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Millium Orion - SD Model (Sen III)
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This page is about the building. For the organization, see Revache.

Revache & Co. is Revache's main headquarters, situated in the Back Alley of Crossbell City.

Trails from Zero[]


The Special Support Section first enters Revache & Co. to speak with Garcia Rossi, the "sales manager" of Revache, about the threat letter Ilya Platiere received, signed from someone named Yin. Garcia denies any knowledge of the letter and provides no further information, but Lloyd observed that he appeared to recognize the name Yin.

The SSS approach Revache & Co. again after the raid on Heiyue following their investigation into the Moon Temple. Garcia stops them before entering, noticeably more tired, and Grace Lynn contacts the SSS afterwards to trade information on their movements.

The next day, after finding blue pills on Gantz after his incident with Lechter Arundel and taking them to Doctor Joachim Guenter for analysis, they find out that Gantz, the entirety of Revache and several other people have gone missing. They find Detective Alex Dudley in Revache's headquarters, and together they investigate the building for clues on their whereabouts. After fighting exotic monsters and Ouroboros archaisms, they reach Marconi's office, where they find records on their dealings with Gnosis to everyone missing, in addition to Guy Bannings' damaged police badge, taken from the scene of his murder.


Main Building

Warehouse 1F

Warehouse 2F

Warehouse 3F

Armory 3F

Armory 2F

Armory 1F

Armory B1F


Don's Office




Don's Office[]

Treasure Chests[]

Key Contents Chest Quote
1 Potion (Crossbell Item) Teara Balm Hey! You're stickin' your Gnosis in places they don't belong.
2 Potion (Crossbell Item) EP Charge II New from Revache: Marconi and cheese!
3 Time (Crossbell Sepith)Space (Crossbell Sepith)Mirage (Crossbell Sepith) Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×200 In Crossbell...first you get the sepith,
then you get the mira,
then you get the women.
4 Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) Confuse Monsters: Killer Hammerhead ×4
Presenting an all-new menu item: the Special Support Set!
Comes with Pork Tenderlloyds, Elie Mac'N'cheese,
and Randy's Roasted Brocc-Orlando, all on a Tio Plate!
And for dessert? Get over a slice of Bluebarrier Pie!
5 Space (Crossbell Quartz) Hit 3 Annie's not okay. She wants you to
Arrest the Smooth Criminal.
6 Time (Crossbell Quartz) Impede 3 You find a small pile of chest messages that were
deemed unsuitable for a commercial release.
7 Time (Crossbell Sepith)Space (Crossbell Sepith)Mirage (Crossbell Sepith) Time, Space, Mirage sepith ×200 Do you have a warrant, officer?
8 Potion (Crossbell Item) Teara Balm Revache stole that item from someone.
Please return it to its original owner.
9 Key (Crossbell Item) Divine Cloth Just when I thought I was out...they loot me again.
10 Potion (Crossbell Item) Curia Balm Hey! No Lloydering.
11 Accessory (Crossbell Item) Proxy Puppet In the chest is a Get Out of Jail Free card!
You place the chest under arrest.
The charge: facilitating a jailbreak.
12 Armour (Crossbell Item) Full Metal Coat Monsters: Tri-Attacker R, Tri-Attacker C, Tri-Attacker S, Beep Seeker
You murderer! Those monsters were lawful
tenants who paid rent!
13 Boots (Crossbell Item) Dual Guarders Upon searching the chest a second time, you discover
the hoops that had to be jumped through in order to
implement these messages.
14 Potion (Crossbell Item) Celestial Balm Which idiot named it 'insomnia' and
not 'resisting a rest'?
A Potion (Crossbell Item) Tearal Balm The last thing I want to do is hurt you...
but it's still on the list.
B Key (Crossbell Item) T-Material A treasure chest walked into a bar.
Obviously it was a mimic and immediately slaughtered.
Poor thing didn't even get a drink...
C Mirage (Crossbell Quartz) EP 3 So ya finally figured out how
to get to me, did ya?

