suffering under a financial crisis and the harsh conditions of its cold climate. Conditions hardly improved after the incident; to make a living, many citizens have joined the Northern Jaegers jaeger corps, which thrived on foreign funds.


The primary source of income of North Ambria is through its jaeger corps. Furthermore, it exports consumables products such as wine and tea to more prosperous nations such as Jurai City State, Erebonia and Liberl.


Noteworthy characters born in North Ambria include:
