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Key Visual 2 (Kuro)

First Genesis (Blue)

The Oct-Geneses (オクト・ゲネシス) are eight prototype orbments developed by Professor C. Epstein that play a central role in the Calvard arc.


At the start of the Orbal Revolution, the devices were used to demonstrate the operation and practical application of the orbal phenomenon. Epstein sought to enrich people's lives by means of orbal technology, and was looking for a way for Zemuria to 'co-exist' with the world. He describes an orbment as a 'device that allows one to meddle with the world' and "We will continue to make many mistakes as we continue to develop technology, but someday they will light the path toward uncovering the nature of this world". Latoya Hamilton was involved in the development of the devices, and it is possible that Epstein's other two disciples were also involved. Latoya possessed the skills to produce minimum functional replicas, which she produced repeatedly since Epstein's death and then spread them throughout Calvard in early July S.1209.

Fundamentally, the Geneses are prototype observation devices made to 'observe the world'. Quatre Salision wonders what kind of world Epstein was trying to observe. The data collected by the genesis led to the development of concepts such as orbal arts and the basic theory of converting orbal energy into an anti-gravity field for use in orbal airships.

At some point the eight orbments became lost, and were thought to have been destroyed by those who were aware of their existence. Epstein kept notes on the Genesis which would later be inherited by his great granddaughter (via adoption). In these notes, he states the Geneses are attracted to one another. He also specifies that the orbments are destined to come into the possession of their true owner and that they must be gathered together before S.120X to avert a great calamity.

A certain trigger is needed for the Genesis to activate. When Quatre speculates on how they operate, he mentions that is is less that they magically develop new technology, and more that they serve as a basis to improve the conditions and environment for it. In other words, they help facilitate an unusual environment for technology to exist. He cannot think of any worthwhile way to analyze one, speculating that it must be sealed with artifact-esque level protections. He muses that Almata didn't quite understand them either, seeing them as one-use items, a thought he also gets from them. He notes the Genesis is used as a trigger for the inexplicable phenomena.

Trails through Daybreak[]

Approximately 40 years before the events of Trails through Daybreak, a Genesis came into the hands of the head of Heiyue, the Tyrant. With the Genesis, he ruthlessly ruled over Langport without emotion. At the same time, an ominous fog spread over Langport and demons rose from the septium veins.

At an unspecified point, Almata came into the possession of most of the Genesis units, which they use to cause a number of inexplicable events all over Calvard. Gerard Dantès explains the ultimate aim was to bring about Pandemonium in and of itself and create a world of fear, although how they knew about and used Geneses is yet to be made clear.

Around S.1208, Agnès Claudel inherits the notes of her great grandfather C. Epstein which states that the world will end unless all the Geneses are recovered by S.120X. Agnes then hires Spriggan Van Arkride to help her recover them. They soon discover the first and it awakens van's holo core, Mare, who seems to have gained sentience. She allows Van to don the high-density shard armor, Grendel. Over the course of the game, seven of the Geneses are recovered.

Vagrants Diaspora mentions that the Geneses had some means of shackling him, but does not elaborate.

Trails through Daybreak II[]

In S.1209, the eighth and final Genesis becomes active, allowing a mysterious figure to become Grendel Zolga and slaughter people in Edith.

Further backstory regarding Almata and the Geneses is revealed, including the fact that the eighth was in their possession. Unlike the other seven, the eighth is the most special and is comprised of four pieces. The four pieces are hunted down by Van Arkride and the Solutions Office across Edith, Langport, Messeldam, and Nemeth Island.

Gardenmaster assembles the pieces and steals all but one of the Geneses from Agnes. They are then used to induce 'Corrosion' events in various individuals, causing them to act in destructive ways after being given an appropriate trigger, usually some traumatic event. The Geneses share the ability to create virtual environments in which enemies are fought, as well as summon various creatures fought by the party in the past. During these events, various deaths and traumatic events experienced by van and the party are undone as time appears to leap to an earlier point, but allowing them to retain some memories of what will transpire, and therefore avoid it. The first Genesis flashes at each of these moments. As Van and the group confront each of the corrosion events, they keep possession of the Genesis they have recovered, even after a time leap.

After three days, The group confront Gardenmaster and retrieve the final Genesis, however all the lights are out. Their concept had been displaced for use in the Octo-Radium - a phase space where multiple parallel dimensions overlap. After breaching the Octo-Radium, the group confront C who reveals himself as Dingo Brad, a copy of the original created when Creil Village was annihilated, by means of a connection between the seventh Genesis and the eighth. The eighth Genesis is said to record Humanity's 'Sin'. The Geneses as a whole can observe various phenomena and can reject unwanted observations, returning the holder to a previous point in time. The lights are restored after Grendel Zolga's defeat.

List of Geneses[]

The Geneses are capable of demonstrating a wide variety of extreme phenomena and technical feats which should be impossible with contemporary Zemurian technology. Some Geneses are stated to have had a specific purpose, such as the second and eighth.

First Genesis[]

Octo-Genesis (Cyan) concept art (Kuro)

The first Genesis recovered by Agnès with the help of Van. Seemingly granted self-awareness and free will to the holo core AI Mare, something noted by Van to be impossible, as the technology to support sellf-aware AI didn't exist. Mare is capable of 'lending her power' the ability to perform the high speed calculations needed to render the high-density Shard materialization of Grendel. This Genesis also flashes when in proximity to other events, usually linked to other Geneses.

Through Agnès Claudel's relationship, it later exhibits time leap ability to rewind reality for another possibility.

Second Genesis[]

Octo-Genesis (Red) concept art (Kuro)

This Genesis was used near the stone circle near Creil. Epstein's notes say this Genesis was used to develop recovery arts such as Tear.

After Almata slaughtered Aida and her squad, they were resurrected into pseudo-Immortals that did not need to feed, yet sought to consume the life of others. Van notes the ability to manipulate life force seems to be a reverse engineered version of its functionality for recovery arts, and that the transformation of Aida was the trigger. This Genesis allowed Aida and her corps to fuse into one being, Ghoul Aida.

Third Genesis[]

Octo-Genesis (Magenta) concept art (Kuro)

Belonged to the Tyrant approximately 40 years ago. Gien Lu cooperated with Almata to allow it to trigger the memories of desired Heiyue successor Aaron Wei, the reincarnation of the Tyrant, in the Heilong Cheng Zhai, where it was sealed away. In the past, the Tyrant had hold of this Genesis and dark fog enveloped Langport, allowing fiends to appear.

After catching it, the memories and emotions of the previous Tyrant flooded into Aaron, transforming him into the Tyrant. The memories from his current and past life were completely mixed together. It was mentioned all the people he would kill would turn into ghouls under his control.

Fourth Genesis[]

Octo-Genesis (Yellow) concept art (Kuro)

Van and the party find this Genesis attached to the Voracious Tree Monster: Hydra Nubia, which had grown to a huge size from absorbing sunlight and the oasis water. It is retrieved by Ishtanti before they have the chance to capture it.

Through some means, Almata used a recycled mask from the Black Workshop to take control over Shaheena's actions, causing her to dance and consequently make everyone who had used the orbal hookahs stir up into a frenzy. It was later used to force Naje Berka to fuse with Verethragna, a holy being from another plane.

Fifth Genesis[]

Octo-Genesis (Green) concept art (Kuro)

By means of using the Aurora supercomputer and its prototype, this Genesis converted the personality, memories, and feelings of Professor David Callaghan into an AI-based existence with a code far more complex than anything currently existing, used to calculate the conditions for a nuclear weapon. The result is a singularity compared to Elysium, and the Genesis is identified the factor not present in Crossbell when this occurred last time. Callaghan was able to remotely pilot an Assault Frame but was unable to sustain his existence after losing his fight with Van.

Sixth Genesis[]

Octo-Genesis (White) concept art (Kuro)

This Genesis, referred to as a 'relic' by Gerard Dantès, is used as part of a management system for the Carnival, Almata's death game. The Genesis monitors all participant and will trigger the reactor weapon Gerard prepared if an infraction is detected. It can also determine whether a penalty is required, and oblige this penalty to be carried out. It is able to access all of the participants' Xipha devices to facilitate communication, as well as manage the access keys and pathways through Oración's waterways. The device's judgment is absolute and cannot be deceived.

Seventh Genesis[]

Octo-Genesis (Black) concept art (Kuro)

Melchior induces Pandemonium and envelops Edith by use of this Genesis. He states he is summoning the 'great evil' and Gerard notes that this was the primary purpose of their plan. Pandemonium involves a stoppage of time for almost everyone that does not know Van personally, the presence of demons and fiends, and the resurrection/retrieval of the Almata members, including their lost weaponry and artifacts. The 7th Principle Observation Engine Applied For Phenomena Conversion, Genesis Tower, is manifested to perform the calculations that sustain Pandemonium. It also deploys a barrier, which can only be breached by exceeding the Genesis's processing power.

When confronting Gerard, it is revealed the diabolic core stolen from Van and present with Gerard was the factor responsible for bringing about Pandemonium via the Genesis.

Eighth Genesis[]

Eighth Genesis Fragmented - Concept Art (Kuro II)
Eighth Genesis - Concept Art (Kuro II)

Most special of the Geneses as stated by Mare. Contains partial abilities of the previous Genesis units, which allowed the shard simulation of its observer representative Grendel Zolga, the conversion of a certain existence into a holo core AI named Altera, and the induction of multiple incidents in S.1209. This Genesis is made up of four pieces, three which fit around a core unit: while not at full power, a singular piece of the Eighth unit is able to cause various phenomenons, like summoning the Demi Grendel or strengthening the user's power. The Eighth Genesis observes humanity greed's <Original SiN>.

After his death, Dingo Brad's soul was stored in the Eighth Genesis core through the Orbment Network.



  • The OST associated with the Geneses is named 'A Vessel for Observing the World'.
  • A Genesis with a spinning clock hand motif is used on the loading screens for Trails through Daybreak II.
  • The time leap effect used in Trails through Daybreak II is very similar to the event that occurs at the end of Trails into Reverie when Lapis Rosenberg receives a vision of Rufus Albarea's demise. She gains a premonition insight after the events seemingly take place, resetting back in time. These moments in-game use the same sound effect used and subsequent links of Lapis/Elysium indicate the Geneses as a suggestion. However, Lapis admitted before that the vision was 'a final prediction from Elysium'.
  • The Oct-Geneses initiated three Armored Demons between S.1208.09.12 and S.1209.07.12: the Darkness-Clad Armored Demon (黎を纏い魔装鬼) of the first Genesis, Crimson-Dark Armored Demon (紅黎き魔装鬼) of the eighth Genesis, and finally the Dawn-Bring White Armored Demon (夜明けを齎す白き魔装鬼) of all Oct-Geneses.