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The Sanktheim Gate (セントハイム門) is a border gate that serves as the Royal Army's guarded checkpoint between the regions Zeiss and Grancel in Liberl. The gate is part of the Ahnenburg Wall and connects the Royal Avenue in Grancel to the Ritter Roadway in Zeiss.

The Sanktheim Gate is situated 221 selge northeast of the City of Zeiss and 228 selge south of the City of Grancel.


Sanktheim Gate

Trails in the Sky FC[]


After Estelle and Joshua rescue Professor Russell and find out about Colonel Richard's plot, they try to travel to Grancel to pass his message to Queen Alicia. However the Intelligence Division has already been put on alert which makes air travel not an option. When the two try to cross the gate to Grancel, Professor Alba helps by pretending to have hired them as bracer escort in order for them to pass without problems.



Mess Hall[]

Sanktheim Gate - Mess Hall
Items Sold
Food Sit Down (Sora Item) Pot O' Meat Heals 5000HP/Cures K.O. for all 700 mira
Food To Go (Sora Item) Rotini Pasta Heals 600HP/Cures confuse 350 mira
Food To Go (Sora Item) Vegetable Sandwich Heals 150HP 150 mira
Sepith Trade
Earth (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira Water (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira Fire (Sora Sepith) = 16 mira Wind (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira
Time (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira Space (Sora Sepith) = 16 mira Mirage (Sora Sepith) = 16 mira

Rest Stop[]

Sanktheim Gate - Rest Stop
Rest 40 mira per party member
Sepith Trade
Earth (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira Water (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira Fire (Sora Sepith) = 16 mira Wind (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira
Time (Sora Sepith) = 14 mira Space (Sora Sepith) = 16 mira Mirage (Sora Sepith) = 16 mira

Trails in the Sky SC[]


During Estelle's investigation into the earthquakes suddenly affecting Zeiss, Sanktheim Gate is struck by one. The damages are significant since the earthquakes are becoming more violent each time, and together with the Central Factory engineers, Estelle and Tita set up devices to find the source of the earthquakes.



Mess Hall[]

Sanktheim Gate - Mess Hall
Items Sold
Food Sit Down (Sora Item) Macho Meat Stew HP1800 + CP35 for all 1200 mira
Food To Go (Sora Item) Passion Omelet HP2200/Cures blind 200 mira
Sepith Trade
Earth (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Water (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Fire (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Wind (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira
Time (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Space (Sora Sepith) = 66 mira Mirage (Sora Sepith) = 44 mira

Rest Stop[]

Sanktheim Gate - Rest Stop
Rest 50 mira per party member
Sepith Trade
Earth (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Water (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Fire (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Wind (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira
Time (Sora Sepith) = 22 mira Space (Sora Sepith) = 66 mira Mirage (Sora Sepith) = 44 mira






"Sanktheim" can be translated from German as "Sacred Home" or "Abode of the Saint".

