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Rosalie is the lead weapons developer at Zecht Arms.



Rosalie is a young woman with thick wavy brown hair and violet eyes. She wears hexagonal half-framed glasses and a bright pink headband. Rosalie wears a loosely-buttoned pink shirt with a bright red neck tie, a black pencil skirt and tights with a loose brown belt and a white labcoat with the Zecht Arms insignia on the sleeve.


Rosalie is passionate about her work and is very confident in her abilities. She can easily become overconfident and grows very timid and disheartened when her ambitions inevitably fail, although she is just as likely to throw a tantrum. Rosalie is opportunistic and not afraid of taking advantage of 'immoral' tactics. She is also a very vengeful person, seeking to avenge former perceived slights against her person.


Rosalie is the lead developer of Zekt-Arms. Her exact involvement with the actions of the Organization before Trails through Daybreak II is uncertain but as head of the group, she has likely sanctioned many of their projects and activities.

Trails through Daybreak II[]

Van Arkride and his party travel to Messeldam in search of 'Almata's Legacy' the fragment of the last Oct-Genesis. They discover Zecht Arms has taken over the premises of Almata's former headquarters in the city. After an infiltration, Rosalie confronts them at the end with a security force and several archaisms. They are defeated but Rosalie unveils a toxin based weapon that will kill the intruders. This fails and Rosalie becomes very upset when all of her research is wiped out.

Rosalie is one of the many parties invited to Nemeth Island. She travels there with a Zecht Arms security force and is eager to apprehend Ellroy Harwood and seize the initiative. This fails and she suddenly develops a nosebleed and collapses along with the rest of everyone present due to Ellroy triggering his hidden chemical weapon. This eventually is rejected as a chain of events and instead Rosalie teams up with Heiyue, now led by Cao Lee. They ambush the party in the caves and Rosalie seeks revenge for Messeldam. This fails and Rosalie retreats her forces after her defeat and the arrival of reinforcements from the Bracer Guild.

In the Erosion of Cody MacMillan, Zecht Arms forces launch a surprise attack on the Solutions office in tandem with Scorpion of Zahat, taking the place of the Marduk Company and Warriors of Kruga from the previous iteration of events. Unlike the Scorpion of Zahat, Zecht Arms are not influenced by the erosion and are simply being opportunistic and seeking both revenge and a chance to seize further power in Calvard. This fails and Rosalie and Zecht Arms are defeated once again.


Trails through Daybreak II[]
