Sherid Asval (シェリド·アスヴァール) is the prince of Elsaim, a country that borders Calvard in East Zemuria. He debuts in Trails through Daybreak. He is often accompanied by his bodyguard, Naje Berka.
Sherid has light-tan skin with cyan eyes, wavy dark-brown hair, and a white turban with a red gem in the center. He wears a long white robe with gold rims, along with diamond patterns on the sleeves. He wears a gold necklace aligned with circular segments, and his robe is tied with a blue gem at the center.
The weight of Sherid's responsibilities as heir to the throne of Elsaim weigh heavily upon his heart. He has a carefree personality that longs to taste the freedoms experienced by others. He looks at the nature and achievements of Olivert Reise Arnor with both admiration and a inkling of envy, feeling frustration at the restraints he has to work with. Noblisse Oblige is one of the principles he follows, believing those with power should help those without.
Prince Sherid is the firstborn son of Salman Asval, the Grand Prince of the Principality of Elsaim and the heir. He is proficient in the gemstone arts of the Asval family. His younger sister doesn't approve of his antics, with threats to inform her of the prince's actions highly effective, and after once viewing the complete R17 version of Golden Blood, Sherid was met with icy looks.
Sherid takes an active role in his country's investment into technology and orbal film industry. He is a shareholder in the Verne Company and director of the Basel Institute of Science.
Trails through Daybreak[]
Sherid travels to Tharbad to sponsor the first ever Tharbad Film festival alongside Salvatore Gotti and Vegas Films. He, along with several other high-profile figures involved in the festival, receives a threatening letter about cancelling it and he decides tom investigate alongside his bodyguard and secretary Naje. After initially finding nothing, they seek out and introduce themselves to Van Arkride and the Arkride Solutions Office, having heard of their reputation. Sherid hears that Saara received a threatening letter in a short time after she was scouted and recommended to the director by Sherid. After dispelling some rowdy crowds, Sherid also hires Van to investigate the letters, expecting great things from them.
Having the same intelligence that Van and his party received, both groups arrive at an aloe plant affected by the septium veins in the desert. Sherid claims to have been searching for a month and is surprised that the others caught up so quickly. He claims that whilst his country is not on good terms with MTSC and Risette Twinings by extension, it is Van that he cannot trust fully, citing shady activity and suspicions of working with Almata, challenging him to a fight to test his strength. Afterwards, Sherid claims to have seen enough, when Fie Claussell arrives to break up the fight. He leaves the matter to the police and bracers but cooperates with van once again.
Despite the ongoing threat, Sherid is adamant that the film festival should continue. He cites his fatigue at having to work around his restraints and, taking inspiration from Olivert, is determined to see things through. He asks the party to provide additional security at the festival. On the day, he gives the introductory speech and later announces the awards. He invites Van and company to the baths during the day. After inviting the nominees to the Al-Jumeirah hotel for drinks, the festival is threatened by Almata who use the Genesis to stir up the crowds and take the guests captive in the tower. Sherid and Naje are force fed the drug and forced to fight Van and the party. Sherid's mana is drained to fuel Naje's transformation into Verethragna but both make a full recovery after being defeated.
Sherid handsomely rewards Van and company for their efforts and then hires them to investigate peculiarities in Basel, a city Elsaim are major stakeholders in. Sherid had bought van new car parts and was meeting the president in Edith when he gave this request. He details a secret project he is collaborating on with the president as well as Elsaim's relationship with rival and ally state Valis. Later, Sherid travels to Basel personally to demand answers from Bill Tausend, where he sees MTSC are heavily active in the city. Not happy to see his family's funds being misused, he bids Van and company do everything they can to crush Almata.
Sharid is one of the many who sponsor Van and company's trip to Longlai. He is active behind the scenes in Oración, lending his airship, the Haurvatat, to Agnes so that the children of the city can escape the threat of the reactor weapon.
Sherid travels to Edith to celebrate Revolution Day. He is invited to the party held in the Montmart Bistro and also enjoys seeing the sights around the city, including the Blacklight District where he states an interest in seeing Naje fight Shizuna Rem Misurugi. During his time there, he sneaks off from Naje's bodyguards and does some sightseeing with Van, despite Naje having known all along and permitted it due to Van's presence. He lends the Haurvatat for sightseeing cruises around the city. Sherid also insists Naje have some time off for herself. He is caught up in Pandemonium and helps Van and the party rescue Judith Lanster and Maxim Lugan. He also comes to their aid in destroying the demon pillars, paving the way for them to reach Genesis Tower.