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Quatre Salision (カトル・サリシオン) is a young researcher enrolled in the Master's program at Basel Institute of Science. He was introduced in Trails through Daybreak.



Quatre is a young man with effeminate features, medium-length silver hair and violet eyes. He wears a gray and black outfit consisting of a long coat over a black shirt with turquoise accents and a white tie. He also wears white shorts, thigh high black boots and a headset appearing device around his ears. Quatre uses an orbal pistol and is accompanied by two orbal drones, FIO and XEROS.


Quatre's neatly trimmed silver hair and effeminate face emit an atmosphere that makes him easy to approach. While he tends to dress as a girl, he is annoyed whenever people mistake him for such, though he makes no attempts to change his attire. Quatre can be flustered when speaking to attractive girls of his own age. He usually keeps to himself but diligently completes any tasks assigned to him. He is naturally curious about scientific phenomena and maintains a strong degree of loyalty for Latoya Hamilton who acted as his guardian, along with her other disciples.


Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails through Daybreak II may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

In Trails through Daybreak, Quatre is revealed to have been a victim of the D∴G cult. The details of what he suffered and his past are not made clear until Ellroy Harwood's schemes on Nemeth Island during Trails through Daybreak II.

Therein, it is revealed that Quatre's parents were both members of the cult. They wanted to produce a perfect, angel-like human which God could descend into; to this end, they needed to artificially reproduce a legendary characteristic of angels, being agender. In pursuit of this end, they conceived Quatre, genetically modified him via drugs when he was in utero to make him agender (he is described as both male and female), medicating and brainwashing him after he was born to erode his sense of self and belonging, with the intention of excising his personality and leaving his body an empty vessel. Their efforts ultimately failed to come to fruition thanks to the D∴G Cult Extermination, after which Quatre was adopted by Latoya Hamilton.

Quatre shares his name with one of the other victims of the cult, whose personality was absorbed by fellow victim Renne Bright during her own time in Paradise on the island. However, Renne explicitly denies that the two Quatres are the same, making this a seeming coincidence.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!

Quatre was taken in by Latoya Hamilton and was looked after by her and her disciples, members of the Basel Institute of Science, the Craftsmen's Street and people at the Verne Company. In particular, he bonded with Hamilton's assistants Esmeray Archette and Yang Cronkite, both of whom he regards as sibling figures, Esmeray in particular. He came to view them all as family. Quatre is regarded as the Professor's favorite disciple. His major is researching and developing Orbal Drones that use the new Xipha and holo cores for the basis of their artificial intelligence. He also helps out in the physical and bio-engineering labs, and has a strong attachment to the observatory, which is the symbol of the university and his link to Hamilton following her departure from Basel. Quatre was left in charge of her home and the observatory.

Quatre is acquainted with other academics related to the three disciples, having met Albert and Erika Russell, and read George Nome's research papers.

Trails through Daybreak[]

Quatre spends most of his time in the Basel Institute's observatory, completing his assignments and wondering when the professor will return. Concerned individuals such as Giscard ask about his well-being, but Quatre is taken into the employ of Bill Tausend who is desperately trying to reduce his workload and sees Quatre as the most pliable of Hamilton's disciples.

Tausend and Quatre meet with Van Arkride and the solutions office when they arrive in Basel to investigate the peculiarities in the city, as requested by Prince Sherid Asval, their client. Tausend provides the bare minimum assistance he is obligated to, but Quatre is much more amicable and exchanges contact information. He is curious about the nature of Van's holo core. They reach a misunderstanding when Van mistakes him as a girl due to his effeminate appearance, enraging Quatre. He later greets the students from Aramis Academy, granting them access cards and talking with Renne about their contacts and affiliations. He accompanies them through the city.

When the solutions office tries to increase their access, they decide to call Quatre, who urgently hangs up in the middle of an unknown task. They hastily make their way to the mines and rescue him from a variation of Abyss Worm, earning the cooperation of him and Giscard. Quatre had been investigating the abnormalities in the orbal lamp network. He then accompanies the party and acts a a guide around the city as they investigate the abuse case and network abnormalities. At the Institute they talk with professor David Callaghan. Quatre is surprised at the latter's shift in personality and liability to lash out, having known a different side to him previously. Having noticed some irregularities with Callaghan, they decide to investigate him, coming across Kaela MacMillan in the process who is also investigating the oddities in the orbal network. They become especially concerned after receiving an ominous call from Callaghan involving a plea for help and the flash of the Oct-Geneses.

The following day, Quatre is brought into the fold regarding the Genesis and formally joins the party. They speak with Yang Cronkite‏‎ and Quatre starts examining the Genesis. They head to the Auge Canyon in search of Callaghan, encountering a Cryptid before reaching a natural sciences field work site where they find Callaghan's research and his dead body. They soon realize they may have been a distraction as they hear word that Basel is under attack from Archaisms and rush back. They make their way to the Institute and confront Melchior and Olympia. Quatre tries to rush in to save the Aurora supercomputer but is saved by Risette Twinings who takes the blast.

They finally resolve the incident with Callaghan, Almata, and the Genesis when they track down the prototype Aurora and put a stop to Callaghan's plan to develop a nuclear weapon. He had uploaded himself to the terminal to complete the calculations by abandoning his human limits and become an AI. After the Genesis which facilitated this is removed from the Assault Frame he was using, he is doomed to be deleted and gives his condolences. In his last moments, he repents and gives over all his research in a effort to do some good. A returning Hamilton and many others pay their respects, including Quatre.

Quatre later appears at the Solutions Office back in Edith, having accompanied Risette to make sure things are alright following her medical treatment. He recognizes incidents involving technology are becoming widespread across the continent and after being urged to be Hamilton, joins the spriggans as a tech consultant.

Quatre would accompany the party through their request in Oración and during their time in Longlai. During the events in Edith, Quatre is absorbed by a demon sphere and forced to relive traumatic experiences from his childhood. Whilst in the Genesis Tower facing Gerard Dantès, Quatre is confirmed as being a survivor of the D∴G cult. He afterwards joins the efforts to retrieve Van from the Endless Expanse.

Quatre intends to return to Basel to complete a course over the New Year, but then plans on coming back to assist Van at the Solutions Office, much to his chagrin.

Trails through Daybreak II[]

Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
Please be aware spoilers for Trails through Daybreak II may be present in the following section. Hit [Show] on the right if the show must go on. Adios, amigos!

During the team's visit to Nemeth Island, should the player not weaken the spiritual connection to The Beyond, an unknown entity will possess him, resulting in him unleashing a barrage of light projectiles on the island, killing everyone in the process. Due to the use of the Oct-Geneses, this version of the events doesn't come to pass.

If the player weakens the connection to the Beyond, Quatre will still be possessed by the unknown entity, but the attack will fail to activate. Van and the rest of the team manage to bring him back to his senses after a brief fight, after which he apologizes for nearly killing them and not telling them about his past.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!



Trails through Daybreak

Name Description Location
Lux Shooter
DMG+162 - ADMG+36
A pulse gun tuned by Quatre himself.
Default weapon of Quatre
Lux Shooter+
DMG+185 - ADMG+41
A pulse gun tuned by Quatre himself.
Chapter 4: Weapon Upgrades
(Upgraded Lux Shooter)
Howling Gale
DMG+210 - ADMG+46
A gun that shoots beams of light, which cut through the air.
Intermission: Weapons and Armor Shops
Howling Gale+
DMG+235 - ADMG+52
A gun that shoots beams of light, which cut through the air.
Intermission: Weapon Upgrades
(Upgraded Howling Gale)
White Gunner
DMG+261 - ADMG+57
A gun that dazzles its target with blinding light.
Chapter 5: Weapons and Armor Shops
White Gunner+
DMG+286 - ADMG+63
A gun that dazzles its target with blinding light.
Chapter 5: Weapon Upgrades
(Upgraded White Gunner)
Umber Bolt
DMG+312 - ADMG+68
A gun that fires amber bullets of high-density energy.
Finale: Weapons and Armor Shops
Umber Bolt+
DMG+337 - ADMG+73
A gun that fires amber bullets of high-density energy.
Finale: Weapon Upgrades
(Upgraded Umber Bolt)
Paradigm Lore
DMG+384 - ADMG+84
Onyx Steel gun that fires radiant rainbow light shots.
Onyx Steel weapon

Trails through Daybreak II

Name Description Location
Gamma Shooter
DMG+52 - ADMG+29
A pulse gun that Quatre personally modified.
Default weapon of Quatre
Cobalt Ray
DMG+61 - ADMG+33
A pulse gun that shoots elegant beams of blue light.
Purchase (2022)
Cobalt Ray+
DMG+72 - ADMG+40
A pulse gun that shoots elegant beams of blue light.
Upgraded Cobalt Ray
DMG+80 - ADMG+38
A pulse gun with a design founded on cutting-edge theories.
Purchase (2590)
DMG+95 - ADMG+44
A pulse gun with a design founded on cutting-edge theories.
Upgraded Discovery
Sphere Bolt
DMG+117 - ADMG+55
A pulse gun capable of firing high-density bolts of light.
Purchase (3680)
Sphere Bolt+
DMG+129 - ADMG+61
A pulse gun capable of firing high-density bolts of light.
Upgraded Sphere Bolt
Libra Shot
DMG+141 - ADMG+66
A pulse gun that dazzles its target with starlight.
Purchase (4420)
Libra Shot+
DMG+161 - ADMG+76
A pulse gun that dazzles its target with starlight.
Upgraded Libra Shot
Epsilon Core
DMG+180 - ADMG+85
A pulse gun that tunes its output to its wielder's thoughts.
Purchase (5630)
Epsilon Core+
DMG+203 - ADMG+96
A pulse gun that tunes its output to its wielder's thoughts.
Upgraded Epsilon Core
DMG+228 - ADMG+106
A pulse gun that amplifies orbal power to produce vivid light.
Purchase (7140)
DMG+253 - ADMG+118
A pulse gun that amplifies orbal power to produce vivid light.
Upgraded Arcturus
DMG+279 - ADMG+130
An Onyx Steel pulse gun that measures and captures light itself.
Onyx Steel weapon
DMG+305 - ADMG+142
An Onyx Steel pulse gun that measures and captures light itself.
Upgraded Stargazer
Stargazer EX
DMG+332 - ADMG+155
An Onyx Steel pulse gun that measures and captures light itself.
Upgraded Stargazer+

Kai no Kiseki: Farewell, O Zemuria

Name Description Location
Radical Shooter
DMG+40 - ADMG+44
Default weapon of Quatre
Radical Shooter+
DMG+60 - ADMG+56
Mirage Bolt
DMG+80 - ADMG+68
Mirage Bolt+
DMG+100 - ADMG+80
DMG+140 - ADMG+108
DMG+165 - ADMG+124
Lightning Core
DMG+190 - ADMG+140
Lightning Core+
DMG+215 - ADMG+156
Variable Unit
DMG+240 - ADMG+172
Variable Unit+
DMG+260 - ADMG+194
Photon Shooter
DMG+285 - ADMG+212
Photon Shooter+
DMG+310 - ADMG+230
Stella Device
DMG+335 - ADMG+248
Stella Device+
DMG+360 - ADMG+266
Lux Blaster
DMG+390 - ADMG+284
Lux Blaster+
DMG+415 - ADMG+306
Gleaming Gun Supernova
DMG+445 - ADMG+325
Gleaming Gun Supernova+
DMG+475 - ADMG+345


Trails through Daybreak

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Optical Cannon
Initial 50 CP 125 AT 140% E Set line (2 width)
Magic - Freeze, Side Attack Bonus
Disables FIO's limiters and fires an ultra-low temperature beam.
Freeze S (40% chance, 2t)
+50% damage from side
Satellite Cure
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Circle around user (6 radius)
Support - HP Heal (M), CP Boost
Orders FIO to emit a ray that heals allies.
30% Max HP healed
30 CP restored
Procyon Fang
Chapter 4 (10/24) 70 CP 135 AT 210% E Circle around target (8 range, 2.5 radius)
Physical - DMG/ADMG Down
Orders XEROS to tear foes asunder.
DMG/ADMG-20% (3t)
Laplace Code
Level 44 60 CP 80 AT Set circle (5 range, 3 radius)
Support - Shield, DMG/ADMG Up
Expands FIO's systems, creating a protective shield.
Shield (4000 HP)
DMG/ADMG+10% (3t)
Digamma Driver
Chapter 4 (10/25) 100 CP 150 AT 280% E Set line (6 width)
Magic - Freeze
While riding XEROS pierce foes with a FIO-made lance of light.
Freeze S (100% chance, 2t)

Trails through Daybreak II

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Optical Cannon
Initial 50 CP 125 AT 130% E Line (S)
Magic - Freeze, Side Attack Bonus
Disables FIO's limiters and fires an ultra-low temperature beam.
Procyon Fang
Initial 70 CP 135 AT 170% E Targeted Circle (M)
Physical - DMG/ADMG Down
Orders XEROS to tear through foes with his steel fangs.
Satellite Cure
Initial 40 CP 120 AT Self-Targeted Circle (L)
Support - HP Heal, CP Boost
Orders FIO to emit a ray that heals allies.
Laplace Code
Initial 60 CP 80 AT Set Circle (M)
Support - Shield, DMG/ADMG Up
Expands FIO's systems, creating a protective shield.
Procyon Fang Δ
Level 20 70 CP 135 AT 210% E Targeted Circle (M)
Physical - DMG/ADMG Down, Impede
Orders XEROS to tear foes asunder, thereby impeding them.
Optical Cannon II
Level 34 50 CP 125 AT 150% E Area - Line (S)
Laplace Code II
Level 48 60 CP 80 AT Area - Circle (M+)
Exousia Ray
Act 3 - A Route (3/20) 70 CP 135 AT 230% 10×E² Area - Circle (S)
Digamma Driver
Initial 100 CP 150 AT 270% E Line
Magic - Freeze
While riding XEROS, pierce foes with a FIO-made lance of light.

Kai no Kiseki: Farewell, O Zemuria

Name Acquire Cost Delay Power Hits Targets/Effect
Optical Cannon
Initial 40 CP Area - Line (M)
Satellite Cure
Initial 50 CP Support - Self Circle (L)
Laplace Code
Initial 60 CP Support - Circle (L)
Exousia Ray
Initial 70 CP Area - Circle (L)
Sirius Impact
Level 13 70 CP Area - Circle (M)
Moebius Code
Level 23 60 CP Support - Circle (L)
Dynamis Driver
Initial 100 CP Area - Line (LL)


Trails through Daybreak[]

Trails through Daybreak II[]

Kai no Kiseki: Farewell, O Zemuria[]


  • Quatre is French for 'four'.
  • The logo on his robotic dog is the Verne Company logo, referencing his connections with the company.