Ryan Connery (リャン) is a politician active in Calvard.
Ryan is a middle aged man with brown hair. He wears a suit and white shirt.
Ryan has strong political beliefs, and is willing to go head to head against strong and popular politicians in order to defend his views. He is willing to take actions such as taking on his wife's surname in the hopes of advancing his political career.
Ryan, after their marriage to Diana, decided to take on his wife's noble last name to gain an advantage in Crossbell's complex political sphere. Despite his best efforts, he could not get the support of his father-in-law Henry MacDowell during his political campaigning. Disillusioned by what he believed to be a hopeless situation for Crossbell, he requested a divorce and moved back to Calvard, leaving his daughter, Elie MacDowell behind. Henry was unable to stop him from doing this.
Ryan has a military background.
Trails into Reverie[]
Henry MacDowell communicates with Ryan, noting that he had decided to run for local office in the upcoming Calvardian elections. Henry expresses that he would like to see Ryan do well. Ryan does his best to calm the situation down in the Republic when Retributive Tower threatens continental safety.
Trails through Daybreak[]
Ryan is briefly mentioned in a conversation between Heiyue elder Gien Lu, former Calvard president Samuel Rocksmith, and Republican Party leader Senator Polanski during Finale: "For you, Upon Your Return" in the lobby of Hotel Leclerc. Rocksmith remarks he'd like to someday introduce Ryan to Gien someday soon, remarking that he is a promising new member of the Republican Party.
Trails through Daybreak II[]
Ryan is met for the first time, debating president Roy Gramheart who is the leader of the opposition party. He is caught up in the events of a coup when Cody MacMillan suffers under an Erosion.