Chapter 11 - Left Only to Scream
Agnès could tell that Edwin was making a clumsy attempt to tail someone through the graveyard. His lackluster performance was actually beginning to irritate her.
'Geez. He's gonna get caught if he keeps this up,' Agnès mumbled. That being said, she couldn't see who Ed was pursuing from her place in the shadows. Eventually, the chase concluded--rather uneventfully--at the top of the hill.
'Something's up...' Agnès thought. By then, Ed had come out of hiding and was facing an unknown figure.
'Sorry. She gave me the slip again...''Well, these things happen.'
'Damn it. I thought for sure tonight would be the night! Still, Mr. Montaigne, was that little girl really created by a magician?'
'Without a doubt. Inside that human-looking shell is a malevolent power--an evil spirit. You've done your research, so I know you're aware that she's been present at each and every accident,' the man said as he waved his right hand in front of Ed. 'She steals lives with a single diagonal strike through the heart,' he continued, tracing a line across his chest. 'Evil spirits create disturbances, and only magicians can perceive their presence.'
'Is that so...?' Edwin sighed.
'Seems you don't fully believe me yet. In that case, let me tell you something else you may find interesting.'
The man leaned over to whisper into Edwin's ear, but in the calm of that moonlit graveyard, it felt as if he was speaking directly to Agnès.
'If you kill a magician, you can steal their powers.'
Agnès reeled, overcome with vertigo, rustling the weeds at her feet. She cursed at herself under her breath.'Killing a magician...? How could I be so blind?! The estate manager, Hux Montaigne... I've completely fallen into his trap!' she scolded herself.
'What the...?! Agnès?! Why are you here? Do you realize what time it is?'
Edwin was so dense that she wondered if she might be able to use it to her advantage. She stood, focused not on Edwin, but Hux Montaigne instead.
'So I've been your target this whole time, huh?'
'I wasn't aware you were such a young lady, though.'
'All those horrible much death...just to get to me?!'
'You make it sound so frivolous, when in fact, this is the only way for an imitation like me to gain more power.'
'Ed! Run! Get out of here!'
Agnès dashed straight at Montaigne. 'I've got to close the distance and get him away from Ed!' she thought. Suddenly, Kagemaru, who had left Agnès' arms to run alongside her, turned around midway and meowed out in warning.
'Ah...'An invisible force swept Agnès' legs out from under her, like she'd been flipped from behind. She somersaulted to the ground, a sharp pain coursing through her. Blood was gushing from her thigh. Something had pierced through it. A child's laugh echoed behind her as a red ribbon fluttered in the wind.
'You're the little girl who was at the cafe today... Tizze?!'
'My papa's work is finishing up well. You told me so yourself.'
Tizze's porcelain skin undulated in the moonlight, as if something was squirming beneath the surface. 'My daughter is quite well made, isn't she?' boasted Hux.
Agnès screamed with all her might, 'Ed! Get away from him!'A stunned Edwin then shook himself back to his senses, finally beginning to process the events transpiring before his very eyes.
'So all along, this evil spirit we've been chasing the past week was really just this...thing you call your daughter?! Montaigne... it was you all along. You're the magician!' he shouted.
'This man is a fake,' thought Agnès. 'He's just using the powers he stole from a real magician...from Weber Hart!'
'Run, Ed, please!' she yelled. 'Get out of here!'
Montaigne deftly raised his right hand, as if he were commanding the attention of a rapt audience.
'My dear Edwin, I must thank you for bringing me the girl. However, this is the end of our partnership. Now, you shall become a part of my power.'Hux motioned toward the boy with his white fingers, and a crisp snap rang in Edwin's ears.
Just like that, Edwin's eyes rolled back, and his body fell to the cold ground below.
第11回 もう叫ぶしかない
エドウィンは誰かを尾行しているようだった。そのへたくそな素振りにアニエスは何度も腹を立てた。もう、そんなのじゃ見つかっちゃうわよ! でも尾行している相手の姿はアニエスの位置からは見えず、結局そのまま、何事もなく丘の上まで来てしまった。
「くそっ、今夜こそと思ったのに……! ……でもモンテニューさん、あの女の子は本当に『魔法使い』に作られたものなんですか?」
「間違いないね。あれは人間の皮に邪悪な力を封じ込めて作った『悪霊』だよ」君も調べて分かったろう? 事故があった現場には必ずあの少女がいたことをね。男はエドの前で右手を振りながら言った。きっと命を刈り取るんだ。こう斜めにスパッと、心臓のあたりをね。
「君はまだ信じきれないようだな。まあいいが…… フフ、それではもう一つ良いことを教えようか」男はエドウィンの耳元でささやいた。それは月光の中で、なぜだかアニエスの耳にもはっきりと聞こえた。
がさり、と手元で雑草が大きな音を立てた。しまったと心の中で叫びつつ、アニエスは襲ってきた激しい眩暈を抑えるのに必死だった。……魔法使いを殺す ?そういうことだったのか。財産管理人ハクス・モンテニュー、この男の罠に、自分はまんまと掛かってしまったんだ!
「って、アニエス……? 何でこんなトコにいんだ!いま何時だと思ってるんだ!?」……エドウィンは鈍い。とことん鈍くて、本当に助かる。意を決して立ち上がったアニエスはエドを無視してその男、モンテニューに鋭い目を向けた。
あっ…… 足元を見えない力で蹴り飛ばされたような感覚があってアニエスはもんどりを打って倒れた。激痛を感じて押さえると、太股から血が噴き出している。……何かが貫通したんだ…… そのとき背後から幼い笑い声が聞こえてきた。可愛らしい赤いリボンがフワフワ揺れている。あなたは……昼間店に来た少女、ティセ!?『パパのお仕事、うまくいくのかな?パパのお仕事、うまくいくのかな?』ティセの白い肌がぐにゃぐにゃと波打って、皮膚の下で何かがうごめいた。「それは私の娘だよ。……よく出来ているだろう?」
アニエスは渾身の力を込めて叫んだ。エド、その人から離れてッ!! 困惑してばかりだったエドウィンも、事ここに至ってようやく状況を飲み込んだ。……「私の娘」だって? あれはこの1週間、一緒に追ってきた『悪霊』じゃないか!!
「モンテニュー…… お前が魔法使いだったんだなっ!!」アニエスは思った。違う、この人は本物の魔法使いなんかじゃない。ただ奪った力を操っているだけ……――魔法使いはウェーバーハルト氏の方だったんだ!
――パチン。 エドウィンは白目をむいて崩れ落ちた。
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⇐ Chapter 10: Path of the High Priestess | Chapter 12: Eclipse Atop the Hill ⇒ |